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Elder Care Information |
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Whos Gonna Take Care of You When Youre Old?
I finally went to the doctor this morning for my bad cold. My appointment was for 9:30 am and yet I didn't get home until after 1:00 pm. I'd asked the doctor to call in my prescription so I stopped at the store to pick it up on my way home. I was standing in line coughing and making people frown at me when I noticed this elderly couple. The woman got out of line and took her husband (he was blind) to sit in one of the chairs that are off to the side. And she started walking away. Well, I'm not paying much attention to them, I just want to get my medicine and go home and get back in the bed. I get my prescription and go to my truck to leave. WHY I SEE THE LITTLE OLD LADY OUTSIDE INCHING ACROSS THE PARKING LOT USING AN OLD UMBRELLA AS A CANE?????????? Geez! So I pull up next to her and ask her where she was going. She said she had to go to the bank to get some money to pay for the medicine and their groceries. Now keep in mind that the bank is across this busy azz street which accesses the interstate. So?I get out of my truck and help her into the passenger seat. I drive her to the bank. While driving, she tells me that this elderly bus thing picked them up and dropped them off at Safeway and would be back to pick them up at 2:00. WHAT THE HECK????????? Oh...she'd given her cane to someone "who had nothing" so they could use it and had to use the umbrella until she got another one. *sigh* Okay?so I take her back to the store?I'm hacking the whole way sounding like a water egress or a crane but there was no way I could leave those two old people sitting out front of the store until the bus thing showed back up. *sigh* So?..I helped her get her groceries. (IT TOOK FOREVER!!!!!) and then I put her and her husband in my truck and took them home. I stopped at Eckerds and bought her a new cane. It was only $19.99 and she was gonna bust her butt with that umbrella. Now here's the sticker. It turns out that they have a son who is a doctor. His azz lives in Ohio. He bought them a house?but they have absolutely no help. NONE! The woman has heart problems and the man is blind and they have to rely on the elderly bus to take them around to doctor's appointments, etc. I'm thinking to myself?there would be no way I'd let my mama and daddy live like that. I'd either move them to Ohio or I'd move and be closer to them. I mean dang?a doctor can get a job anywhere. Anyway?you KNOW I gave them my number?and this voice that sounded like mine told them to call if they ever needed something. *sigh* But listen to this?after I unloaded them and their groceries?the lady tried to give me some money for gas. I was like?ma'am please?my heart would hurt too much if I took something from you. Then she said?well..only God can repay you. How may I pray for you? I said to pray that I have healthy babies one day. And she said?better than that?I'll pray you have healthy babies whom will take care of you in your old age. Wow. That said a lot. *sigh* I'm sad for them. Their son sucks. http://www.MonicaMingo.com
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Alzheimers Care Giving While Maintaining Your Own Health Just for a moment I want you to imagine that you are coming out of a very deep sleep. If you have ever had surgery try to remember the way you felt as you were trying to make sense of things as you awoke. As you imagine or remember this sensation do you find yourself wondering if it is morning or night? Are you trying to remember where you are? Do you have a startle reaction and think for a moment that you are late for work or forgot to pick up your children at school? I have had that upsetting feeling if I wake up in the middle of the night or even after a nap. Now imagine that same fog every moment of your life....... Board and Care Homes ? What Are They? Board and Care homes (also known as RCFE's - Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly) are residential private homes that have been licensed by the Department of Social Services to provide services to seniors. Most accept no more than six residents, but offer a cozy, home-like setting for frail seniors. At least one caregiver is on the premises at all times to assist residents. Mom Wont Participate! Q: Six months ago we placed my mother in an assisted living facility. She gets along fairly well, but we thought she would get involved with all of the activities. Instead she complains that she is very lonely, and won't participate. Do you have any suggestions? New Hope for Alzheimers Treatment There is now widespread agreement among research scientists and medical professionals that Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is a problem quickly growing to vast proportions. As the life expectancy of Americans continues to rise, increasing the percentage of the population over 65 years of age, so does the number of Alzheimer's cases. Arizona Senior Housing: Care Options for Seniors Who Can No Longer Live Alone The following are a few of the care options available for seniors who can no longer live on their own and require assistance with their Activities of Daily Living (ADL), or require skilled nursing care. Every state is a little different in terms of availability and cost, state regulations, and the specific names used for each care option: Assisted Living: Tips on How to Choose a Facility It is easy to be fooled by fancy drapery or expensive furniture that may decorate a care facility. Even though a facility looks high class doesn't always mean the care provided is first class. The following are just a few simple guidelines to follow when selecting either a nursing home or an assisted living facility: Short Trips Can Stimulate Alzheimers Patients Severe degradation of short-term memory means that my father, an Alzheimer's elder, is seldom interested in movies or books. And, although music used to be a source of enjoyment, he no longer listens with pleasure. Left to his own devices, he sits. . .and sits. . .and sits unless he's sleeping. What