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From Bank Clerk to Entreprenuer
What seems like a century ago, I left school and joined a well-known High Street Bank. In those days working as a bank clerk was a well-established route for many school leavers and perceived to be a proper job with prospects. It wasn't long before I became disillusioned with the world of banking and sought a change of job. In complete contrast to my previous job, I became a clerk in the local hospital dealing with the injured and infirm, but it was a role that I found strangely interesting and rewarding. In today's parlance, it is known as job satisfaction. My career progressed rapidly and after working in a number of different departments I became Admissions Officer of a major regional hospital where I soon gained valuable front line experience. There is nothing more conducive to honing your powers of communication, persuasion, resilience and empathy than dealing with people when they are at their most vulnerable. Working in an Accident and Emergency Department definitely puts one's life completely into perspective and is like being part of a TV medical soap opera. My career came to halt when I met my husband and moved away from the area. I have to admit that back in the early 70's marrying and having the obligatory 2.4 children was still the acceptable norm, although liberation for women was gathering pace. Being a conservative soul, I slipped into the mainstream and before I knew it I was the wife of a career man and the mother of two children living in a three-bed semi. Returning to work was not a consideration and this proved to be a sensible decision as my husband was posted to four different locations throughout the UK in the space of 6 years. At the end of this period, the children were at school, our relocation days were over and we were finally able to establish some roots and settle down as a family. It was time to start considering my own needs and to plan a return to the mainstream work environment. This was not an easy thing to do after almost seven years of raising a family, but I plucked up courage and found myself back in the health care sector as a part time receptionist at my local doctor's surgery, a role that I found very satisfying. My confidence increased and my job gave me a focus outside of my immediate family. I regained some independence, earned my own money and met a new circle of friends. At last I had an opportunity to talk about something other than children and I felt that the old grey matter was once again being stimulated! After a while, the novelty of working in a doctor's surgery wore off and I felt that I needed a fresh challenge. At the same time my husband also felt that he had had enough of corporate life and wanted to do something completely different. For a couple that had had a very structured life, the crossroads seemed to be particularly difficult to negotiate. After two years had passed and a couple of false starts, I decided that I wanted to pursue my own business interest with a little bit of help from my husband. He had pursued a portfolio career and had the time and expertise to help me develop my plans and make sure that I was on the right tracks. The idea was quite simple and was borne out of my own frustration of finding quality lighting products locally for the home. Although we didn't live in an isolated area, we still had to travel at least forty miles to find a lighting outlet that sold, what I considered to be, quality lighting. Upon further investigation, I found that there are many areas in the UK that are not well served with lighting shops and therefore I felt that there must be an opportunity to fill this gap in the market. Once this need had been identified, the next problem was where to start. Opening my own shop was an option, but the economics of doing so were really not that attractive. Lighting is space hungry and the overheads associated with running a shop can be phenomenal. The other drawback was that whilst one shop would satisfy a few people, it didn't really address the fundamental issue of providing a wide range of quality of lighting to as many people as possible as conveniently as possible. The answer lay on the Internet and via a mail order system, where people would not be bound by geographical or time constraints. As the concept developed, I managed to enlist the cooperation of a couple of lighting manufacturers. This was not easy, since there are few suppliers who are prepared to take time to listen to your idea, let alone help you when you are not able to offer them any tangible evidence that you can deliver in any way, shape or form. Having secured the supply of products with David Hunt Lighting and Le Dauphin Lighting, I needed to find out how to set up a website and develop a mail order catalogue. I actually began by looking for an accountant, which is testimony to my optimism about the business empire that I was planning to build over the coming years! Within two meetings I had been introduced to a web designer and a marketing company, both of which were based locally. The brakes were off and before long I was immersed in a completely new world. After months of contemplation and planning, The Light Company (Direct) Ltd was formed and was rapidly taking shape. It was a further six months until all the pieces of the jigsaw came together and, on the 19 January 2004, the website was launched and the mail order catalogues delivered. As with many new business ventures, the early days are the most difficult and I am spending all of my time exploring ways in which I