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God Feeds The Birds Of The Air, But He Doesn’t Drop It Into Their NestsSandi Moses It has been said that God feeds the birds of the air, but He doesn’t drop it into their nests. The food is out there in amazing and unfathomable abundance, but they have to go out and get it. They have to go look for it, recognize it as food when they see it, capture it, and eat it. They have to be able to know what is good to eat and what isn’t. Bugs and seeds are nutritious and good to eat. Dryer lint and broken glass are not. Some of that knowledge is pre-programmed instinct. Some of it is learned. The bird works long and hard for its food, often spending most of its day doing little or nothing else. If the bird is a parent, usually a mom, then it must also bring food back to the nest for the children. Even though it might appear that the children just sit and wait for the food to be dropped into their mouths, closer investigation reveals the intense competition for the food. The baby with the biggest mouth and the loudest chirp gets mom’s attention and therefore the food. In some species, the oldest and biggest literally shoves the younger and smaller out of the nest, thereby removing that source of competition forever. Those who work the hardest survive; those who kick back don’t. So it is in the world of internet marketing. The opportunities are out there in amazing and unfathomable abundance, but you have to go out and get them. No one is going to drop riches into your lap or laptop!. No matter how much you might want to believe it, you cannot sign up for some “join free” program and then just sit back, do nothing, and watch the money pile up in your bank account! Think about it for a minute. If everyone joined for free and then did nothing, where is the money going to come from There are many legitimate programs and opportunities out there, and many of them invite you to join up for free. That’s good, because it would not be ethical to take your money in order for you to find out what they are about. So don’t be put off by the “join free” offer; just don’t expect miracles if that’s all you do! In the world of internet marketing, you need to be able to recognize hype and worthless fuzz from legitimate solid opportunities. Some of this will require common sense on your part. Some knowledge will have to be acquired by reading and reading and more reading. Birds need to avoid predators such as poisonous snakes, bigger birds, “foxes in the henhouse,” etc. You need to learn to avoid internet predators whose only goal is to move money from your bank account to theirs without giving you anything useful in exchange. When anyone starts up a business, there are costs involved. These might include such things as rent, utilities, inventory, personnel, etc. With traditional “brick and mortar” business, the cost can be overwhelmingly prohibitive. Some of these can be reduced or eliminated if you are the only person involved and you work out of your garage, off your kitchen table, or whatever. However you still are investing time, effort, and if you are making and/or selling something, you invest in inventory. If your business involves a service rather than a product, there may still be inventory and personnel involved. Think maid service or day care, for example. No matter what, there is always your time and effort. It takes that four letter word, W-O-R-K. When you start up an internet business, you usually work from your own home on your own computer. So far, so good; no additional costs here. However, you still must advertise and/or market whatever business you are in. Amazingly enough, even though nearly every “brick and mortar” business has a website, there are people who sign up to join an internet business opportunity who balk when it comes to having their own website to market their business. Perhaps they think the cost is prohibitive, or they think they have to understand html or something. But registering a domain name you know, www.whatever.com or .net or .biz or… can be done for $5-10 per year not month and there is plenty of software available that will allow you to design a web site without knowing anything about any of the computer languages. There are hosting plans that put your site on the internet for $30/month or less. Some even pay you for recruiting others so that you wind up with your site being hosted for free! So if you are serious about starting an internet business and claiming your share of the abundance that’s available, leave your nest a.k.a. comfort zone, invest your time, your effort, and your money wisely, and let’s get started!
