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Credit Card Debt Freedom is Possible
Credit card debt have you drowning financially? You're not alone. The average American household carries $9,205 in credit card debt, according to CardWeb, an online industry tracker. Not managed properly, this debt can come to eat up all of your disposable income leaving little or nothing for bare necessities. Some people in this situation respond by charging more but that will only get you further in trouble. Fail to plan and you plan to fail There is this cliché that states that if you fail to plan you plan to fail. The first thing you need to do is evaluate where you want to be. Do you want freedom from your credit card burden? Is so, you need to develop a different action plan to the one you are currently following. Makes sense doesn't it? Start by listing all of the debt you currently owe along with a list of what your monthly obligations are for each debt. At the top of the page, list the amount of income available to pay these debts after essentials like food, hydro, etc... are taken out. When listing essentials, it's important to include a certain amount for clothes, medical and entertainment because no matter how good your intentions, you will spend some money in these areas. If you budget ahead for them, you are less likely to just waste it. Start paying one credit card first Don't try to pay off all of your credit cards at once. Doing this will take too long and end up discouraging you. You're better off concentrating on getting one card paid off, then putting the money you've freed up from that one card and applying it to the next one and so forth. Which credit card charges you the highest rate of interest? Start with that one. Pay the minimum due on all of your credit cards expect for the one you have chosen to focus on first. On that card, put as much money as your budget allows onto the card after all of your expenses and debts have been factored in. Keep doing this month after month until the credit card balance goes to zero. Loose all credit cards except one Plan to keep one major credit card for unexpected expenses, car rentals and emergencies. Get rid of all your other cards as you pay them off. Most people can't resist the temptation to spend money on a clean card. If this describes you, you're better off without many credit cards than you are to get right back into deep credit card debt. Follow this plan, and depending on how much you owe, in a year or so, you should have pretty much achieved credit card debt freedom! Joe Duchesne is the webmaster of Bootdebt.com a website dedicated to helping people with credit card debt, debt consolidation, getting out of debt and becoming financially literate. Reprint freely as long as you keep this resource box and include a live keyword rich link back to my website.
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Learn The Five Key Debt Reduction Steps You Must Take Immediately! Step 1. The purpose of this first step is to bring you back to reality. You must know exactly how much money you owe and to whom you owe it. Currency Trading Fee Concept Troubles with Global Economy; Do you see future problems with our global economic plans to make a one world system, where free trade and prosperity can rein the world over. Many world leaders have agreed a one-world system is best for all. It is in the interest of third world and in the interest of our Multi-National Conglomerates, their stockholders and the citizens of the country for us all to move up. This can be done with a few changes. Many are quite confident that if we look at some of the problems of the past and manage the World Bank this river can flow in greater volumes and at quicker speeds. Individual Voluntary Arrangements- A New Alternative to Bankruptcy This May, the Department of Trade and Industry in the UK found that there were 10,091 bankruptcies in the first quarter of 2005. This represents an increase of 24.5% on the corresponding quarter of last year. Ten Ways to Get Out of Debt 1) Use your Assets Debt Consolidation Versus Debt Negotiation Debt consolidation versus debt negotiation are two options that are available to you if you need debt assistance. When your monthly bills become too much for you to handle, it makes sense to use debt consolidation or debt negotiation for solving debt and credit problems. Credit Repair? Its All Up to You Log onto to a search engine such as google.com and type in the term credit repair. It's likely that Google will return more than 25 pages of listings, many of which will be companies claiming they can "erase bad credit," "create a new credit identity ? legally," " credit problems ? no problem." "quick credit repair," and on and on. Debt Help and Advice for the UK At some time or another during our lives most of us will overspend and get into debt. Sometimes we can get our finances back on an even keel by cutting down on a few luxuries. Take Careful Consideration Before Filing Bankruptcy Filing bankruptcy is not fun! It is a last resort if you are interested in keeping an active and acceptable credit report. Bankruptcy is the condition of bringing all your assets and deficiencies into an insolvent state. It is a state of financial loss, where your debts are canceled and it will remain on you credit report for seven years. A creditor or mortgage company will generally not lend money with an active bankruptcy on your report. Debt Collectors: Men or Mice? Who are these people anyway? They viciously harass you and call you bad names. They embarrass you beyond belief by leaving detailed messages with your neighbors and at your workplace. In extreme cases, they have been known to stalk you! Five Hot Tips To Get Out Of Debt Forever The financial and psychological burden of being in debt causes us and our families continuous emotional stress. That stress eats away at the quality of our lives and leaves us feeling powerless, angry, depressed and helpless. How to Get Triple A Credit in 25 Days Good credit is everyone's dream. A wise use of credit can go a long way. It certainly makes certain goals in life (like acquiring business loan from bank) easily attainable. Reduce Your Debt With These 5 Tips It's never pleasant to realize that you're in financial hot water, but pretending the situation doesn't exist is NEVER the way to deal with the problem. If you're having trouble meeting monthly payments, find yourself borrowing or using credit cards to meet daily expenses, or have one or more of your credit accounts turned over to a collection agency, it's time for you to get proactive and bring your debts back under control. Below you'll find five ways to reduce your debt. Some take time, all take some level of commitment and effort - but it's worth putting in the time to start cleaning up your debt situation. Debt: Dont Pay Your Minimum Balance Almost all Americans carry credit card debt. Actually, over 40% of US families spend more than they earn. If you're like most of us, you try not to think about how much money you owe and what that debt is really costing you. If you did, you might not sleep too well. However, by not fully understanding your current financial situation you are only prolonging the problem. In order to rid yourself of unsecured debt, you need to face the uncomfortable and often painful fact: it is very possible that your current debts may take you 30 years to pay off. A Debt Elimination Process Must Be Initiated From You. The first and maybe most important step in a debt elimination process, is to acknowledge there's a problem and realize that something has to be done with your situation. Some do it before it is too late, though an asthonishing number of people seem to act as if this is not their situation at all. They know that the need to seek advice from a debt consolidator, but they do not. The paradox is that many people are willing to use many years and spend a whole lot of extra money to get out of debt. Don't do like these people. Establish Money Saving Goals For Added Success Having something tangible to strive towards can work wonders for your money-saving efforts. To those of you that have already been actively implementing money-saving tips in order to lower your monthly bills, for added inspiration, establish a meaningful goal along with a specific dollar amount. How Do I Lower My Debt Burdens? How do I lower my debts? Top Ten Reasons People File for Bankruptcy 1. Eliminate the legal obligation to pay many of your debts. Credit Counseling or Bankruptcy: Which is Best for You? People often get to a place where they simply can't pay their bills, especially in today's economy which is not particularly sympathetic toward the poor or even the middle class. Inflation has impacted nearly every facet of daily life including food, gas, rent, clothes, utility bills and more. At the same time, salaries, especially in the lower ranges, have utterly failed to keep pace. When you get to the place where you cannot pay your bills and have money left over for food and other necessities, there are some hard decisions that have to be faced. The options are credit counseling and debt management services, or bankruptcy. Both have their pros and cons, so which road to take depends largely on the individual and how severe his or her financial problems have grown. Personal Debt Reduction Practices Personal debt reduction practices, the steps people take to relieve the debt in their lives and to become more financially free, are a hot topic among financial circles. American spending habits are producing more people who are deeper in debt rather than people trying to achieve financial freedom. Should You Join a CCCS - Consumer Credit Counseling Service for Debt Relief and Financial Freedom? Do You Need to Join a CCCS - Consumer Credit Counseling Service? ![]() |
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