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Elder Care Information |
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Who Wants to End Up in a Nursing Home? NO ONE!
As a long-term care consultant for seniors and their families I have visited many different types of facilities. But my favorite type of facility to visit is adult family homes. There are over 2200 adult family homes in Washington State. Adult family homes have many things in common, but are each unique in their individual decor' and house size. Some are ultra fancy, some are tailored for country type folk, while some are modern and are bursting with color. Each provider, like the differences you find in the decor of the homes is individual in their personalities. Some are laid back, others are very vivacious, you will find that some are calm, quiet houses, while others team with activity. When you enter an adult family home the first thing you will notice is that the Adult family home smells wonderful. They take pride in making delicious homemade meals. Often times when you come into the homes you'll be greeted by the aroma of fresh baked bread, rolls, or muffins, not to mention the varieties of home made soups, baked chicken, roasts or casseroles, whose fragrance fill the air. Adult family homes do not have overwhelming chemical smells like nursing homes. They have a smaller ratio of clients to serve and clients are cared for in a much timelier manner, reducing odors. Since caregiver ratio is much smaller than in traditional institutional settings. (The caregiver to client ratio is 1:5 or 1:6) This gives the caregiver and the client much more individualized time together. Careful personalized attention can be given to the individual senior living in this care setting. Bathing, dressing, putting on lotion and powders, not to mention the warmed up bathroom and the occasional dryer warmed towels, for the client are all done in a manner that preserves the seniors dignity. Often times I hear caregivers laughing with their residents while giving them a shower, I have even heard some singing. Many seniors bring their furniture from home, pictures from their living room walls, bedspreads, photo albums, their own beds even. Having a piece of home with them helps them to feel more at home. I have been in several adult family homes that even paint the rooms the residents' favorite color. Of coarse the amount of furniture you can bring depends on the size of the room. Seniors don't have to share rooms in adult family homes. But if they choose to do so, adult family home providers are careful to ensure that there is a good match with the roommate. If you prefer your own private bathroom some adult family homes offer those too. Activities in the home are individualized to meet each senior's preferences. Some seniors enjoy more activities and are encouraged to visit the senior centers, go on outings, attend church, or other social clubs, do light cooking and gardening. While other seniors enjoy a good book, watching TV, visiting with the caregivers (there is actually a lot of time for this) or just watching the birds through the kitchen window. Caregivers have a chance to get to know each client's individual tastes. If a client doesn't particularly like roast beef, accommodations will be made. You don't find nursing homes that will change a meal based on a single client's wish. Many adult family homes have their residents help with the menu planning, so everyone gets to participate. Snacks are purchased with the specific individuals in mind. Each aspect of the care is tailored to the individual. Perhaps the most important thing of all is that caregivers are with your loved one for more than just a shift. There is continuity of care. The person, who manages your loved ones care in the home, is more than likely the one who sleeps in the bedroom right next to them at night. The relationship becomes more personalized. Changes in the clients' status are detected earlier, because a caregiver has taken time to notice. The staff turnover is very minimal. A senior feels more comfortable confiding health problems with a friend rather than a staff member that he doesn't really know. I could continue, because there are so many more things that make an adult family home a wonderful choice for long term care. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. I hope this helps! Renee Renee "Dutchy" Reeves is an Elder Care Consultant with over 10 years of working with the elderly and their families. Her online advice column, "Ask Dutchy" provides practical ideas and advice for assisting the elderly with Alzheimer's disease, Dementia, Parkinson's, disability, and those needing long term care. See other articles by her at http://www.askdutchy.mycarelink.net
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Review of the Changing Protein Requirements for Seniors Youth, it is said, is wasted on the young. Too busy figuring life they hardly take the time to enjoy it. Fortunately, with medical research and scientific progress, lifespans have doubled over the last century. We can now start life at fifty and have another go at youth. Health consciousness, appropriate diet and exercise, can make the later years of life a pleasant experience. Dietary principles play as especially important role in this regard. Compensating for the physiological changes of aging, they can give us better odds at achieving our genetically determined lifespans. Stairlifts ? Take the Struggle Out of Climbing the Stairs Buying a stairlift can have huge benefits for your quality of life, giving you back some freedom and independence. Stairlifts can be adapted to your individual needs, so no matter what your requirements are, there'll be one to suit you. The stairlift company representative who visits your home can assess what type of design would be best for you. There are two main sorts. Straight stairlifts are suitable for staircases that don't have any bends. They glide in a straight line up and down the stairs. If your staircase has corners or curves, a curved stairlift will be necessary to negotiate the turns. The Dryer Ate Your Underwear! Q: My mom is in the early stages of dementia and she is also incontinent we have tried to get her to stop wearing her underpants and have her start wearing pull-up diapers, she throws the Depends out the door and puts her underpants on. Of coarse we have a lot of laundry! How should I handle this? What Most Long Term Care Professionals Don?t Know Medicare recognizes this need and, therefore reimburses your residents to receive advanced behavioral health services? making them free to