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Diabetes Awareness: Will They Recognize You?
Imagine how it feels to look younger, feel younger, and act younger! Now, think about how others see you. Are you ready to make a lasting impression on your friends and family? Great! Taking charge of your diabetes through exercise can give you a younger look and feel not to mention ?? a younger attitude! As you read this message, remember this: You don't pay the price to improve your health, you reap the benefits of being healthy! Treatment of diabetes has gone through dramatic changes in the past two decades. Previously, exercise was often overlooked as a "cornerstone" in its treatment as it was difficult to maintain blood sugar levels with the additional variability introduced by physical activity, especially for individuals with type 1 diabetes. However, with blood glucose meters now being readily available and affordable, exercise can be done safely and without fear of severely upsetting an often delicate glucose balance. The usual health benefits of exercise apply to individuals with diabetes as well, perhaps even more than normal. Much of what we attribute to the aging process really results from disuse (for example, muscle atrophy, or loss of flexibility in joints). Diabetes, especially when blood sugars are poorly controlled, accelerates the normal aging process, as well as certain disease processes such as heart disease. Thus, regular exercise can help slow aging and reduce long term complications associated with poor blood sugar control and diabetes. These diabetes-related benefits can not be understated! Not only can you enjoy your favorite physical activity, but also you can help your diabetes and health too. In fact, regular exercise is the most important activity you can do to slow the aging process, manage your blood sugars, and reduce your risk of diabetic complications. Ask your doctor about diabetes and have your blood sugar checked several times a year. For more information about diabetes, including a Diabetes Quiz and a Free booklet, visit the Hope4Diabetes website at: http://hope4diabetes.com/info This 20 page FREE booklet will provide you with in-depth information on comprehensive diabetes care. The 7 principles, or steps, will help you to understand, manage and diagnose your potential diabetes risk. It could help you live a longer and more active life. The booklet is Yours absolutely FREE - No Risk! Share it NOW with the people you love and want to Keep alive! David Anderson is a freelance health writer for Hope4Diabetes.com. Awareness is the first step to preventing the onset of diabetes. Visit our website at: http://hope4diabetes.com/info for more information and a free book.
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Just Say NO to an 1800 Diabetic Diet It's been a year, and 85 blubbery pounds less, since I was diagnosed with diabetes Type2. The news was especially scary because my mother died of diabetic complications 3 years after diagnosis- the SAME AGE AS ME! EEEK! Diabetes Awareness: Wake Up Call When traveling on out-of-town business, its common to have the hotel front desk give you a wake-up call in the morning. You want to avoid the embarrassment and repercussions of being late for your business appointments. Raising Happy Diabetic Kids Part II This is the second article in a series I am writing about how to raise happy diabetic children. You can find the first article titled Help Your Child Develope Self-Confidence in our article archives. Benfotiamine And Diabetic Retinopathy Damage from diabetes can occur in different areas of the eye. It can occur to the cornea, nerves controlling the muscles of the eye, the lens, optic nerve and retina. The retina is the complication that most people and medical professionals think of first in terms of diabetic complications. Fanning the Flames of the Diabetes Epidemic INTRODUCTION Diabetic Neuropathy Diabetic Neuropathy, a nerve disorder caused by diabetes, is characterized by a loss or reduction of sensation in the feet, and in some cases the hands, and pain and weakness in the feet. The symptoms of diabetic neuropathy vary. Numbness and tingling in feet are often the first sign. Some people notice no symptoms, while others are severely disabled. Neuropathy may cause both pain and insensitivity to pain in the same person. Conventional medicine offers little in the prevention or treatment of diabetic neuropathy, yet there is a great deal of information available which shows that the proper usage of dietary supplements can be of significant benefit. Diabetes Break-Thru Helps Battle Blood Sugar Woes Are you a diabetic? If so, you are definitely not alone. Recent numbers report that there are some 18 million Type 2 diabetics. The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists released statistics at it's annual meeting suggesting two-thirds of Type 2 diabetics don't have their blood sugar under