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Five Profitable Ways To Use Your Follow Up Autoresponder
What? You are not using a Follow up Autoresponder? Then better be. If you are SERIOUS about increasing your subscriber database, you need Follow up autoresponders. Web site promotion should start with search engines. Next comes your opt-in list. To maintain your opt-in list you need a mailing list manager or an autoresponder. You can publish your ezine or offer a free email course through your autoresponders. What are Follow up autoresponders? Follow up autoresponders send a series of emails to your prospects that goes at specified intervals. You have complete control on this interval period. Some of the Follow up Autoresponders: (These are follow up autoresponders with mailing list manager features like broadcast emails) http://www.autoresponseplus.com/ http://www.scripts4webmasters.com/arpproadv/index.shtml What you can do with your Follow up autoresponder: 1. Offer free email courses: Load your autoresponder with a series of emails as a free course. Name it as 'Mini course that doubles Your profits in 7 days' or something like that. User should really get temptation to subscribe for your course. Once they subscribe, emails will go at the set up intervals. Remember these tips before offering an email course: =Name your email course something attractive =Don't keep too much gap between your emails =If possible refresh the previous topic in every next email =Keep short URLs =Try to use short courses like 7 - 10 days. It would be interesting for your reader. They should't feel like a classroom =Check the URLs before loading them in to your autoresponder 2. Follow up your customer: After your buyer purchase your product they will be landed on your subscription form. They will enter their name and email address. They will be redirected to your download page. You can set a follow up emails at an interval of 15 or 30 days. Offer some discount in this follow up emails on your other products. Selling a product to your present customer is easier than searching for a new prospect. In this method, you have to keep one form for each of your product. 3. Conduct quizzes, polls: Yes. You can fill your follow up autoresponder with 10 quizz questions and can set up to send it one per day. People that answer all questions correct will get a discount on your product or free product or free membership etc. DON'T forget to keep your product links in each of your emails. This is a kind of advertisement for you. 4. Benefit from your Ezine articles: You write ezine articles. Don't you? Good... Then load your Follow up autoresponder with 5 - 10 ezine articles and put a subscribe link on your web pages or in your signature file. Send the link to publishers who are willing to receive your articles. Your articles will be delivered to the subscribers and publishers at an interval of 30 days or what ever time you set up there. I like to send the articles every 1 - 2 months to my publishers list. Good publishers always file articles they receive. So if you send them too frequently, it will be little annoying. So better to keep minimum interval of one month. 5. You can also use your follow up autoresponder to send:
About The Author Radhika Venkata - Subscribe to 'EbookBiz Magazine' which is completely focused on ebook business and Internet Marketing. Receive FREE Ebooks with Resale rights every month! http://www.ebooks-world.com/freetosell.shtml Webmaster Resources: List Your product, ezine or web site free! http://www.webmasters-central.com/
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The Importance of Building a List Out of all the possible approaches to affiliate marketing, lead capture and list building represents the smartest and most effective option. Lesson #7: Three Extra Tricks That Can Boost Your Bottom-Line! Let's recap what you've learned so far... Email Autoreponder ? How to Put your Business on Autopilot Answering emails can take up a significant portion of the time you have to do business. Many times the same set of questions are being asked over and over again. Haven't you ever wished that you could have a simple and easy way to respond to your customers automatically? Email autoresponders are the answer! What Is Wrong With Email Marketing? If you are active on the web promoting your products, affiliate programs or services, you probably sense where I'm going with the title of my article. We all put a lot of effort into our internet business. We all have the same hopes and dreams about where our internet business will go. Unfortunately we are all depended on too many variables that have to be just right at the right time. Email Advertising - How Ad Tracking Helped Create a Killer Ad I recently undertook an email advertising promotion, using a number of advertising media. The exercise involved a program of mine called the Magical Marketing system. 11 Extraordinary Ways To Expand Your Subscriber List Here are 11 ways to expand your subscriber list: Improve Email Deliverability: 15 Tips for Email Marketing Success Delivering email newsletters and sales messages to opt-in subscribers and customers is getting more exasperating-and more expensive-by the day. Delivery rates for email have gone through the virtual floor. According to MarketingSherpa, one out of every six people who asked to be on your mailing list won't receive your email newsletter or marketing message because a spam filter blocks it by mistake. Dont Use FFAs To Build Your Newsletter Subscriber For those of you who aren't familiar with the term, The initials FFA stand for "FREE For All" and my advice would be don't waste your time! FFA's DON'T WORK! Use Autoresponders, to Build Relationships In Your Affiliate Marketing It's true that "content is king," but equally important to success in online marketing of any kind is contact. Not just the one time "flash in the pan" type either. You need to form relationships with your potential customers, and maintain it on a day to day basis. Remember, just as with content, good solid contact will get you good solid sales. Why Do Marketers Lie in their Emails? Coming as I do from a direct response and direct mail background, I'm familiar with the various copy lines used to encourage people to open envelopes. The Magic Of Email These days email is taken for granted and used perhaps without fully appreciating its power. DoubleClicks Q3 2004 Report Shows Bulk Email Marketing Eficiency Increase Internet marketing company DoubleClick published its final report over the bulk email marketing evolution this year. The figures show year-over-year increase in delivery rates (cleaner emailing lists), and a decrease in open rates and click-through rates. The variations are light, proving a steady and maturing environment. DoubleClick's metrics How to Make Your Email Smile Technology has a tendency to be impersonal and unfriendly - if you let it. Think of the last time you received an email from someone, read it, and said to yourself, "Boy was that a lifeless, mal-prepared, impersonal message - looks like Randy really cares to stay connected with me."? How to Build Your List Your list is your life. If you do not have a list of customers and prospects, you may do okay in your business but you won't be great. The one and only thing that separates great marketers from okay marketers is the effort great marketers put into building their list of prospects and customers. FIVE ADVANCED and Essential features of Your Follow up Autoresponder If you are not using a follow up autoresponder until now, just buy it. Follow up autoresponders are very valuable tool for online business. 10 Terrific Ways To Enlarge Your Subscriber Base 1. Create a unique selling proposition (USP). 4 Time-Saving E-Mail Tips! E-Mail is still the most widely used Internet tool available today. Virtually everyone who has Internet access has an email account, and for the Internet Marketer this opens up a huge possibility for more business. The Moneys In The List - But How Much? The internet seems to be full of hyped up business opportunities. What evidence there is to support the feasibility of a business opportunity is often anecdotal ? or we may be asked to take the word of a well known internet guru when he tells us that this is the "next big thing". Sometimes he/she will be right of course (that's how they get to be gurus). 10 Persuasive Triggers To Plug Into Your Ad 1. Most people want to win over others. Tell your prospects how their family or friends will admire them if they buy your product. Three Phases to Email Sensitivity The neurophysiological dynamics of understanding each email message are very complex. From that complexity, three basic phases float to the top that you will want to become familiar with. I like to label these: (1) the association phase, (2) the connection phase, and (3) the reaction phase. Let us look at each of these, and how the writer and reader can assume a more active role. ![]() |
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