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Get Out of Debt
It is said that a pet tiger cub can become dangerous if it tastes blood. It will stop at killing no one, not even the people who brought it up. Similarly, once we get the taste of money and the freedom of purchasing through credit, we seem to know no bounds. What do we land up with? Heaps and heaps of debt. Most of us feel rich at the beginning of the month and end up feeling like worms at the end of it. To relieve us of this feeling, credit cards have made their entrance with full gusto. And we have been literally swept off our feet. We can afford to be rich even on the last day of the month. We can buy whatever we want for the kids, for the house and for ourselves, credit cards showing us the green signal all along. Little do we think of the unpaid bills ready to storm us anytime the following month. OK. Now, its paytime folks! Have you seen the first Harry Potter movie? The scene in which sealed letters for Harry, from Hogwarts, begin to pour into the house from all openings and outlets? Unpaid credit card bills begin to pour into our lives just like that. Lightning strikes on a bright sunny day and darkens our lives big-time. There are two clear roads for you to take. One, mortgage everything you have, sell all valuables, take your children out of school, sell your car - in one word, commit suicide. The other way is to think wisely (at least this time) and look for ways to get out of debt. One of the first things people think of doing is file bankruptcy. This is again one of the biggest mistakes anyone can make. For a debt of $7000, you will end up ruining your credit score forever. And the social and psychological pressure of bankruptcy is not a matter of joke. Meanwhile, creditor calls are causing you sleepless nights. What's the best way out? Consolidate all your debts. Contact a local but well-known debt consolidation firm and take their advice and help. Debt consolidation programs condense multiple debts into one and reduce your debts. They contact your creditors and make them stop calling you. Then they make you pay one low payment every month and eliminate debts much faster than you would have done on your own. Debt consolidation programs not only eliminate debts but they also draw up a budget for you. If you follow this budget, you can become debt-free in months and never ever incur debts again. Of course, in keeping with the saying, prevention is better than cure, you should try and not get into debts in the first place. True, easier said than done, but it is not wholly impossible. Make a list with two columns. One has details of your income and the other, your expenses. Do away with anything you want, but don't really need. You want to go for a trip abroad, but you need a new dishwasher. Go for the dishwasher. Whatever you are left with after paying all your bills, try keeping your money in the bank. If possible, open a savings account. This is a good way of paying your self instead of paying creditors. Careful and wise thinking not only saves you a lot of trouble, but it also keeps you out of debt. If required, keep your credit cards out of reach. When you go out shopping, make a list beforehand and calculate the amount you need to spend. Carry cash, if it is very difficult to resist temptations. This will make you yearn for things you would love to own but, in the long run, it will save you from untold miseries. Small sacrifices have always saved the world. Make smaller sacrifices to protect your world from crumbling down. To get out of debt, don't get into it in the first place! Author : Medha Roy
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Use Caution When Entering Into Debt-Consolidation Loan To the person drowning in debt, a debt-consolidation loan looks a lot like a lifesaver. But agreeing to such a loan without understanding it completely could be a serious mistake. The Burden of Debt Over recent years personal debt in the UK has exploded. Since 1997 the total debt including mortgages was in the region of £940 million. Approximately 18% of that figure is unsecured credit, accounting for about £8000 per household. How To Get Rid Of Debt Problems Step 1 -- How To Deal With Your Creditors However far you are along the road of financial/debt problems, the same principles apply to dealing with your creditors. Consolidate Your Credit Card Debt With the popularity of plastic money in the present age, credit cards are gaining immense importance. With the growing increase in usage of such cards the credit rates are also reaching the horizon. Debts are thus becoming a common happening in our daily lives. People who are under the claws of credit card debts need to give a serious thought to debt consolidation and lighten their burden. In the US more than half of the population has an average of $8000 debts, only because of the usage of credit cards. Finding the Consolidation Loans that You Need Consolidation loans can be very useful in a number of circumstances? they can be used to consolidate multiple loans at a single institution, to eliminate debts and combine them into a single monthly payment, and even refinance old loans into a single loan with a lower interest rate. Credit Counseling ? Get in Line Now to Avoid the Upcoming Rush Credit counseling is a valuable service for consumers who have trouble managing their finances. A distinctly different service from debt consolidation, credit counseling assists consumers with problem debt by educating them about the basics of money management. Americans really don't get the education they need about how to manage bank accounts, balance checkbooks, or pay bills on time, and credit counseling can provide these services as well as others. By educating consumers, counselors hope to reduce the number of debtors who are forced to file for bankruptcy. Anyone whose financial situation is such that they would benefit from credit counseling may wish to seek it out in a hurry, however. A number of different factors are coming together in such a way that the counseling industry may soon be completely swamped with more clients than it can handle. Considering Debt Settlement? What You Should Know Your credit card bills are stacking up and for whatever reason you don't have the means to pay the debt. You definitely have choices when you are in this predicament. You can choose to do nothing and hope for the best. Unfortunately, this can cause you a bunch of headaches because creditors will pursue you with unrelenting fervor. When the creditor gives up, they will generally pass the account over to a collection agency. Their pursuit is even more relentless because in most cases they have purchased your account. If you choose to do nothing, prepare yourself for many sleepless nights. There are alternatives that are less stressful and that can get you out of debt. Debt Consolidation ? Can You Negotiate with Your Credit Card Company? The average American household has nearly $10,000 in credit card debt, and many people are only able to make the minimum payment of 2% of the balance. Even 2% is $200, and by paying the minimum payment, you could be paying on the balance for decades before you finally pay it off. Since