Avoid Bankruptcy

The first but definitely not the easiest thought that comes to most people when they are neck-deep in debt is to file bankruptcy. Filing bankruptcy seems to be the last straw left in the deluge of unpaid bills and abusive creditor calls. The situation is somewhat like this. You buy whatever catches your fancy and you thank yourself you had the blessed credit cards. It's good as long as you are spending.

When it's paytime, you realize your misdoing. Abusive creditor calls may be robbing you of your sleep. Things may go so wrong that being repentant also does not help. What do you do? File bankruptcy. Stop. There are better and realistic ways of fighting debts. Avoid bankruptcy by all means. There have been millions who have filed bankruptcy in the US of A last year! What causes this decision? And how can you avoid such a disastrous situation?

Credit cards should be given the lion's share of the blame behind such reckless spending. Credit card agencies will tell you it's you who should know how to use your cards. Anyway, let's take a situation where you have incurred a lot of debts and you don't know where to run. You have curtailed all your expenses, you take a bus to office, your wife does the same and your children take the school bus. Your car is a toy in the garage. You have stopped entertaining friends and have stopped going over to them. When you see, even after a month, you are exactly where you started off, you know it's time to take some extreme measures.

Debt consolidation with debt management and debt relief programs are the best refuge for you. Contact a reliable debt consolidation firm and tell them your plight. You will literally feel the weight being taken off your shoulders. These financial experts take over completely. First, they call your creditors and stop them from calling you. If you have multiple debts, they squeeze all your debts into one and make your payments much simpler.

You are only to make one lowly payment every month and you actually see your debts disappear in months! This is possible due to these debt consolidation experts who convince your creditors to lower their interest rates and make payments easier for you. In fact, you do not interact with your creditors anymore. These experts act as the middle men and you will only receive letters from your creditors showing you the way your debts are decreasing in days.

The other most important thing to remember about managing finances is to avoid the debt-trap as much as possible. It is always advisable to make a budget at the beginning of the month. And that's not all. You have to live by it. Don't spend on luxuries all the time. That will invariably lead to compromise on necessary items. There is no better rule than saving. That is the only thing that will help you plug emergency expenses. Bankruptcy is the last of all the conceivable methods to start afresh. It is never too late to mend. It's just that you need to give up certain things to achieve happiness and peace in your life.

Author : Medha Roy
Date Posted : 09 -July - 2005
Website : http://www.debt-consolidation-loans-credit-card-debt-reduction-services.com

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