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Home Business Tax TipsRebecca Gilbert If you have recently started an Internet or home business, your probably a little intimidated by having to submit a tax return and the possibilities of being audited. Simply follow these guidelines and rest assured that filing your next tax return will go smoothly. Get yourself an accounting ledger booklet The first thing that you need to do at the beginning of every year is purchase yourself a accounting ledger booklet. These can be found at your local office supply store and can be found for under $10. You can deduct your millage and the accounting legder also. Keep a millage tracking sheet in your car Each year I make myself a simple spreadsheet that I keep in the glove compartment of my car. Each time that I need to get office supplies, or I go to the post office to mail flyers, I write my beginning and ending millage down on the spreadsheet. At the end of the year, I just transfer the millage over to my accounting ledger. Keep track of your Utilities If you have a room in your home that is used only for your internet business and nothing else, you will be able to deduct a portion of your utilities. I especially like this because I have to have these things anyway with or without the internet business and now they are tax deductible. Everything from gas, electricity, long distance and garbage pick-up are allowable deductions. Be sure that you keep your payment receipts in your accounting ledger. Other Business Expenses You will also be able to deduct any payments to your internet service provider. If you have a website you will be able to deduct your domain name and hosting plan expenses. Other deductable items could be anything you have purchased to maintain your business such as: fax machines, copy machines, scanners, ink cartridges, desks, chairs, phones, pencils, paper, etc. Advertising / Membership Fees If you pay for advertising or your internet business has a membership fee, these expenses can be deducted also. Labor Expenses Many home business owners pay members of their family to help with the home business. Be sure to keep track of the wages that were paid to employees or family members. Entertainment Expenses I dont have too much to deduct in this category, but several times a year I will meet a potential client over dinner. Keep track of your dinner expenses, including tips...this is all deductable also. Income In addition to all your deductable expenses, you will also need to keep track of any money that you make with your business. In closing, simply keep track of all your millage, utilities, office supplies, labor and income in your accounting ledger. Be sure to attach a copy of your receipts. Total up each category at the end of the year and take the entire booklet into your tax preparer. You will find that having a home business can be hassle free at tax time if you have taken the time to keep track of your expenditures and income. Best wishes for your future success and prosperity! Sincerely, Rebecca Gilbert
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How to Monetize Your Free Website For some time now I have been aggressively marketing my Geocities website without the prospect of any financial return. The site is content based so I did not expect to generate any product sales and neither was I able to lure potential sponsors. Free Pre-Registration of sg-domains at Second Level Cologne,13 August 2004. ICANN accredited registrar Secura announces today, that the company is accepting free pre-registration of sg-domains at second level. https://www.domainregistry.de/sg-domain.html A Network Of Web Sites Is Not Enough! The big thing these days is your ability to capture the market. So how do you do that Your Website - Your Virtual Business Card To make one thing clear way ahead, without a website you will not survive on this market. And while you are at it, make sure the website is user-friendly because you will need to make changes once in a while and if only to promote some new services. A website should list all the services you are about to offer as well as all your contact details. In the US pictures of yourself and your colleagues are seen as a sign of trustworthiness and reliability, in Europe this notion is not so widely spread, mainly because we are a little shy when it comes to posting pictures of ourselves on the net. Windows vs Linux : Hosting The Basics of Linux & Windows : A Mentor Can Make You a Smashing Success! Thinking about a home business Suddenly youre immersed in a whole new language: affiliate programs, residual income, leveraged income, pyramid scams, html, gateway websites. Its really not all that difficult, and a mentor can be a trusted guide through the home business labyrinth. Top 5 Search Engine Optimization Mistakes There are a lot of ways to promote your website and, unfortunately, a lot of these methods are mistakes. Here is a list of some of the more common mistakes often referred to as Black Hat SEO that you should steer well clear of. PROVEN Online Business Success In 3 Easy Steps Some marketing experts would have you believe that the key to a successful home business is limited to a select few and that this chosen bunch have tapped into vast secrets where riches are to be found in abundance. How To Choose The Best Domain Name In this article we are going to look at the thought process you should go thru to choose your domain name. Six Lessons for Getting in the “Right Mindset” For Starting Your Own Business Believe it or not your childhood attitude towards a fence shapes your business mindset. As you’ll learn from my experience starting a business, having the right mindset is the key to being an entrepreneur. It’s all about being a fence hopper instead of a fence sitter. Email tips and tricks Excerpted from the upcoming book The Busy Persons Guide to a Profitable Website and PlanetLinks Enews - an email newsletter delivered for FREE to your computer. To subscribe, go to www.planetlink.com. How AdSense Ruined My Life Because I used to work on a crisis line, Ive heard a-lot stories of how drugs crept up on people and took over their lives. I once talked to a self-admitted drug dealer who had trafficked in pot for years. It was how this person made most of her living; she even had a state issued medical marijuana card so that she could always be in possession without getting busted. One day a friend introduced her to the profits that could be made from selling methamphetamine, so she started dealing crank; doing a little herself on the side. A month later, she was calling the crisis line looking for treatment. Crank was destroying her faster than she had ever imagined possible. How to Achieve # 1 on Free Hosting A domain name and paid hosting are considered essential for an internet marketer.Majority of the websites that are successful have their own domain name and a paid host.However , is it possible to run a successful website on free hosting Reseller Web Hosting Defined Reseller Defined: How Will Your Visitors Remember You And Your Business Brand Yourself From The Crowd... Big and Yellow M reminds you McDonalds... DELL with oblique E reminds you famous Dell computers... Basic Steps to a Great Business Website So much has been written on the topic of what makes a good business website, and I myself could go on and on about good content, meta tags & other search engine optimization, market strategies and so on. Difference between Shared and Dedicated Web Hosting This article will explain the key differences between 2 web hosting services available today: shared and dedicated web hosting. Pick A Passion To Intensify And Fuel Your Online Business I remember watching the greatest player to ever play the game of basketball, six time NBA Champion Michael Jordan. On many different occasions Michael Jordan clearly stated that determination, focus, and persistence is what helped him reach his amazing accomplishments. There was one feeling in particular that gave Michael the strength, power, and desire to succeed as the greatest player to ever play the game. PASSION. Internet : A Medium or a Message The State of the Net How To Make Easy Money on the Internet -- But This Time Its Actually TRUE! Introduction: ![]() |
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