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Beginner Ecommerce Mistakes
This is a short article because in the constraints of time and space preclude me from writing a 10 page article. Recently i built a ecommerce web site titled Cynscorion Products that sells knifes. I originally set out in July of 2004 to build an ecommerce site to bothe earn extra income and as a challenge to myself. Along the way I learned several things about both myseldf and web site design. Fourth months and about $1,900 later I have a ecommerce web site that I could have built in about 45 days and for one third the cost. Yes, there were some expensive lessons I learned the hard way. So, to help others who may be considering an ecommerce site i would like to offer a few tips. 1. Read books on ecommerce from both book stores and ebooks obtained from the internet. There are also a lot of free resources on the internet that you shouuld take advantage of. Do not just jump in with both feet like I did. 2. Start thinking about what you want to sell. If you make your own product, you should proceed to step 3. If you do not make the product you intend to sell then you first need to consider what you want to sell. If you have no preferences or if you have a hobby that you may potentially be able to turn into products market analysis is your next step. 3. Your need to determine if there is a market for your product. If there is no demand for your warm and fuzzy hand stitched bra's then attempting to sell them is failure waiting to happen. Most people fail intheir first ecommerce site because they sell what they like, not what other people are willing to buy. 4. Start looking for a product supplier of what ever you intend to sell. The store is no good with out merchandise to sell. 5. Review the web hosting companies and shopping carts available for price and features. Get a good shioping cart that offers flexiblity. Even if you do not intend to use all of the features immediately, you may want them a year from now. Do not box your self in. 6. Consider your Merchant Account or Payment Gateway provider carefully. This the part of the ecommerce site that accepts credit cards and transfers the money into your bank account. Comparison shop and check their monthly fees and percentage fees. Ask if they require contracts and they have a lot of experience with ecommerce sites and beginners. Do not assume anything when dealijng with a merchant account company. It will cost you money, because the error will be yours. I know this from personal expereince. Read the fine print! 7. Lastly, if this is your first site, find someone who has built an ecommerce site befor and learn from them. You do not need to waste time and money reinventing the wheel. So there you have it. Just few things to watch out for. Check out my web site and see what I built and read the story of how I built it. It is a funny story. Just go to the bottom of the page and click on Ecommece Book. Oh one more thing, avoid any travelling online seminar that promises a quick onl;ine web store. It an't gonna happen. ecommerce stores take time and effort, but a person of average intelligence CAN do it. if you have any questions send me an email. i will try and help you if I can. Just to my web site and click on "contact us". Good Luck. The author recently built a working ecommerce site by hand from the ground up. The web site evolved from pay pal to an actual merchant account and transformed itself from a home made shopping cart to a professionally design shopping cart. See the site for yourself. Go to http://www.cynscorion.com
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Tell Them Whats in The Can! What does 'the can' mean? Well, its literal meaning relates to canned goods on supermarket shelves. If your can is up there among thousands of others, the label had better state pretty clearly exactly what's in the can. The Clickbank Crash of 2003: Lessons Learned I had a rude awakening recently. I checked the days worth of sales from one of my sites and there were none. This had never happened before and of course I was anxious to find out what was wrong. Accept Credit Cards Online Without A Merchant Account It is often assumed if you want to accept credit cards on your website that you must have a merchant account. This is not the case. You can accept credit cards with a Third Party credit card processor. Selling Globally Through a B2B Exchange Participation in B2B Exchanges is increasingly becoming one of the fastest growing marketing methods for businesses looking for augmenting their client base beyond their local markets. Any good B2B Exchange offers direct contact with thousands of prospective buyers in a single location. For some new participants of a B2B Exchange, it appears to be a goldmine as they discover unexpected quantity of readymade clients without much effort from their side. Of course, there are many other great benefits companies can reap from getting involved in a B2B Exchange. The Origins of E-Commerce What is the Internet? E-Currency Exchange: The First Bonanza of the 21st Century? The 21st century has introduced the world to a new way of doing business. It's now a foregone conclusion that global commerce will be as revolutionized by it as Henry Ford's mass-production techniques were a defining characteristic of the 1900s. Increasing E-Commerce Website Sales: A Guide for the Online Newbie Because of this encouraging surge in activity, many individuals are now interested in becoming e-commerce merchants. To profit from your online business, you must first produce a unique website that will intrigue visitors and interest them in your items. Helping Your Visitors: a State of Mind What does "helping your visitors" mean exactly? Increasing E-commerce Website Sales With consumers purchasing billions of dollars of merchandise online each and every year, the Internet has become the key to financial security. The e-commerce business has consistently thrived well above all other online enterprises, and continues to flourish. Because of this encouraging surge in activity, many individuals are now interested in becoming e-commerce merchants. To profit from your online business, you must first produce a unique website that will intrigue visitors and interest them in your items. Set Yourself Apart From The Ordinary I have written at length about the need to anticipate your visitors' needs. I have talked about how the first screen of the homepage needs to connect immediately and directly with the task each visitor has on his or her mind. I have talked about finding the search words and phrases people use to find your site, so you can use these same words on your homepage. And so on and so on. Eleven Things You Must Know About A Drop Shipping Directory And Its Company 1. Balance - You want to find a directory rich in many different categories of products rather than the quantity of products available. Many of the directories try to advertise how many products are available in their directory (i.e. 500,000 products). Why is the number of categories important? A directory will not serve you well if it has hundreds of thousands of products, and none of them are in your product interest category. A directory with a good balance has focused on their categories of drop shipper products rather than the quantity. This gives you a better chance of finding something for your line of business. Paypal Primer To conduct business on the Internet, whether informal, one-time only transactions between two friends, or a full-fledged business selling products or services, payment arrangements have to be made. Before 1998, this often meant either checks sent through snail-mail, or very expensive, and often hard-to-obtain, merchant accounts for online credit card processing. In 1998, PayPal was introduced to fill the payment processing gap. 5 Powerful Ways to Make Money Online with a Website There are many ways to make money online and the best way for you is to simply be creative with your skills, knowledge, and abilities. However, the following five options are powerful ways to make money online with a website and definite something you should consider. 7 Must Have Scripts to Look for When Shopping for E-commerce Hosting When shopping for e-commerce hosting there are a lot of things you need to keep and mind. When you know what to look for it is a lot easier to ensure you get exactly what you need and not leave any important information out. Consider these 7 must haves before you start shopping for e-commerce hosting so you will be prepared. Why Our Site Was Removed From The ODP Our website, Best Of The Home, has been listed in the Open Directory Project for over a year. Recently, I conducted a search of the ODP for my site, to update it, and found that it was no longer listed in any category. Rules for Achieving Online Success The Internet brought a great deal of benefits to our life. Access to a lot of free and useful information is, probably, one of the most important out of them. However, this abandon of free information has also become a problem to some extent. You started to spend a little too much time on the Internet. For you emails, chat rooms, messenger services along with aimless web browsing dominate substantial portion of your workdays. As a result you feel that you are loosing control of your working hours, your productivity is decreasing and you are accomplishing far less in a day than you are capable of. This makes you frustrated, miserable and negative. What to do? How to get out of this mess? ![]() |
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