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Tools to Manage Your Diabetes
It's estimated that in the US, over 18 million people over the age of 20 have diabetes. If you happen to have been diagnosed with diabetes, make sure you're getting all the right diabetes treatment supplies. Also check to make sure that your glucose levels are within the accepted guidelines. Take any other additional steps your physician has advised ? but most of all, go out and live your life because your diabetes IS manageable! People over the age of 45 and those who are considered obese are especially risk prone for this potentially fatal disease. Some of the potential health problems that may result are: partial to complete blindness, kidney disease, hypoglycemia and certain sexual and urological problems. These include erectile dysfunction in men. Even though these are serious concerns and should be carefully watched for, diabetes is in fact quite manageable, especially with some of the tools we currently have to work with. For example, blood sugar monitoring devices can accurately check your blood glucose levels in a matter of seconds. Check your levels at least daily. Depending on your particular diagnosis, you might need insulin shots to manage your blood chemistry effectively. These shots may be required several times a day. Also, be sure to have a glucogen emergency kit on hand at all times for your diabetes treatment. This is an important element that should be part of your diabetes supplies kit. Even though diabetes is manageable, don't make the mistake of thinking that it isn't a serious condition that doesn't require daily attention. It is and it does. Be sure to always keep on hand all of the supplies necessary for proper monitoring and treatment. Like the glucagons kit I just mentioned. Speaking of which, all of the medical supplies you need are available online and can be delivered to your home as needed. A diabetes diagnosis means that you will probably live with the condition for the rest of your life. But it doesn't mean the end of your life. Far from it. Millions of people live very full and complete lives despite the condition's very real potential to bring about serious consequences to one's well being. And if you're worrying that your diabetes diagnosis means that you'll automatically be going in and out of the doctor's office every other day ? don't. With self-discipline, a good understanding of the disease and effective diabetes treatment and monitoring techniques, diabetes becomes a very manageable condition. Carla Peterson is a freelance author from Des Moines, Iowa. For examples of other articles, see http://www.1st-in-diabetes-resources.net
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Diabetes the Silent Killer ? The Iceberg Effect! What sank the "Unsinkable Ship" the Titanic was not the tip of the iceberg, but the lurking 90% percent of the iceberg hidden under the surface. In the movie you see the captain steer the ship clear of the block of ice on top of the water, but underneath not known to the captain, crew or passengers, the razor sharp ice was splitting the steel bottom of the vessel like a stick of melted butter. Only after it was too late that the damage was known to all. Only a handful survived! The Profect Solution for Diabetics Diabetes, which affects more than 6% of the US population or over 18,000,000 people [i], is diagnosed when the body is not creating or effectively utilizing the hormone called insulin. As a result, much-needed energy from sugar, starch, and other sources are not being exploited as effectively as they should. This can lead to severe adverse health consequences, including nerve, ocular, and kidney problems [ii]. STAT-LET? Auto Safety Lancets - Makes Diabetes Testing Easy! Stat Medical Hardware, Inc (SMD) was founded in 1988 and is a leader in developing and distributing innovative medical devices. Their emphasis is on lancets, lancing devices and clinical, capillary blood sampling devices. Diabetes, A Bad Omen Or A Fresh Start? So you've learned that you've got diabetes. Well after the initial shock, you're stuck with dealing with the lifestyle changes that come with your diagnosis. When you go into the situation knowing that this isn't the end but only the beginning of a new phase in your life it gives you a better perspective on life. Gone are the days of feeling like garbage and not knowing the genesis of the problem. Oftentimes, folks feel a sense of relief when they finally realize what the problem is. The stress of uncertainty lifts and the realization sets in that their life is now on a straight path. Well sort of.. Pre-Diabetes: Check Engine Warning Light Your car has an early detection system and so does your body. Take 3 minutes to read this article and learn how you can save yourself a life time of aches, pains, and costly medical bills. Diabetes... Sweet Story of Healing In a time not too long ago, there lived a little girl named Lindsey. (Real story.) Diabetes: Diabetics Fight Back Many cases of diabetes go unnoticed or unchecked before a person or their doctor realizes the inevitable. This disease silently uses destructive high blood sugars to gradually damage the body for months or even years, before symptoms are noted. Get Rid of Your Diabetes People at risk of getting the disease drop by a staggering 60 percent if they manage to lose just 10 pounds by following a healthy diet and engage in regular exercise such as walking, according to a report published in the New England Journal of Medicine. (May 3, 