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The Meta Search Engines: A Web Searchers Best FriendsDaniel Bazac I know what youre thinking: Google gives you such accurate results that you dont need any other search tool. Well, lets see about that. You might - or might not - know that no major search engine indexes ALL the existing Web pages. OpenFind states that it indexes 3.5 billion Web pages, Google claims 2.4 billion, AlltheWeb - 2.1 billion, Inktomi - a little more than 2 billion, WiseNut - 1.5 billion and AltaVista - 1 billion Web pages. The truth is, nobody knows how wide the Web is. Some say 5 billion pages, some 8 billion, some even more. Anyway, whats definite is that the major search engines SEs index only a fraction of the "publicly indexable Web". Moreover, every SE indexes different Web pages, which means if you use only one SE you will miss relevant results that can be found in other search engines. One way to more effectively search the Web is to use a meta search engine. What Is A Meta Search Engine A meta search engine also know as multi-threaded engine is a search tool that sends your query simultaneously to several search engines SEs, Web directories WDs and sometimes to the so-called Invisible Deep Web, a collection of online information not indexed by traditional search engines. After collecting the results, the meta search engine MSE will remove the duplicate links and, according to its algorithm, combine/rank the results into a single merged list. An important note: Unlike the individual search engines and directories, the meta search engines
Pros and Cons of Meta Search Engines Pros: MSEs save searchers a considerable amount of time by sparing them the trouble of running a query in each search engine. The results - most of the time - are extremely relevant. MSEs can be used by Webmasters to find their sites presence, rankings and link popularity in the major SEs. Cons: Because some SEs or WDs do not support advanced searching techniques such as quotation marks to enclose phrases or Boolean operators, no or irrelevant results from those SEs will appear in the MSEs results list when those techniques are used. MSEs Come In Four Flavors:
The following provides detailed information on each of the four MSE types, along with my ranking: 1. "Real" MSEs These real MSEs simultaneously search the major search engines, aggregate the results, eliminate the duplicates and return the most relevant matches, according to the engines algorithm. Following is a list of a few meta search engines that you might find useful. Its by no means complete, but it might help you find what you need. The criteria I used to determine the best MSEs were:
ez2www [ http://ez2www.com ]
Vivísimo [ http://vivisimo.com ]
Query Server [ http://www.queryserver.com/web.htm ]
Infonetware [ http://www.infonetware.com ]
Metaseek [http://www.pcdigest.net/metasearch/en/main.shtml]
IBoogie [ http://iboogie.com ]
Vinden.NL [ http://www.vinden.nl ]
Search Online [ http://www.searchonline.info ]
Meta Bear [ www.metabear.com ]
Web Scout [ http://www.webscout.com ]
argosa:de [ http://www.argosa.de ]
Experts Avenue [ http://www.expertsavenue.com ]
InfoGrid [ http://www.infogrid.com ]
Suchspider.de [http://www.suchspider.de/meta-suchmaschinen]
EmailPinoy [ http://www.emailpinoy.com ]
1 SECOND [ http://1second.com ]
My Prowler [ http://myprowler.com ]
Gimenei [ http://www.gimenei.com ]
Dug Dugi [ http://www.dugdugi.com ]
Search 66 [ http://search66.com ]
Besides the very good MSEs listed above, there are also some others that are worth a try: Internav [ http://internav.com ], NetXplorer [ http://www.netxplorer.de ] Germany, Aaise [ http://www.aaise.com/meta ], Metengine [ http://www.metengine.com ] Antigua, One2Seek [ http://www.one2seek.com ], Ithaki [ http://www.ithaki.net ], Fossick [ http://www.fossick.com/Search.htm ] Australia, Pandia [ http://www.pandia.com/powersearch/index.html ] Norway, meta EUREKA [ http://www.metaeureka.com ] Netherlands, Widow [ http://www.widow.com ], VROOSH! [ http://www.vroosh.com ] Canada, Meta 360 [ http://meta360.com ], 7 Meta Search [ http://7metasearch.com ], Metor [ http://www.metor.com ] Germany and Ixquick [ http://www.ixquick.com ]. The following is a list of some unimpressive meta search engines. These MSEs do not provide the breadth of coverage offered by the sites recommended above. Each of these has its own flawed characteristics, but generally they are old and have not kept up with the latest capabilities or they suffer from too many functional problems. Metacrawler [ http://www.metacrawler.com ], Dogpile [ http://www.dogpile.com ], C4 formerly Cyber 411 [ http://www.c4.com ], Mamma [ http://www.mamma.com ] Canada, Pro Fusion [ http://www.profusion.com ], moonmist [ http://www.moonmist.info ] UK, Bytedog [ http://www.bytedog.com ] Canada, il motore [ http://www.ilmotore.com ] Italy, METASEEK.NL [ http://www.metaseek.nl ] Netherlands and ApocalX [ http://search.apocalx.com ] France. 2. "Pseudo" MSEs Type I The type I "Pseudo" MSE sends the query to the search engines, and then presents the results grouped by search engine in one long, easy to read scrollable list. Be careful. Based on how many SEs you select, the waiting time can be very long. Some people might find these MSEs useful, however. The best MSEs in this category are: Mall Agent [ http://www.mallagent.com/web.html ], which provides results from 38 SEs and WDs, qb Search [ http://www.qbsearch.com/ ] from 17, Better Brain [ http://www.bette |
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