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Selecting A Credit Counselor; Asking The Right Questions.
When you find yourself thinking about using a credit counseling service, you need to be very careful. You need someone who will help you, not just some pushy sales associate who wants only to sign you up for their service. You are about to place your financial life in someone else's hands. Make sure you have the answers to some questions before you do. Then make sure you like the answers to your questions. Here are some for starters: Which of my creditors have you worked with in the past? You have a list of your creditors. You want to compare it to the creditors they have worked with in the past. Have they been successful working with your creditors in reducing payments, lowering interest, and eliminating fees? You need to know not all creditors will work with credit counselors. If all, or most, of your creditors have, or will, you should investigate these services further. If not, credit counseling won't do you much good. To protect yourself, ask for a list (in writing) of any of your creditors they have worked with in the past. Will my creditors be paid on time each month? Two things come into play here. What are the due dates of each creditor and when during the month do you get paid? Nothing defeats the purpose faster than paying a creditor late, after you have set up a new payment schedule. Some credit counseling services use a set date each month to make payments from the money you have given them. If they don't have your creditors change the due date you could be socked with late fees each month. Find a service that adjusts the due dates of your bills to work around the days you get paid. How do I pay you each month? The credit counselor can't pay your creditors until you pay them each month. Will they remove money, each month, from your account with an electronic transfer or are you required to send them a guaranteed check or money order? You want to make it as easy as possible for this plan to work. Look for a service that will withdraw funds from your account automatically each month. When and how often will I get statements of my accounts? Just because you have turned over a portion of your financial life to someone else to run, does not mean you don't need to keep track of what is going on. Your statements should break down your payments so you can see where the money is going. How much is going to interest, how much to the principal balances, and how much is being paid to the credit counseling service. Who can I call? When you have a problem or question can you speak with someone on the phone? Are you able to speak to the same counselor each time? If not, how long do you take to returns phone calls? Do this up front. Make sure you can live with the answers you receive. Then test the service to see if they live up to what they have said. Check their service out before you sign on the bottom line. If you find that you can't get questions answered or telephone calls returned look for another service. Going through credit counseling is stressful enough without any added problems. These questions will give you a good idea what kind of service you have found. There are other questions you may ask. If you think of any do not hesitate to ask and don't stop asking until you get the answers you need. It is your money. David Wilding works with both individuals and groups to help them rid their lives of debt. For the past ten years he has attempted to change attitudes toward and acceptance of personal debt. Visit his website http://www.debtattack.com for more ideas, tools, and strategies to become debt free.
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A Debt Elimination Process Must Be Initiated From You. The first and maybe most important step in a debt elimination process, is to acknowledge there's a problem and realize that something has to be done with your situation. Some do it before it is too late, though an asthonishing number of people seem to act as if this is not their situation at all. They know that the need to seek advice from a debt consolidator, but they do not. The paradox is that many people are willing to use many years and spend a whole lot of extra money to get out of debt. Don't do like these people. Repair Bad Credit Yourself In March 2005, the U.S. financial services industry succeeded in hammering the first nail in their plan to overhaul the nation's bankruptcy system. Repairing bad credit yourself will be more necessary than ever. After contributing millions of dollars to elect Republican candidates sympathetic to their big money interests, banks, credit unions, credit card companies and major retailers have succeeded in making it more difficult to file for bankruptcy relief. About half of those filing do so due to medical catastrophe. You can still get help and repair bad credit yourself. 