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A Guide To Automated Email Marketing
You've probably heard the expression, 'the money isin the list'. It's become a bit of a cliché - but it'sthe key to successful web marketing. About 95% of visitors will not buy on their firstvisit to your website - in fact, most of yourcustomers will have to see your message 7 times beforethey buy. Many people starting out on the Internet believe thattheir main marketing tool is their website. In fact, your main marketing tool is your mailinglist. A website is just a way of building your mailinglist - by collecting the email addresses of yourvisitors. Here are some examples of how to use mailing lists aspart of your marketing strategy. You could send: => a customized newsletter to your subscribers => sequential autoresponders to prospects => your Articles to Ezine publishers => offers for other products to your customers However, managing your mailing lists can quicklybecome an organizational nightmare if you don't havean Automated Email Marketing Tool. An AEMT is a program that merges personal data into aform letter, schedules follow-up emails, and handlessubscribes and unsubscribes automatically. --------------------------------------- Server Side or Client Side? --------------------------------------- The first thing you'll need to decide is whether touse a Server Side or Client Side program. A Server Side program is a script that sits on yourserver, whereas a Client Side program is anapplication that sits on your PC. In general, Client Side programs are capable of muchmore advanced email management than Server Sideprograms. But Server Side programs do have some advantages: => With a Server Side program, people who join your Newsletter receive an instant 'Welcome Message' => Server Side programs include an unsubscribe link at the bottom of your Newsletter. The reader just clicks on that link and the cgi program removes them from your mailing list. => With Server Side programs, you don't need to be connected to the Internet while your Newsletter is being mailed out. You just click a button on a web page and you can then go offline - the mailing is being performed by your server. Here are some tools for automating your emailmarketing: ---------------------------------------------- Subscribe Me Pro (Server Side) ---------------------------------------------- This is a popular program amongst Newsletterpublishers - it mails out your Newsletter and providesautomatic subscribe/unsubscribe functions. Subscribe Me Pro gives automatic mail-backconfirmation when people subscribe or unsubscribe andyou can include automatic Add or Remove links in eache-mail, so users can add or remove themselves. http://www.freezineweb.com/cgi-bin/subpro.cgi ------------------------------------------------- Auto Response Plus (Server Side) ------------------------------------------------- This program gives you unlimited follow-upautoresponders. It allows full personalization ofsubject lines, headers, footers, ads - every part ofevery follow-up message can be personalized. Auto Response Plus gives you full control over thescheduling of your follow up messages - you can set aninterval between messages or schedule them to be senton certain days of the week. Although this program is designed primarily forsequential autoresponders, it's also quite capable ofmailing out your Newsletter and managingsubscribes/unsubscribes. http://www.freezineweb.com/autoplus.html ------------------------------- Mailloop (Client Side) ------------------------------- This application includes a newsletter server, webform processor, bulk emailer, customer databasemanagement, and autoresponders. As with other Client Side programs, Mailloop allowsyou to merge an unlimited number of fields into youre-mail message (for example: first name, last name,e-mail address, product purchased, date of purchase,etc). http://www.freezineweb.com/mloop.html -------------------------------------- World Merge (Client Side) -------------------------------------- This is another application that allows you to mergepersonalized data into form letters. Depending on your modem and the quality of your ISPconnection, this program will send approximately 8,000messages per hour. WorldMerge is excellent value - it's about a quarterthe price of similar programs. http://www.freezineweb.com/worldmerge.html ------------------------------------ Postmaster (Client Side) ------------------------------------ Like other Automated Email Marketing Tools, thisprogram allows you to create a form letter and mergepersonalized data into each letter. Your letters areaddressed to 'Dear Michael' instead of 'DearCustomer'. Postmaster acts as a List Server, sends out follow-upAutoresponders, and manages your database of contacts. http://www.freezineweb.com/postmaster.html To sum up, in a successful web marketing strategy,your website is merely the first point of contact. Youthen need to: (1) build an opt-in email list of potential customers (your website visitors) (2) use automated email marketing tools that allow you to follow up with your site visitors. If you aren't building mailing lists and usingautomated email marketing tools you could be losing upto 90% of your potential sales. ------------------------------------------------------------
