3 Powerful Concepts That Climb Marketing Mountains

You have probably heard many times how you should offer free reports. Like many of us, the idea of putting in work to give something away may have gone through you transparent. (Right in your mind's ear and out the other :>)

So, if you passed over this idea before, you are not alone. However, I am here to tell you to reconsider it and for good reason. Why? Because this is one idea that is doable from any level. And, it still works and always will.

It can get your marketing off the ground without much if any costs. It can literally be your marketing vehicle to gain exposure, build a email list and even crank in affiliate commissions along the way.

This is not just another gorilla marketing tactic for folks who can't afford to advertise. Not at all. It's way more than that. Top marketers still use free reports as a legitimate marketing tool.

Why? Because they can penetrate a valuable message almost instantly with the least amount of marketing friction.

In this article you will discover why Free, Branding and Viral are 3 powerful concepts that hold a strong place in online marketing. You can get in on it now and climb some marketing mountains - here's how.

"Free" speaks for itself. It can cheapify or gratify depending on how you present it. There are many ways to add value to make people want what you will give them. Offer useful information to a targeted group and they'll eat it out of your hands.

"Viral Marketing" is a coined term in Internet marketing which indicates a passing from one to another - like a virus.

"Branding" is the key to viral marketing. This is a form of personalization that can be passed along from marketer to recipient. Then the recipient can also pass it along as a marketer to his recipients, and so on.

This forms an ongoing cycle that carries with it an incentive to keep the distribution in motion. Your personalization can travel along by literally hundreds, even thousands carrying links leading back to you and the products you represent.

Sound complicated? - It's not!

So, how does this viral marketing information get into so many hands? Again, it's the incentive that everyone involved can achieve something. This propels the viral distribution. And it's all possible because of branding!

Hot Tip: Think of it this way.

How many thousands of people do you think are interested in buying a popular ebook or piece of software that you already own?

What you should do then is create a free special report teaching something useful about the product. Show them a few of it's many benefits before they buy it and they may just decide to buy it through your affiliate link.

That's the power of the 3 concepts and it works like a charm everyday on the Internet. Please don't over look this very important point.

So, what's in branding reports for you?

Great question - let's go over it.

For example:

* In return for joining your email list, you can use free branded reports offering them to your signups.

* You can let others a give them away adding useful content to their websites or even as an added bonus with products that you sell.

* You make affiliate commissions when someone buys from your branded links inside the report(s).

And, even if you are branding someone else's report, there's about zero work involved and you can still benefit as if it's your own.

By giving away free reports, you can dramatically build your email list and boost affiliate commissions. The more viral reports you use in your marketing, the more it will increase your opportunities.

So, remember to offer several Free Branded Viral Reports and let the multiplicity of the Internet work for you!

(c) Michael Nicholas -All Rights Reserved

Michael Nicholas' 1st special report received an explosive
692 signups in just 48 hours adding 1600 new subscribers in
just 1 week! To find out how he did it, get his Free How To
Brand Report! http://www.OrderButtonTriggers.com/pdf-report

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