4 Simple Ways to Solve Your Debt Burden Getting Behind Getting behind on your debts owed can be a very frustrating and trying time for you and your family. Depending on how far behind you are, there are other repercussions, such as your credit rating, that will affect you further down the road. Hide That Car! Fighting the Repo Man Vehicle repossession may appear justified in circumstances where a person is generally being irresponsible and otherwise able to meet this financial obligation. However, what about that hardworking guy or gal who paid their automobile note dutifully for three years, and missed one payment? Why should their car be repossessed? Assess Your Financial Attitude and Eliminate Your Debt Forever Want to know if your attitude towards your finances is helping you or damaging your future? Take this Quiz and find out... Debt Elimination 2 The First Step To Debt Elimination Bad Credit Home Loan To Get You Out Of Debt A "bad credit home loan" can help you climb your way out of debt and get you started back on the road to upstanding, good credit. There are many lenders who are willing to make bad credit home loans to you - a loan based on your equity in your home even if your credit has slipped or isn't as perfect as it could be. By taking out a bad credit home mortgage or home equity loan, you can consolidate all your debts, lower your monthly payment and pay a lower overall interest rate on your current debt. In fact, by paying off our current credit card and loan debt with a bad credit home loan for debt consolidation, you are taking a major giant step in the direction of repairing your credit. How to Negotiate Debt Settlements Knowing how to negotiate debt settlements is the key to securing your financial future. Debt negotiation is the process where in you will contact your creditors and will appeal to them with an offer to pay off the amount you owe in easier installments that decrease the principal quicker. Reduce Your Debt Do you want to reduce your debt? Having trouble paying your bills? Getting dunning notices from creditors? Are your accounts being turned over to debt collectors? Are you worried about losing your home or your car? Learn The 15 Debt Elimination Steps You Must Take Immediately! What Everybody Needs To Know...Learn The Truth About Debt Elimination in 2005! Future Secured? Oh Really? A headline for a retirement annuities flyer declares "Future Secured!" Was your reaction like mine? Yea, sure! What Is A FICO Score? Your FICO score or credit score as it's commonly called is a very important calculation that can control whether or not you are eligible to receive credit and if eligible the terms you can receive credit under. Failure to understand the impact this score can have on you future purchasing power and lifestyle can be disastrous. This article will break down all the information you need to know regarding your FICO score. Bankruptcy As An Option If your financial worries are preventing you from sleeping at night, then you may have considered bankruptcy in hope of a little relief. Usually, consumers only turn to bankruptcy if there is no other hope for them to get out of debt. Many have been to credit counseling and even consolidated their debt into lower monthly payments before they finalize their financial ruin in bankruptcy court. Life After Bankruptcy Bankruptcy and Credit - What Happens After Your Debts Are Discharged? Credit Card Debt & the Unfairness of the Universal Default Clause Let's look at a real world example: A woman purchased a new $4,000 large screen TV a few months ago based on the knowledge her monthly payment was going to be $175, and based on the 9% interest rate charged by her credit card company. For five months straight she made all her payments on time, but in the fifth month she was late paying her mortgage bill, for reasons unknown. She found out a month or two later that her credit card company doubled her interest rate to 18%, thus increasing the payment for the TV to about $190 per month. Even though she was never late on any other payments, she found most of her other credit cards raised their interest rates as well. Even her car insurance company raised their rates. The net effect was she ended up paying nearly $200 per month more because she was late on a single mortgage payment. Reduce Your Debt With These 5 Tips It's never pleasant to realize that you're in financial hot water, but pretending the situation doesn't exist is NEVER the way to deal with the problem. If you're having trouble meeting monthly payments, find yourself borrowing or using credit cards to meet daily expenses, or have one or more of your credit accounts turned over to a collection agency, it's time for you to get proactive and bring your debts back under control. Below you'll find five ways to reduce your debt. Some take time, all take some level of commitment and effort - but it's worth putting in the time to start cleaning up your debt situation. Debt Problems? You Can Negotiate With Your Creditors It is always possible to negotiate with creditors ? even if they have already taken you to court to get a judgment or to garnish your wages. Credit Repair - Understanding The Basics What is Credit? How to Reduce Your Debt in 5 Easy Steps If you have incurred substantial personal debt, consider these options: budgeting, debt consolidation, credit counselling from a reputable organization and working with your creditors. You will need to choose a debt reduction method that will work best for you? The method you use will depend on your level of debt, how much spare money you have, your level of discipline, and how quickly you want to get out of debt. What Is A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy? Many consumers that are bogged down in debt frequently turn to bankruptcy as a form of restoring their financial status back to a zero balance. Unfortunately many of these same consumers are confused when it comes to the difference between a Chapter 13 bankruptcy and a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This quick article will explain what a Chapter 13 bankruptcy actually is and what it does for a consumer that files this form of debt relief. ![]() |
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