control. Syndrome X - What Is It And Have You Got It? Syndrome X or the X factor as it is sometimes known was first described in 1988 by Professor Gerald Reaven , an endocrinologist at California's Stanford University after twenty years of study. Since this first identification the understanding of Syndrome X has come a long way. Diabetes and Fitness There are two main types of diabetes, type I and type II. Type I diabetes is characterized by the pancreas making too little or no insulin. An individual with diabetes type I will have to inject insulin throughout the day in order to control glucose levels. Type II diabetes, also known as adult onset diabetes, is characterized by the pancreas not producing enough insulin to control glucose levels or the cells not responding to insulin. When a cell does not respond to insulin, it is known as insulin resistance. When a subject is diagnosed with type II diabetes, exercise and weight control are prescribed as measures to help with insulin resistance. If this does not control glucose levels, then medication is prescribed. The risk factors for type II diabetes include: inactivity, high cholesterol, obesity, and hypertension. Inactivity alone is a very strong risk factor that has been proven to lead to diabetes type II. Exercise will have a positive effect on diabetes type II while improving insulin sensitivity while type I cannot be controlled be an exercise program. Over 90% of individuals with diabetes have type II. Avandia Side Effect Lawyer: Diabetes Drug Damages Liver Avandia, a compound of rosiglitazone maleate, is an oral antidiabetic agent. Avandia pills increase insulin sensitivity for patients with type 2 diabetes, or non-insulin-dependent diabetes. Avandia also improves glycemic control as it reduces the circulation of insulin levels. If diet, exercise, and a single drug are not enough to control blood sugar levels, Avandia can be used in conjunction with another drug. Diabetes Symptoms, Causes & Types Diabetes affects the manner in which the body handles carbohydrates, fats and proteins. If neglected, diabetes can have serious complications. The diabetic people have high blood sugar level. The blood sugar level is regulated by insulin - a hormone produced by the pancreas, which depends on your eating habits. Recognizing Early Symptoms Diabetes Early symptoms diabetes Ascensia Breeze Glucometer Rated Simple Testing Over and Over Diabetes the Silent Killer ? The Iceberg Effect! What sank the "Unsinkable Ship" the Titanic was not the tip of the iceberg, but the lurking 90% percent of the iceberg hidden under the surface. In the movie you see the captain steer the ship clear of the block of ice on top of the water, but underneath not known to the captain, crew or passengers, the razor sharp ice was splitting the steel bottom of the vessel like a stick of melted butter. Only after it was too late that the damage was known to all. Only a handful survived! The Subconscious Diet Can Help Protect Your Child From Type 2 Diabetes Until obesity became epidemic, type 2 diabetes was virtually unheard of in children and teens. It was originally called "adult-onset" because it was mainly seen after middle age. At least 9 million American children are seriously overweight and another 9 million are heavy enough to be at risk, yet studies show that many parents are in denial about their children's obesity. Improper pH Balance Increases Risk and Damage of Diabetes THE RISK Protein Principles for Diabetes Dietary considerations can present a Hobson's choice in diabetes. Even when the intake is nutritious, assimilating it can be another matter. Then there is the problem of progression of diabetic complications if one ends up with excess glucose or fat in the system. Excess carbohydrates in a meal, and the resulting uncontrolled blood sugar levels can be detrimental to any number of tissues, from the lens of the eye, to the neurons, small blood vessels and the kidneys. Fat is also a problem with increase incidences of atherosclerosis, large vessel disease and cardiac complications. What, then is the appropriate macronutrient for the diabetic population? Enough medical literature exists to suggest that in diabetes, proteins are probably the best bet. Diabetic Fruits Fruit gives you energy, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Hyperglycemia, Diabetes, and Managing Blood Sugar So, after a miserable 10 hours of blood tests it's confirmed you have hyperglycemia. Well now isn't the time to sit back and get depressed. Look at the positive side, now you know why you've been tired and worn out for all of this time. Diagnosed in 1982 with hyperglycemia it was harder to maintain a steady blood sugar rate. These days with the advanced technology available for instantly checking blood sugar, the disease is easier to manage. Diabetes Type 2 and Artificial Sweeteners Diabetes Type 2 (adult onset) ![]() |
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