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Domain Name Information |
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A Winning Domain NameDebra Gravelle The domain name is one of the most important decisions you will make when trying to win over the search engine dilemma. Try using at least one of your best keywords within your domain name. The search engine and the directories give higher preference when your domain name is relevant to your site content or theme. Let me give you an example of three different ways you could look at your domain name and how the major search engines will view them for indexing. Which one would you have chosen www.trafficNmore.com, Right! The search engines may not necessarily see it that way. Even though trafficNmore.com is easily understood by the eye of the visitor, the search engine will not see the difference between trafficnmore.com and trafficNmore.com. Both are good ranking for a site dealing with traffic issues. Even though you have the approval of your visitor looking for your information, you could get a higher ranking with the search engines by using www.traffic-N-more.com and still keep the eye appeal for your visitor. Here is why. The hyphen breaks up a longer domain name to reveal the major keywords that describe your website content or theme. This makes it easier for the visitor to understand and most importantly allows the search engine to detect your keyword for indexing right off the bat. Cool, huh
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Reseller Web Hosting Defined Reseller Defined: How I built a Site In Just 8 Hours That Makes Between $100 to $150 a Week Actually, for a while this site was making more then $350 a week. On top of the 8 hours it took me to set up, I only spend about 10 or so minutes a week on maintenance. … Displaced Dragons! While dragons are somewhat mystical and mythical, there exists another type of dragon. These ones are real enough and specialists at silent manoeuvres. Yes, You Can Use Hyphens in Your Domain Name: It Makes Them Easy to Read Most of the desirable one-word, two-word, and three-word dot com domains are taken. However, if add plurals and hyphenated terms, there is still some gold left in the domain name game. If you find that you need or want to use a phrase or a compound word with two or more words strung together, you can use hyphens. All of the search engine robots read a hyphen as a blank space so you don’t gain or lose anything when you use hyphenated words. Bound To Your Old Expensive Web Host by Fear Bound To Your Old Web Host’s Sky High Rates By Fear Is Your Domain Costing You Traffic You visited a great website some time ago that had some fantastic information on it. It is not easily found in search engines results so you decide to type the domain name into your favorite browser. The problem is that the url spells out something like www.keyword-keyword-keyword-keyword-keyword.com. 10 helpful tips to follow when switching web hosts Youve made your decision to move from your website from your current web host to a new web host. The following tips will help you make the transition easier and make you aware of some potential pitfalls to avoid. Domain Names Security : How safe is yours The security of domain name registrations is an increasing concern for domain name registrants and registrars. However, there are steps you can take to increase the security of your domain name registrations. The Road to Better Results A lot has changed in the way sites are optimized for search engines since last year. For one thing, Google is not the only search engine worth looking into anymore; Yahoo has definitely managed to take away some of Google’s oomph over the past twelve months. Another important change is that the intelligence of the search engine spiders and algorithms has increased dramatically. So without further ado, I will present you with a standard search engine optimizing process. How To Use RSS Feeds In Your Marketing It was Friday night. I finished reading a book about RSS feeds. Quickly set up one for my site, submitted it on directories and went to bed. Starting an On-Line Home Business When looking for a business on the internet you should consider a number of things. One thing is stability- with many scams on the internet you should look for a business that has been around a few years. Another is to see how many members they have. Is it free to join, or how much to join, before you invest to much time and money Also will they offer free support and training Toolbars, Desktop Search and Mac Users Desktop Search, Toolbars and Mac Users Give Your Business a Cash Infusion Whether you have your own business already, or are looking for a way to cash in on the profit potential of reaching millions of internet users – you can’t afford NOT to read this…….. The Advantages of Domain Appraisal If you want to buy a domain name, it is crucial that you get that name appraised first. You will be in a better bargaining position when you know the true value of the domain name you are purchasing. Never purchase domain names without first getting a professional appraisal. Online Surveys Financed My First Website! Online surveys alone financed my first web site. Getting paid to take these online surveys is a win-win situation. Large companies want your opinion on their products and services and they are willing to pay you for it. These online surveys give them good insight into their target market, people like you, so they win. You win by getting paid for your time. Tips and Tricks To Getting Top Money for your Domain Names Would you like to be that lucky person who sells their domain for thousands or even a million dollars It IS possible to find quality domains and resell them for huge amounts of money. The time is ripe for acquiring top domains and selling them. Now that the Internet Boom is behind us, valuable names expire everyday. The best way to find these domains is to use services on the Internet such as DomainsBot to weed out the bad names. Or just check out Hot Lists on sites like Namewinner or Pool. Free eBook: Business Domain Names Since every website needs a name, Dr. Steve Baba has written a free ebook that will help you obtain a brandable, memorable domain name at a reasonable cost, which will contribute to your brand equity and profits. The ebook, downloadable from Seemly.com, explains how to select and buy an elite domain name. You will be able to obtain a better name than your competitors have. Search Engine Optimization for Dummies Simple Steps for Beginners to Get Good Rank Position and Make Your Site Sell ICANN Registrar: za-domains for anybody Cologne, 12.10. 2004. ICANN accredited registrar Secura announces today,that the company is accepting the registration of za-domains. Are You Getting Enough Are you getting enough ![]() |
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