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3 Reasons Your Website Might Fail To Attract Enough CustomersMichael Cheney Virtually all website owners concentrate their efforts and energy into getting more visitors. With business owners this effort is spent on getting more and more new customers. What many people forget - with both their website and their business - is that getting new customers or visitors is only a small part of the equation for success… Reason For Failure No. 1 - The I am God-Syndrome God got his name from being able to do anything and everything and be everywhere at once. Despite what we are taught from an early age many people still insist on believing they themselves are God. Ever found yourself answering the phone, making a sale, running a sales meeting, welcoming customers and doing your companys accounts all in one day Sure you have. Youre trying to be God and do everything and be in more than one place at one time. You will fail. People do this with their website too. Rather than just stopping at providing content which is where you should stop and hand everything else over to the professionals some people think that despite no professional training or education in the subject they are experts in web design, website marketing, graphic design and business consultancy. Remember - stick to what you know, leave everything else to the experts. Your job is to run your business - not to run around like a headless chicken trying to create a website, market a website, do the books, answer the phones and make the tea. Reason For Failure No. 2 - Build It And They Will Come Ah yes. The halcyon days of the early 1990s when anything seemed possible and merely owning a domain name or funky web address meant certain success and riches beyond your wildest dreams. "Build it and they will come" is what they said. They were wrong. Disaster after high profile disaster came crashing down into a pile of dotcom carnage as the millions poured into the idea pit were consumed by fast-spending entrepreneurs who possessed more pairs of trainers than they did explanations for where the profit was going to come from. Just remember - there are more web pages in the world than there are people so if you really think that just building a website is enough its time for a serious re-think. Youve spent the money on graphic design, content, domain names, hosting, web design and testing and your site has just gone live. Congratulations - you have just completed step 1 of 1000,001 in having a site that generates business for you. You now need to market the site - just as you need to market your business when it first starts - advertising, fliers, yellow pages, referrals, networking, cold calls, direct marketing, mail shots, radio slots, events, conventions, product launches, press coverage etc. A website is exactly the same. Dont forget the new statement for the new age of new technology: Build it and they will say - I cant find it! Reason For Failure No. 3 - You Choose The Wrong Website Marketing Company Its difficult isnt it There are so many to choose from how do you know where to start Well word of mouth recommendation is always a good indication. Failing that you can look at the key areas that are likely to indicate the quality of their service. For example, ask these questions;
There is no real way to avoid making the wrong decision but if you keep learning more and more about website marketing you will be arming yourself with enough information to at least reduce the risk of choosing the wrong company.
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4 Customer Service Mistakes Companies Should Avoid Making 1 Being placed on hold endlessly. Dont you just love it when you call a company and they place you on hold, leaving you to listen to their latest on-hold, recorded sales pitch, over and over again. Would you think it normal business practice for a retail store clerk to ask you to "wait a minute" while they disappeared into the back of the store for ten, fifteen, thirty minutes or longer People do things over the phone that they would never do in person. Its bad business either way to leave a customer hanging without at least coming back to let the customer know how much longer theyll be holding. Triple Your Profits Easily With The Right "USP" Convinced you have a fantastic idea for your online business and cant understand why youre not making a big profit yet How to Get a Blog on the Internet Of all people in the world I was easily one of the most pessimistic about computers, the Internet and now that I even know they exist-blogs. I think blogs are pretty cool but I never thought I could have one. I thought the processes of getting a site; domain name and the actual building of the blog would just be out of my league. I’m a complete novice when it comes to technology, but I do like writing a journal, and I thought having a journal on-line would be both fun and make life simpler for me. No more writing with pens, other people can read my stuff and comment on it, and I could add pictures to illustrate my points and make things look more interesting. Why Radio Advertising Could Be The Best Thing You Ever Did For Your Business In the marketing world, radio has earned the reputation of being the odd step-cousin. You know the one. No one knows quite what to do with him. Especially at family gatherings when everyone tries hard to avoid sitting with him. After all, who knows WHAT hell start talking about. Get Your Own Domain Name Or Die Online Would you buy from someone with an "@yahoo.com" e-mail address I wouldnt. And the clients Ive had the most trouble with use yahoo addresses or other free addresses. I understand that you dont want your regular e-mail address in ads that your run on free ad sites to prevent spam, but lets use some common sense here. The Real Key To Happiness, Peace of Mind, and Massive Internet Success Do you know the secret that allowed 100% of the top Internet Marketers to become successful Detagged domains. What is a DETAGGED domain name We get asked this question regularly. Do You Have a Plan Writing a business plan for a home based business is every bit as important as writing a business plan for a conventional outside the home business. The lack of a concrete plan can be linked to many businesses failing before they realize their goals. Online Business, Where do I start BUSINESS. A big word. A big commitment. A big step. Getting The Big Picture Series: Part 4-"Enter The Web" Does the thought of managing your own website seem too complicated Whats holding you back Save $100 in 5 Minutes Backing Up Your Web Site Heres an easy way to backup your web sites files and database worth thousands of dollars, no doubt that costs $0 to learn and perform. It only takes seven easy steps. Dont Let Them Take Your Money and Run! The Internet is full of scams and fraud. Many are in the form of "income opportunities" and "investment programs." Sometimes its hard to tell if a company is legitimate or not. Unfortunately, many of them arent and people get scammed into losing hundreds, even thousands, of dollars. Service Marketers; How’s Your Packaging When a shopper picks up a product in a store, what’s the first thing they notice The packaging, right The same holds true for someone buying a service. The ABC’s of Cyber-Shop Set Up & Marketing: Affordable, Big League, Cheap! How do you set up shop online How about one that’s top-notch, so that you can compete with the big guys, yet quick to set up, easy to maintain - - and cheap And how can you affordably market your shop once it’s ready to go Ten-Step Guide to Boosting Your Sites Traffic and Revenue 1. Hunt for Catchy Domain Names and Get a Quality Paid Host 10 helpful tips to follow when switching web hosts Youve made your decision to move from your website from your current web host to a new web host. The following tips will help you make the transition easier and make you aware of some potential pitfalls to avoid. Web Hosting: Shared or Dedicated - Which Should You Choose Before you begin your search for a web host you should first determine whether you need shared web hosting or dedicated web hosting. How to Build Massive Keyword Lists As keyword marketing becomes more and more expensive and competitive, it has become essential when building your lists to focus on the maximum number of phrases and their variations that a surfer might enter into the search engines. Tips and Tricks To Getting Top Money for your Domain Names Would you like to be that lucky person who sells their domain for thousands or even a million dollars It IS possible to find quality domains and resell them for huge amounts of money. The time is ripe for acquiring top domains and selling them. Now that the Internet Boom is behind us, valuable names expire everyday. The best way to find these domains is to use services on the Internet such as DomainsBot to weed out the bad names. Or just check out Hot Lists on sites like Namewinner or Pool. How To Host Several Websites Under One Account If you operate several websites, each with its own domain name, signing up of separate hosting accounts can be an expensive proposition. Even if your hosting company offers the add-on domain feature which will allow you to add different domains to the same hosting account you will be charged a monthly fee for each domain you add, sometimes costing almost the same as your full hosting fee. ![]() |
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