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What is Gmail?
Like most other prime search engines, the ability to freely giveaway an email account is a positive tool that signals to the user community that this search engine is here to stay! Google is no different in this approach. Recently, Google has been beta testing Gmail. Google's very own email services repository. Best of all, it's free! Well, it's going to be free, its currently available only in Beta mode, if you are lucky enough to have received an invitation to sign up for a complimentary account you currently enjoy the benefits of ubiquitous Gmail. Found at gmail.google.com, users were at a frenzied pace to secure the names and aliases that may be snatched up once the floodgates were open. People are exclusively invited to partake in the beta testing were selling their names and invitations for quite a handsome sum on eBay. Most users will have to wait until Gmail goes live before actually trying it out. However with all the functionality at a price like this, how could anyone refuse? Unlike MSN and Yahoo! Google's approach to space was a little more liberal. Google provides 1000 MB of storage space so you would never have to worry about limited space requirements. All messages are displayed intact as well as the replies. Messages can be searched upon as well. Google's approach was to give as much flexibility to the user so the user in turn would use only Google. Much like the anti-pop up ad theory of The Google Toolbar, there will be an anti-Spam product built into Gmail that will help thwart out unsolicited email. Currently, new users can ask for a preview address from Google, although there is no guarantee they will get one. Interested parties should go to http://gmail.google.com/gmail/help/about.html and fill in their email addresses at the bottom of the page. Jakob Jelling is the founder of http://www.sitetube.com. Visit his website for the latest on planning, building, promoting and maintaining websites.
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How to Start Your Own Mailing List I remember reading time and time again when I first begun my Internet Marketing adventure that a mailing list was one of "the" best ways to generate larger amounts of money online. So I wasted no time in implementing a mailing list for my businesses. Or business (to start with). Converting More Free Downloads to Paid Customers Do you give web site visitors the opportunity to download a free trial of your product or service with the intention that they will come back and purchase? How are you following up with these visitors? Asking them to fill out a form and immediately giving them the download on the next page is not the best way to generate a quality opt-in list. Collecting accurate opt-in information from these visitors is essential to follow up education and making the sale. Achieve Success With Your Own Money - Making Newsletter To be successful with a newsletter, you have to specialize and make it your own. Your best bet will be with new information on a subject not already covered by an established newsletter, or at least your interpretation of existing subject matter. How to Deal With Rude E-mailers Rude and crass e-mail seems to be at an all time high. E-mails blurting out demands or questions without the courtesy of a decent subject field or a thank you to follow. Questions or requests that are demanding a reply without the courtesy of a hello, or a closing that notes their name. Are Opt-in Email Lists Still Valuable in this SPAM Age? One of the things that the introduction of blogs has done is to cause an exodus of sorts from email newsletters or ezines to online publishers simply publishing the information on their blogs. Use Permission Based E-Mail Marketing to Promote Your Home Based Business With all the negative Publicity that S.pam is Getting, Permission Based E-mail Marketing is frequently too often overlooked as the Misunderstood step Child of Internet Marketing. Unfortunately Many people confuse Permission Based Opt-In E-Mail Marketing with that Ugly 4 Letter S-Word S.Pam. 8 Ways to Get More Email Addresses On Your List ... Today Whether you've got 100 or 100,000 people on your email list, chances are you can optimize your web page to better feature and promote your ezine. Here's a few ways to capture more customers and leads - without having to increase your traffic. Web Advertising: How To Increase Traffic By Offering A Free Course One web advertising strategy that can help you become popular and improve your credibility is to offer a free course in any appealing subject of your choice. Reports of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated -- Email Marketing Recently, there has been a lot written about email and its (impending) death. From what you read on forum boards and in newsletters from well-known internet marketers, email marketing is dead. Too many ISPs are taking it upon themselves to limit the number of emails you can send at one time, or are blocking your emails from even getting to your subscribers's inboxes. BlackList Monitor Gives Businesses Options to Ensure Opt-in Email Gets Through Email may be fast becoming the preferred means of business communications and marketing, but, according to Karen Fegarty, it is only an effective tool if your messages are getting through to your opt-in clients. This is not always the case. Stop Buying Email Lists The saying "Quality, not Quantity" is applicable even to the world of email marketing. So many organizations are purchasing large databases of email addresses, with hopes to achieve high open rates and sales. The truth is that you are more likely to achieve your campaign goals if you send an email out to 100 targeted individuals than you would to 10,000 randomly purchased email addresses. Tips to Bounce-Proof Your Email List Keeping your email lists fresh is critical to the success of your online marketing and e-commerce efforts. In the early days of the Internet, the novelty of web sites and free e-newsletters made acquiring customers online all too easy. With customers signing up in droves to hear your latest offers, there was no need to worry about email address attrition rates or errors during registration. Free Email Accounts ? Pros and Cons Free email accounts are great if you want to hide your identity. They are great to sign up for free stuff. They are also very popular for SPAM emails and due to this they also filter too many non-spam emails as well. Ever wondered why you haven't heard from a friend lately. All a sudden no more emails, not even the forwarded jokes. Your friend just disappeared and you scratching your head what you have done to tick him/her off. Newsletter Template: Should You Use Them? There is currently a huge demand online for newsletter templates. In fact, if you are a graphic designer looking for some new work to do, you should really think about creating some newsletter template and selling them on your site! DoubleClicks Q3 2004 Report Shows Bulk Email Marketing Eficiency Increase Internet marketing company DoubleClick published its final report over the bulk email marketing evolution this year. The figures show year-over-year increase in delivery rates (cleaner emailing lists), and a decrease in open rates and click-through rates. The variations are light, proving a steady and maturing environment. DoubleClick's metrics An Unexploited Market: Striking Gold Without Searching for El Dorado Companies have been focused on using the Internet to market goods and services to the consumer. Many see this as the major revenue stream on the net. But there is an undiscovered El Dorado, a goldmine of opportunity that very few have begun to mine. Make All Your Mailing Lists Double Opt-In Accusations of spam can be so harmful to your business that every effort should be made to prevent it. Building The Best Opt In Email List The #1 Thing You *MUST* Have Before Even Thinking About Building An Opt In Email List Will Microsoft Kill Free Email on the Net? Spam has been such a problem that email filters are now widespread on the Net. These filters are a necessary response to the menace of spam. However, will the excuse of spam be used by companies such as Hotmail to charge for email? Disturbing news that Hotmail (owned by Microsoft) is blocking perfectly legitimate emails because they have been caught by their anti-spam filters is increasing these fears. Why Email Marketing Matters According to a study by the Winterberry Group, email marketing brings in $15.50 per dollar spent. This is about 17% more than direct-mail campaigns and 73% more than telemarketing campaigns. In short, email marketing matters and if you're not sending out at least monthly email newsletters to your subscriber base, you should be. The true cost comes from acquiring the prospects and clients, not the three or four hours needed to create a monthly newsletter. ![]() |
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