2001). Becoming a Diabetes Expert I am a diabetes expert. No I'm not a doctor or a nurse. I am a mom. A mom to a 13 year old girl named Ashley who has Juvenile Diabetes. Ashley was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes just before her fifth birthday. She went into a diabetic coma and almost died. None of that would have happened if I had known the warning signs. In this article I am going to give you some information on diabetes and the warning signs. Type II Diabetes: Insulin-Dependent Diabetes The term diabetes refers to higher than normal levels of sugar, or glucose, in the blood. Type II diabetes, also known as insulin-dependent diabetes, was commonly referred to as adult onset diabetes until recently when the name no longer accurately describes the population with this disease. Diabetic Complications - Can Benfotiamine Help Prevent Them? Diabetic complications contribute too many life threatening diseases globally. The root cause of diabetic complications is elevated glucose levels which contribute to blood vessel damage. Diabetic retinopathy, nephropathy, or neuropathy are caused by damage to small blood vessel in the eyes, nerves and kidneys, etc. The bottom line of this damage is the lowering of the life expectancy of millions of diabetics worldwide. Raising Happy Diabetic Kids Part II This is the second article in a series I am writing about how to raise happy diabetic children. You can find the first article titled Help Your Child Develope Self-Confidence in our article archives. Diabetic Foot Care Tips: Cant Afford to Ignore It! Most of the time, we focus on health or skin care completely ignoring the importance of our feet. Foot care is equally important especially for diabetic people to avoid foot complications. Feet is one part of our body which is used the most. Even then, we tend to ignore it until we don't come across some serious feet problem. Feet are made up of 26 bones, held together by tendons, ligaments and muscles and wrapped in skin. Adult Onset Diabetes and Quacks Adult onset diabetes, like the common ulcer of a few years ago, makes a lot of work and provides a lot of money for the medical system. There was a cure for the biological disease of stomach ulcers but the doctors were telling us it was stress-related (Everything is stress-related to some extent, as the Pauling research that won a Nobel Prize for Vitamin therapy [especially 'C'] has proven.) and many people suffered under the surgeon's knife until recently. The homeopathic war with the FDA and drug-pushers is a very interesting study in deceit and power. For example it took until last year for the research at the University of Alabama led by Dr. Campbell to confirm what won a Nobel Prize a quarter century ago. The immune system and lymph system is vital to the interplay between soul and physical body energy manifestation. The arrogance of competitive marketing enterprises can't be the only reason that we have endured the removal of health maintenance at the hands of these 'experts'. Double Diabetes -- Placing Your Kids at Even More Risk In some medical circles it's called Type 3 Diabetes. Teenagers and young adults diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, if overweight or obese, can develop type 2 diabetes later in life. It's a double whammy and the medical consequences of such a diagnosis don't look good. Syndrome X - What Is It And Have You Got It? Syndrome X or the X factor as it is sometimes known was first described in 1988 by Professor Gerald Reaven , an endocrinologist at California's Stanford University after twenty years of study. Since this first identification the understanding of Syndrome X has come a long way. Revolutionary Lancet Device for Diabetic Glucose Testing Now you can reduce the pain and inconvenience of testing. Unlike conventional lancing systems, the ACCU-CHEK Multiclix lancet device is the only 1 with a six-lancet drum. That means you can have the least amount of painful testing with less hassle and improved safety. Locating Diabetic Supplies to Manage Diabetes In the United States there are around 17 million people with diabetes. Each of these people need certain Diabetic Supplies. While this may not seem like a huge number it does afflict around 6% of the population. Diabetes and its Management Diabetes Mellitus is one of the most costly burdensome chronic diseases of our time and is condition that is increasing in epidemic population in the whole world. The complications resulting from the diseases are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality and are associated with failure of various organs such as the eyes, kidneys and nerves. Diabetics are also at a significantly higher risk for coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease and stroke and they have a greater likelihood of having hypertension dyslipidemia and obesity. Raising Happy Diabetic Kids This is the first in a series of articles I am about to embark upon concerning this subject. As my family gets older and matures with this disease I think back to the early days and wonder why aren't we all on medication for depression? Why don't we have standing twice a week appointments with a psychiatrist? How did we end up so normal?(whatever that is) As I look back this didn't happen by accident, nor am I Super Dad, and I didn't plan it out step by step. It was mostly just paying attention, luck, and decent communication between my girls and me, granted sometimes at the top of our lungs. ![]() |
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