new legislation will make it more difficult to file for bankruptcy, it may occur to savvy debtors to try to negotiate a better deal with their credit card company in order to make it easier to pay off the balance. Is this possible?It might be possible, depending on your credit history, interest rate, and current balance. Your best bet, especially if you have a history of paying on time, is to simply call your credit card company and ask if they will lower your interest rate. They might, especially if you tell them that you got a better offer from another bank. If you have a history of paying late, however, they probably will not be willing to lower your interest rate. That's unfortunate, since paying late has probably prompted the credit card company to raise your interest rate in the first place. Still, it's worth a phone call; you may get lucky.If you've been paying your bills on time, asking for a lower interest rate may be the only option available to you. The credit card companies aren't going to be too sympathetic to your financial woes if they're receiving payment on time. On the other hand, if you're late on your payments, especially if you're more than three months behind, you may have some negotiating leverage. That leverage comes with a few strings attached, however. You may be able to negotiate a lump-sum settlement for your outstanding balance, where the credit card company accepts a portion of your debt and writes off the rest. They're often willing to do this instead of turning your debt over to a collection agency, as it's cheaper just to settle. The settlement amount will vary, depending on your interest rate, your balance and your payment history. This type of settlement comes with a couple of problems of its own, though. What if you don't have the money to settle all at once? If you can't pay your bills on time, you probably don't have the cash to settle at once. Additionally, the amount of your debt that gets written off will show up on your credit report as bad debt, and that will stay there for seven years.Your credit card company may or may not be willing to work out a payment plan, but it costs you nothing to ask them, and negotiating a settlement with them may be cheaper for you than if you consult with a debt consolidation firm. If your credit card debt is substantial and you just can't make the payments, it's worth a try. Debt Consolidation ? Options for Reducing Your Debt Studies show that Americans are now saving less than ever before. Along with that, Americans are carrying a heavier debt load than ever. It's easy for a home loan, a car loan and a few credit card bills to get out of hand, and many people are struggling with more debt than they can easily pay. To make matters worse, new bankruptcy legislation will make it harder than ever to file bankruptcy for those who simply cannot pay their bills. How to Find the Best Debt Consolidation Secured Loan If debt is a way of life for you, it's time for you to consider finding a debt consolidation secured loan. This loan is designed so that you can pay off some or all of your debt, leaving you with a single low monthly payment instead of multiple payments that keep increasing as time goes by. Debt Consolidation: Reduce Your Monthly Debt Payments Now Debt consolidation is frequently becoming a very familiar term used in these consumer frenzy-spending times when everything that is available to purchase is often presented with the availability of a hire purchase agreement. Debt Consolidation Benefits If you've ever been in a situation where you needed money that you didn't have, you probably already know about loans and credit cards. Here is a brief Explanation on What both are: What is the Difference Between Unsecured and Secured Debt? A secured debt is a debt in which the creditor maintains a security interest in an item or piece of personal property such as a house or an automobile. With secured debts, if you fall behind on payments, the lender can repossess the property that originally secured the debt. An additional drawback to secured debt is the fact that you may remain liable for the deficiency balance owing on the debt after your property has been repossessed and sold. Free Yourself Of Debt and Worry with Debt Consolidation Debt consolidation programs can help you lift the burden of excessive debt and potentially save you hundreds of dollars a month. Debt consolidation professionals will work with you and your creditors to design a plan to help you lower your payments and reduce your debts quickly. You can become debt free sooner than you imagined and begin living a new, better life. Debt consolidation plans can be customized to fit your individual needs and getting started is easy. Does Working With a Credit Counseling Organization Hurt Your Credit Score? Credit counseling organizations do not lower your credit score when you approach them for assistance in creating a budget that you can work with. Credit counseling is designed by nature to assist each individual in a way that is unique to a person's particular situation. A credit counseling plan that may work for you will most likely not be the best credit counseling plan for the next person. Open the Cash Vault Inside Your Home Believe it or not, many people do not understand equity and the power it provides. Going Debt Consolidation Way! We are aware of the fact that it is easy to get into debts, but on the contrary overcoming it is very complicated. Now give an end to your fear of lenders as more and more companies in the UK are offering solutions to tackle debts of individuals- both home owners and tenants. The buzzword these days for purging debts is debt consolidation. Debt consolidation pertains to clubbing of many outgoing payments to the lenders. It gives a greater ease to customers to wipe out debts in a smart way. Moving Debt Between Cards Can Save You Money If you're like most people, you have plenty of credit cards, and you have stacks of offers for more. The credit card industry is so competitive that, whatever card you have, the chances are that somewhere out there is one that would be cheaper or better for you - and you can change as often as you want! Debt Consolidation Company and Companies Debt consolidation companies have dotted the debt solution landscape as a result of the critical financial conditions consumers find themselves in from heavy credit card debt and other unsecured loans. With approximately 80% of Americans in debt up to $10,000, some are exploring a debt consolidation company in order to reduce or eliminate the crushing debt load that they carry. A debt consolidation company can provide financial solutions to their dilemmas with varying debt reduction strategies that target high interest rates, high monthly payments and long pay off terms. Debt consolidation companies are a welcome relief to some consumers who are struggling to pay monthly payments on up to 8 credit cards and up to 25% interest on each. How To Get Rid Of Debt Problems Step 2 -- How To Prepare A Financial Statement Here is how to prepare a financial statement, for the purpose of negotiating reduced payments with your creditors. ![]() |
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