to do? Caregiving Across The Miles?Tips for Successful Long Distance Caregiving Caring for a parent or a loved one is a difficult job. Your duties as a caregiver become increasingly difficult as the miles increase between you and your loved one. The following are a few helpful tips in order to plan ahead in the event your loved one needs your help, as well as ideas on how to become a successful caregiver once your caregiving duties begin. The Dryer Ate Your Underwear! Q: My mom is in the early stages of dementia and she is also incontinent we have tried to get her to stop wearing her underpants and have her start wearing pull-up diapers, she throws the Depends out the door and puts her underpants on. Of coarse we have a lot of laundry! How should I handle this? The Best Investment You Can Make Right Now: Long Term Care Insurance Don't think you need it? Consider this: a full 50% of Americans over the age of 50 will need long term care at some point in their lives. The average cost of nursing facility care (or home health care assistance) is $61,000 per year, and the average stay in a long term care facility is 2½ years. Can you think of a faster way to decimate your nest egg? Caring for Aging Relatives It happens somewhat slowly in the beginning, maybe with a small cough that gets worse as time goes on. It might simply begin with absent mindedness which is totally out of character, followed by total memory lapses. What do we do when our parents eventually need taking care of after they have spent so much of their adult lives taking care of us? What precisely is a child's responsibility to them? Is it self-centered to relocate them into an assisted home? And which siblings should shoulder the responsibility? These are questions which plague families whenever a parent happens to become sick. When Assistance with Long Term Care Becomes Necessary According to the Administration on Aging, it is estimated by 2030, the older population will more than double to approximately 71.5 million. It is also estimated that between 39 to 49 percent of people will use nursing home services during their lifetime. Unfortunately, there may come a time when your loved one may require assistance with long term care. The following is a list of warning signs one should be aware of when evaluating your loved one's situation. If the senior exhibits two or more of these signs, assistance is likely required: Arizona Assisted Living: Resident Rights According to the Arizona Administrative Code (R9-10-710), those who reside in assisted living facilities in Arizona have certain rights. In addition to having the right to live in an environment that promotes dignity, independence, self-determination, individuality, privacy and the right of choice, the following are a few of the rights given to residents who reside in assisted living facilities: Just Give Them a Lot of Love and You?ll be Fine It was right about this time, 19 years ago. My wife and I were sitting in the very last Lamaze birthing class, soon to be brand new parents. I felt a wave of anxiety come over me. I had to ask the question. I raised my hand. The Nurse, her name was Dorinda, pointed at me and said, "Yes, you have a question." Did I have a question? I just knew EVERY Dad was wondering the same thing? "You have given us some great information, almost too much. I am afraid I am going to forget all this stuff?then what?" I could feel the other Dad's nodding. She smiled; she was very wise and patient. She had taught thousands of new Dads. "That's a great question," pausing for effect, she continued, "That little baby doesn't know you don't know. Just give him a lot of love, you will be fine." It turned out to be the best parenting advice I ever received. Long Term In-home Care Options Are you worried that you may lose all your life's earnings and nest egg due to the rising costs of in-home long term care? As you get older do you have the necessary finances to protect yourself from going broke while slightly incapacitated? Many seniors are worried about are worried about the costs of long-term health care. Stair Lifts - Straight and Curved Rails There are two types of stairlift. Straight and curved. The first is designed for straight stairs. The footrest of the lift will normally stop level with the top stair. It may be possible to use a straight stairlift on some configurations of curved stairs. Why Everyone Over 50 Should be Training for the Senior Games by Phil Campbell, M.S., M.A., FACHE Senior Games participant and author of Ready, Set, GO! Synergy Fitness - 2nd Edition Advocate For Senior Citizens ? Protecting Against Abuse and Fraud Ruth is 87 years old this year and has been living alone since 1997. She is in good health, however the daily chores around the home became increasingly difficult. Ruth turned to her church bulletin and found a 'Home Care Company' advertised. Using The Proper Wheelchair Will Make Your Everyday Life Easier If you have an injury or a health problem that restricts your mobility, you can achieve the independence you desire with a wheelchair that's just right for you. Wheelchairs are constructed for people of every size, shape, and age, and have features designed to meet the many diverse interests of users and appropriate for the various levels of assistance required. Important factors to consider when choosing a wheelchair is the type of terrain and the general weather conditions with which you have to cope. There are wheelchair accessories as well as wheelchair ramps and lifts that will make life easier and more convenient if you experience life on wheels, permanently or temporarily. Helping Caregivers Get Comfortable Asking For Help Becoming a care giver might not have been a conscious decision on your part. It may have arrived quietly and unnoticed because you are the adult child of your elderly parents who now require care or you may have a special needs child that exacts your constant attention or a friend or spouse has become very ill and needs your support. In any of these situations the impact of providing constant care is tremendous. ![]() |
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