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How to Build A Niche Web Site in 9 Simple Steps Maybe you’ve been wondering how to go about setting up a niche web site. Well, here’s a quick little article that will show you how to create your very own affiliate web site. Please note: this is the cheat sheet version. There is a lot more information you should learn about this subject before you get started. Be the King of Your Domain So there you are. You’ve got a topic that you really love. You’ve done your research. You’re ready to start your new website. As good as it is, you’re certain to get traffic and tons of sales. All you need to do now is register a domain name and start designing the site to end all sites! Changing To New Host No More Worries! Johns online business is expanding. His customers are increasing day by day. However, he feels very frustrated at the moment as he finds his website is down about every 4th day. Whenever he calls up the support team of his web host, he gets the same old answer that his problem will be rectified soon. If the problems do persist it will surely hamper his business. He has been with his present hosting provider for the last year but now he feels he has to find a new web host as soon as possible because his present hosting package is also not able to meet up with his growing demands. This is not a one-off occurrence that has happened only to John, it happens with many people like him. Changing the web host might become a cumbersome task if John and other people like him dont know the correct procedure of doing it. So, lets have a look at the following easy and simple steps: How I built a Site In Just 8 Hours That Makes Between $100 to $150 a Week Actually, for a while this site was making more then $350 a week. On top of the 8 hours it took me to set up, I only spend about 10 or so minutes a week on maintenance. … Triple Your Profits Easily With The Right "USP" Convinced you have a fantastic idea for your online business and cant understand why youre not making a big profit yet Top Five Questions to Ask Your Web Hosting Company Each day many new and existing webmasters either launch a new web site for the first time, or transfer their web site to a new web hosting provider. In preparation for this important process, there are five important questions that should be asked prior to signing on with a new web hosting company. How To Host Several Websites Under One Account If you operate several websites, each with its own domain name, signing up of separate hosting accounts can be an expensive proposition. Even if your hosting company offers the add-on domain feature which will allow you to add different domains to the same hosting account you will be charged a monthly fee for each domain you add, sometimes costing almost the same as your full hosting fee. Reseller Web Hosting Defined Reseller Defined: Want To Succeed With Your Internet Business The web is a great opportunities. Imagine millions of customer. Its a huge cybermarket ! Its a trillion millions dollars market waiting for you ! Want to Increase Your Online Sales Make Sure That Your Web Site Has a Unique Selling Proposition If you own a web site or if you are going to build a new one, the most important thing about your site is to achieve as high as possible visitors to sales conversion rate. Do You And Your Website Have Credibility I recently received an unsolicited e-mail from some company offering me their search engine optimization services for $199. Even though I had absolutely no interest in the offer, just out of curiosity, I decided to check out this company with the various search engines. What Is Web Hosting Web hosting can easily be described as a computer with information accessible to the general public. Just as your computer has files on it, your hosting account will have files on it…web files. Even though the concept is similar, your hosting account is not a full computer. You buy small or large portions of space on these computers known as “Servers”. So now you know the basics. Simple Steps to Project a Professional Home-Business Image One of the more difficult tasks to deal with when starting a home-based business is to decide how to establish your pathways of communication in such a way that you appear organized and professional, yet don’t have to break the bank to get started. Increasing Your Web Site’s Visibility Through Improved Positioning One of the greatest challenges facing website owners is marketing their website. Many believe that they need deep pockets in order set their site apart from the rest, but that is not the case. If you are willing to work hard at it, marketing on the web can garner great results at a minimal cost. Are You Getting Enough Are you getting enough Bound To Your Old Expensive Web Host by Fear Bound To Your Old Web Host’s Sky High Rates By Fear Actually Working to Make Money on the Internet There are many people out desperate for more money. Unfortunatly, most of them are desperate for a lot of money very fast. Thousands of internet sites prey on these people. In fact, these sites are around because their owners also want to get rich quick. A good example of some of the scam sites are the "get paid to..." sites. According to these you can get paid to take surveys, read e-mails, surf the internet, or just about anything where they can cram your computer full of ads and pay you 1/1000 of a cent for each one. Warning! Your Domain Name Could Infringe On Trademark Rights! If you have or are about to purchase a domain name, YOU could be in trouble and you dont even know it yet... Think All the Good Domain Names are Taken Have you heard of the other tlds top leve domains such as: .free, .church, .video, .travel, .llp, .golf, .school, .agent and .love There are many more too. Wait! Dont wretch just yet. Ill tell you why in just a minute. How Do I Get My Business On The Internet This is one of the most frequently asked questions by small business owners. They are feeling the pressure from their customers and competitors, yet for many business people it is a daunting task, as they dont understand the whole process. ![]() |
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