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Debt Relief Information |
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Debt Relief with this Simple Formula
Is there a way to get out of debt without getting a second job or having to increase your income in some way? Can the average person take his or her current income and pay off his or her bills in a matter of a few years, including the car and mortgage payments? The answer is YES!!! You can do it without having to cut out all of your fun and extra-curricular activities as well. Now, you may need to cut down on going to the movies or going out to eat, but you will not have to stop altogether. It is a matter of putting together your plan and then sticking to your plan! The process is fairly simple, most people just don't realize it. Anyone can get started right away, including YOU right now! Here is what you need to know: 1. What is your total net income? 2. What are your debts and minimum monthly payments? (Don't include any extra money you are paying towards any debt. You want only your minimum required monthly payments.) Okay, are you ready to begin? The first thing you need to do is take a percentage of your NET income (a good beginning point would be 5%) and write this amount down at the top of a blank sheet of paper. Next, write down each of your debts (not including utility bills, insurance payments, property taxes, etc.) in a column at the left side of your page. Beside each debt, write down your total balance and then your minimum monthly payment. Once you have all of these down, divide your total balance by the minimum monthly payment. Write this amount next to each debt. Taking the debt that has the shortest payoff number, number this number 1. Taking the next shortest payoff, number it number 2 and so on until each debt has a number next to it. These numbers indicate the order in which you will begin to pay off your bills. Now, here is where your 5% comes into play. For debt number 1 take the minimum monthly payment and add it to the 5% figure. Divide the total balance by this new amount to get the total months it will take to payoff the debt. For debt number 2, you will take the minimum monthly payment plus the 5% plus the minimum monthly payment of debt number 1 (since it will be paid in full) and add them together. Again take the total balance and divide it by your new monthly payment to figure your total months to payoff. Do this with each debt until you are finished. Once you have completed this, add up the total months to pay off your debts to figure an estimate of how long it will take you to pay off all of your debt. Example: Visa total balance $6300.00 divided by minimum monthly payment of $153.00 = 41 (months to payoff) 2 (second to payoff) Auto Loan $13000.00 divided by minimum monthly payment of $356.00 = 36 (months to payoff) 1 (first to payoff) Mastercard $5266.00 divided by $96.00 = 54 3 (third to payoff) Mortgage $43,000.00 divided by $325.00 = 132 4 (fourth to payoff) The auto loan is the first to payoff because it has the shortest amount of time before it is paid in full. Then your Visa balance and so on. Net Income = $1500.00 x 5% = $75.00 Taking your first debt to payoff which is the auto loan: minimum payment $356.00 + $75.00 = $431.00 total balance $13000 divided by $431 = 30 (months it will take you to payoff this balance using additional 5%) Visa: $153.00 + $75.00 + 356.00 (since this loan amount is paid in full) = $584.00 total balance of $6300.00 divided by $584.00 = 11 (months it will take to payoff credit card) Mastercard: $96.00 + $75.00 + 153.00 + $356.00 = $680.00 total balance $5266.00 divided by $680.00 = 8 Mortgage: $325.00 + $75.00 + 96.00 + 153.00 + 356.00 = $1005.00 total balance $43,000.00 divided by $1005.00 = 43 Add your months together: 30 + 11 + 8 + 43 = 92 approximate months to have all of your debt (including you home) PAID IN FULL! This is about eight years! Can you imagine being debt free in eight years???? That means that your home would be free and clear and you would have 100% equity! If you apply the above formula to your financial situation, you can be debt free without getting a second job or without working extra overtime! Imagine the time you can spend with your family and friends instead of working. Of course if you take a higher percentage of your net income, you will pay off your debt faster! This is something that anyone can do based on simple math. The trick to remember is to NOT use your credit cards. In fact, cut all but one up! Get rid of them and just keep one in case of a major emergency. Start yourself a savings account to begin building up your emergency funds. Eventually set goals for yourself to save for college funds, retirement funds, etc. Remember this fundamental rule: PAY FOR CURRENT EXPENSES WITH CURRENT INCOME Carolyn Shipp http://macarolyn.tripod.com/sbtips
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Assess Your Financial Attitude and Eliminate Your Debt Forever Want to know if your attitude towards your finances is helping you or damaging your future? Take this Quiz and find out... How Do I Lower My Debt Burdens? How do I lower my debts? Eliminating Credit Card Debt The overwhelming task of eliminating your debts can often seem like an uphill battle. Without the knowledge and expertise of a professional on your side, unfortunately, the odds are not in your favor. In order to reduce your debt, you have several options; however, if you want to maintain a "good credit rating", you have to pay you bills on time; anything else will cause your credit score will suffer. With that being said please consider the following: Ten Ways to Get Out of Debt 1) Use your Assets Mandatory Credit Counseling for Those Considering Bankruptcy Most Americans are aware of the sweeping changes in U.S. bankruptcy law that were made by Congress recently. These changes, strongly supported by the credit card industry, were designed to make it more difficult for Americans to file for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 of the Federal bankruptcy code. Chapter 7 allows consumers to essentially have all of their debts wiped away by the court. While many people will still be able to file under Chapter 7, many more will have to file under Chapter 13, which requires the establishment of a repayment plan. A less publicized provision of the bankruptcy bill is the one that requires debtors who are considering filing for bankruptcy to first undergo credit counseling. What does this mean for consumers? Should You Invest In Savings