your facility! Caregiving Across The Miles?Tips for Successful Long Distance Caregiving Caring for a parent or a loved one is a difficult job. Your duties as a caregiver become increasingly difficult as the miles increase between you and your loved one. The following are a few helpful tips in order to plan ahead in the event your loved one needs your help, as well as ideas on how to become a successful caregiver once your caregiving duties begin. Just Give Them a Lot of Love and You?ll be Fine It was right about this time, 19 years ago. My wife and I were sitting in the very last Lamaze birthing class, soon to be brand new parents. I felt a wave of anxiety come over me. I had to ask the question. I raised my hand. The Nurse, her name was Dorinda, pointed at me and said, "Yes, you have a question." Did I have a question? I just knew EVERY Dad was wondering the same thing? "You have given us some great information, almost too much. I am afraid I am going to forget all this stuff?then what?" I could feel the other Dad's nodding. She smiled; she was very wise and patient. She had taught thousands of new Dads. "That's a great question," pausing for effect, she continued, "That little baby doesn't know you don't know. Just give him a lot of love, you will be fine." It turned out to be the best parenting advice I ever received. What Colour was Your Great-grandmothers Hair? I've just made another Photoshop video. This one is about colour tinting (or "colorizing") an old photo. You may not know this, but back in the 1800's - long before colour photography was invented - people used to hand-tint black and white photographs with coloured inks or water-colour paints, and I wanted to achieve that type of effect. Tinting monochrome prints using Photoshop is considerably less messy! Senior Living: 5 Ways to Help Reduce the Risk of Falling Every year we hear stories of seniors falling, ending up in hospitals and never fully recovering. Unfortunately, these falls often result in death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls are the leading cause of injury related deaths for seniors age 65 and older. Every year, approximately 35% to 40% of seniors over 65 years of age fall at least one time. The following are five ways to help reduce the risk of you or a loved one from falling: Paying For Elder Care Just Got Easier It's not a surprise that thousands of families across the nation are facing the challlenges of an aging population. The "sandwich" generation, those who are caring for their children as well as their parents, have been feeling the financial pinch of caring for loved ones. Paying the high cost of Elder Care can cost a family thousands of dollars a month. Too many families are unaware of how utilizing a loved one's life insurance policy can not only pay for Assisted Living and Nursing Home care, but can maintain the standards of living for the remaining spouse. Advocate For Senior Citizens ? Protecting Against Abuse and Fraud Ruth is 87 years old this year and has been living alone since 1997. She is in good health, however the daily chores around the home became increasingly difficult. Ruth turned to her church bulletin and found a 'Home Care Company' advertised. The Golden Years 1) What does Adrian Mitchell say we do to people when their working lives are over? Helping Caregivers Get Comfortable Asking For Help Becoming a care giver might not have been a conscious decision on your part. It may have arrived quietly and unnoticed because you are the adult child of your elderly parents who now require care or you may have a special needs child that exacts your constant attention or a friend or spouse has become very ill and needs your support. In any of these situations the impact of providing constant care is tremendous. When the Box is Empty The King had a modest kingdom. He was Danish. This meant he was proud, tall, athletic and he enjoyed a quick wit. He was married to a princess from Great Britain at a very young age. They were both really just children when they began their own family. Senior Care for Alzheimer?s As a person ages, a certain amount of memory loss and confusion is quite normal. Personally, I've been known to invoke the cliché, "The older I get, the better I was!" Unfortunately, Alzheimer's disease represents a more serious loss of mental sharpness and calls for special care for seniors. Stair Lifts - Straight and Curved Rails There are two types of stairlift. Straight and curved. The first is designed for straight stairs. The footrest of the lift will normally stop level with the top stair. It may be possible to use a straight stairlift on some configurations of curved stairs. Introducing the Best Available Long Term Care Policy Guarantee If you're 60 to 70 years old ... or have a family member who is ... then what you are about to discover could help prevent the complete erosion of your estate. Long Term In-home Care Options Are you worried that you may lose all your life's earnings and nest egg due to the rising costs of in-home long term care? As you get older do you have the necessary finances to protect yourself from going broke while slightly incapacitated? Many seniors are worried about are worried about the costs of long-term health care. Baby Boomers: Will They Be Able to Afford Their Parents? Do you worry about whether your aging parents have their "affairs in order?" You should. After all, you're the one who will have to pay unnecessary taxes and endure time-consuming court procedures if your parents don't have an effective estate plan. Without some forethought on their part and your part, you could be facing a lot of wasted time and money in addition to a lot of frustration. All of the waste and frustration can easily be avoided. Scaling Down (Almost) Painlessly Moving to a smaller house or apartment in a retirement community almost always involves a certain degree of trauma, both for the elder who's moving and for family members. However, by planning ahead you can reduce the discomfort involved and turn what might well become a nightmare into a pleasant event. Exercise Walking For Seniors: Preventing Foot Problems Exercise has a very important role in the general health and the quality of life of everyone, but especially in seniors. Seniors who walk tend to look younger, sleep more soundly and have fewer visits to the doctor. Walking for 30 to 60 minutes four to six days a week will help improve osteoarthritis and decrease the risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and obesity. Walking is the top recreational sport for seniors. ![]() |
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