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11 Extraordinary Ways To Expand Your Subscriber List Here are 11 ways to expand your subscriber list: Run Profitable Contests Using Autoresponders Running a contest for your e-zine subscribers or web site visitors is one way you can generate interest and give more exposure for products or services you want to promote. Paradigm Shift for the New World In the business world, the primary focus is on selling products and generating sustainable and profitable income. In any organization, the results are dependent on the activity of the organization sales, the quality of the product and service as well as the approach to advertising and marketing. The competition is fierce and every avenue to promote and sell must be maximized. Promote Your Web Business With Every Email You Send! Website owners are always on the lookout for new ways to promote their business. What if I told you could advertise your business every time you send an email and it wouldn't cost you a dime? Building Relationships Takes Time: Overcoming the Overnight Surge Urge Whenever we talk to a new or a "we hope to land soon" client, we are careful to stress the relational aspect of newsletter marketing. In fact, we go lengths to tell people that it takes time to build a list, time to develop trust, and time for people to feel comfortable enough to make the contact to initiate a purchase. The Benefits of Interactive Online Characters This Stanford University study surveyed the leading research on virtual agents and suggests that "social intelligence in automated interactions is good business. Email Laws That Could Bring You to Jail Even if Youre Not Spamming First things first, I'm not a legal expert and so this article DOES NOT represent any legal or professional information and nor can I guarantee its accuracy. I only wrote this article to introduce you to these email laws that might affect us, email marketers. NCOA for Email - Is Your Email Address List Clean and Up-To-Date? Introduction 20 Ways To Increase Your Traffic And Sales Using Free Follow-Up Autoresponder Courses An autoresponder course is a group of articles or information set up to be sent out separately over a set period of time by e-mail. People just e-mail your autoresponder to receive the free course and it is sent out automatically over time. You can find free follow-up autoresponders to use by typing it into any search engine. Below are ten ways to use them to increase your traffic and sales. Essential Rules For Effective Email Marketing If you want an email campaign to succeed, you don`t want to offend anyone when sending your messages. Turn off a consumer with your email and you can be sure they`ll tune out your message. Don`t let this happen to you! Heres Why You Dont NEED a Blog The word "blog" seems to be everywhere, and what an ugly word it is! Free Mailing Lists: Good Or Bad? Advantages of the free mailing lists Why Autoresponders Are An Essential Tool For Your Business Did you know that one of the major purposes of a website is to capture visitor information and create an effective prospect list? The Gold Is In Your Mailing List Let me ask you a question, "What is the most valuable asset to any Internet Business?" Autoresponders An Important Part Of Internet Marketing? Setting up and using email autoresponders on your site is an easy way to make repeated contact with your visitors. Studies have shown that more than 60% of a site's visitors who eventually end up buying a product or service don't do it on their first visit. An E-mail autoresponder is one way to encourage your visitors to return and make that purchase! Are Your Subscribers Receiving Your Newsletter? In my e-mail one day, I received the following message: "Hello, I am a subscriber to your ezine and received the attached e-mail. Please advise if this is actually from your website. Thank you." Autoresponder Tips An autoresponder is useful for, well, responding to people who send you inquiries through email. They are actually more than just merely useful - they are an essential tool in any webmaster's toolbox. Used properly, they can enhance your visitors experience and virtually guarantee that they will come back time after time. Used improperly, they annoy people and push them away from ever coming back. Say More Than Thank You Most Websites are gathering e-mail addresses. When you submit your e-mail address, you will be redirected to a thank you page. There is nothing wrong with it, but that page can do more than saying "thank you." Protect Yourself Legally with an Autoresponder Service Another powerful reason for making the switch from using the unlimited autoresponders that come free with your web hosting account to paying a monthly fee for an autoresponder service is improved legal protection. The Most Critical Strategy to Your Survival, and Prosperity, Online For the sake of your long term survival and your short term profitability online, you've got to think of your business as more than just one or more products or services. Getting customers is the hard part, so the best strategy is almost always to gain their business long term. ![]() |
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