Or Payoff Your Debts? I have faced this financial question 8 years ago and recently I have friends asked me this same question. I think I should write it up so that it may help some of you that having the same situation. Budget the Luxuries First! Strictly speaking, his advice was preceded by another Heinlein maxim as well. "Sovereign ingredient for a happy marriage: Pay cash or do without. Interest charges not only eat up a household budget; awareness of debt eats up domestic felicity." Today, that advice gets abused eight ways to Sunday, as the average household is currently carrying credit card debt to the tune of over $10,000. Assuming an interest rate of 18%, this works out to about 150 bucks a month going to the credit card company. That's money NOT available for things like fresh flowers on your desk... new skis... upgrading to gourmet coffees and wines for daily consumption, or dinner out (including tips and babysitter). The Last Debt Solution Should Be Bankruptcy A debt solution like bankruptcy should really only be used as a last possible solution. The problem with this solution of debt problems is that it includes a lot more than simply eliminating debt. When someone declares them self bankrupted, all debt collection actions against that person are prevented. The court grants an "automatic stay", which - with a few exceptions means that creditors cannot come after the money owed to them. Bankruptcy: What the New Law Means to You On April 20 of this year, President Bush signed a bankruptcy reform law. When this law goes into effect in October of this year, it will be much more difficult for Americans to use Chapter 7 bankruptcy to get a fresh start on their financial lives. Two Ways To Debt Relief There are many debt relief programs out there both off line and online. Sometimes it can be difficult to chose one from the other. To make a reasonable choice, you need to know Bankruptcy Your Best Bet? Filing bankruptcy is a common practice among the U.S. Over 2 million people file for bankruptcy every year. So many families today are swimming in debt, which is not surprising with the amount of credit that is being offered. If you pay your bills, you're given the opportunity to run up more bills. For young people, this is often too much responsibility to handle. Many people choose bankruptcy in order to gain a fresh start. Debt Validation: Do you have to pay ? It happens all the time. Debt collectors try to collect on debts that consumers have no knowledge of or never owed in the first place. So, what do you do when a bill collector demands payment in full on a debt that you never knew existed? You need to request a validation of debt. Is There Any Way To Get Out Of Debt? In this era where we are bombarded daily with commercials on television, radio, billboards, through email, not to forget the flyers slipped under the car's wiper blades while shopping at the mall, it's no surprise that so many of us find ourselves endlessly in debt to the services and products offered by others. How can we refuse, when we're baited with the juicy orange carrot of '0% APR' up to a certain amount or for a specified time, or 'no money down' and 'easy installments' of just so much per month? The Credit Card Debt Termination Scam "Legally terminate credit card debt! You can be debt-free in 4-6 months!" Advertisements like this are for a new type of program that has spread via the Internet over the past few years. It's called "Credit Card Debt Termination," and victims are paying $1,000s for this bogus service. One victim I spoke with lost more than $15,000! In this article, I'll review the principles behind this program and explain exactly why it's a scam to be avoided. What is Debt Settlement and How Does it Work? Debt settlement involves negotiating with a creditor or creditors to pay off a percentage of your total debts at an agreed upon settlement amount. Often, people choose to utilize the services of a debt settlement company rather than attempting to do it on their own. Debt settlement companies traditionally employs various negotiation strategies to help settle your debts and can eliminate between 40-60% of your original balances. Top Ten Reasons People File for Bankruptcy 1. Eliminate the legal obligation to pay many of your debts. Use A Debt Checklist To Examine Where You Are A Debt Checklist allows you to look at items and areas of your financial life. You need to examine these to gauge how you stand. Even if you believe you are in good shape take a close look at these areas to be sure. Debt Reduction, a Necessary Endeavour Massive debt is something many Americans face. Debt reduction is now becoming more and more of a necessity. Even a low amount of debt can cost you a lot in the end and it can take a very long time to pay off. An example: Let's say you have $4000 in credit card debt and your interest rate is 14%. If you only make the minimum payment each month, it will take you 21 years to pay it off and you will have paid over $5100 in interest. Doesn't that sound awful? This is why you may be interested in debt reduction. The 7 Secrets to Getting?and Staying?Out of Debt As vice president of the American Credit Foundation, a nonprofit organization that helps individuals and families manage their debt, Mike Peterson knows firsthand how financial problems can wreak havoc in one's life. Each day, counselors at the Midvale, Utah-based foundation help desperate clients dig themselves out from under piles of unpaid bills, stern notices from collection agencies and ominous foreclosure threats. Credit Counseling ? Signs That You May Need Help Credit counseling is a viable option for those who are feeling the stress of being overwhelmed by debt. Credit counseling primarily offers assistance with working out a credit and debt repayment plan for an individual to gain control of their finances by creating a structured budget for an individual to follow. Credit counseling offers an individual the option to repay their debts, if needed, through a credit counseling debt repayment program. This is where the credit counseling organization becomes in contact with an individuals creditor to ask for lowered interest rates and for the credit provider to stop any late and over the limit fees that may be attached to a particular credit card. Credit counseling organizations that provide a no charge credit and money management education program for an individual typically have the individual consumer's best interest on their mind. ![]() |
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