can make people aware of the extensive range of contemporary and classical decorative lighting that is on offer. I have already decided to open a showroom that will double up as my office design studio and mail order room. Although compact, the showroom will be far more suitable than the lock up on an industrial estate that I am currently using. It is a leap of faith, but having come this far, it is one that I feel has to be taken. It is certainly a long way from the Accident and Emergency Department. I have swapped a career in the NHS to become an entrepreneur, even though I do not believe that I have the archetypical qualities of such. I am still nervous about taking risks and I still worry about what the future may hold, but my course is set and there is no backtracking. Although completely unconnected, my years working in the health sector have proved to be useful particularly in dealing with customers and suppliers. It seems that good communication, combined with the ability to deal positively with people who are demanding across a whole spectrum of issues and events, are distinct attributes irrespective of your industry sector. In a perverse sort of way, this is the aspect of the business that turns me on and which fuels my enthusiasm to succeed. About The Author Carolyn and Laurence James own The Light Company Direct Ltd, an independent, family run business, based in the heart of the Cotswolds. The company offers a superb range of distinctive and stylish lighting for homes and commercial establishments via mail order and the Internet. Carolyn and Laurence have selected lighting that represents the very best in design and craftsmanship. They have developed close links with key manufacturers throughout Europe and are able to offer customers many designs that are rarely seen in the UK. www.thelightcompanydirect.co.uk carolyn@thelightcompanydirect.co.uk
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The Visionary Entrepreneur Any success you have in life must begin with a vision. A vision is the ability to see what others cannot see. It is being able to have a picture in your mind of exactly the result you intend to produce. The visionary entrepreneur is able to see exactly what his or her business is going to look like in every detail when it is finished. The 5 Senses of an Entrepreneur If you have seen me speak you will know that I believe the word 'entrepreneur' is used way too much these days. People seem to wear it as a badge instead of just getting out there and doing entrepreneurial things. Just because you run or own a successful business doesn't necessarily mean that you an entrepreneur. Empathy - Not Business Plans - Key to Your Home Based Business Success - Do You Have Empathy? EMPATHY is a Natural Talent, you were born with it and you will never loose it. It can be a blessing or a curse in a home based business. If you develop it, it can make you a Millionaire. Mary Kay, of Mary Kay cosmetics, did just that. If you have it, it is your most important key to a successful home based business. Business plans, cash flow projections, marketing analysis, etc. are skills that are needed in a home based business, but they can be learned from a workshops, courses or books. Your Natural Talent is what gives you the competitive edge. Dream It, Create It, Become It! Design a Dream Board Have you ever heard of "Dream Boards" or "Treasure Maps"? A Dream Board is a visual picture of the dreams you have for your life. Some of my clients also use this concept to visualize their businesses! It's their first business plan. One thing that is important to remember, though, is not to "get stuck" on your dream boards. We all have plans for our future, but it's important to watch the universe for signs of "its" plans for us. Otherwise, we might miss out on some great opportunities! The Use of Common Stock in Venture Capital Transactions When raising capital for a business venture, a company can either raise debt capital, equity capital or a combination of the two. Debt capital is money loaned to the company at an agreed interest rate for a fixed time period. Conversely, equity capital is money invested by owners (shareholders) for use in business operations that need not be repaid. Combinations include convertible securities which may be debt that can be converted into equity at some point in the future. Hearing That Entrepreneurial Voice? Women business owners are our only clients, so naturally we celebrate and support female entrepreneurship. Operating in this market gives us the good fortune to learn about some of the deeper themes in the lives of women business owners. It gives us insights into what really matters to women, and to what contributes not only to their success, but more importantly to their happiness and gratification in their professional lives. Entrepreneurial Business Plan The Down And Dirty Way Does the idea of running your own business sound exciting? Do you have a business up and running and want to take it to the next level? Differentiation ? Smart Marketing Strategies for the Solo Entrepreneur Are you ever frustrated or hesitant when you talk to prospective customers because you can't readily explain why they should come to you rather than go to your competitors? Sure, you might have your 30-second elevator speech, but then they ask you that dreaded question, "So what makes you different?" Then, all those self-doubts creep in, and you just aren't sure what to say. Differentiation can boost confidence--yours in yourself and that prospective customer's confidence in you! 3 Essential Elements of Operating a Successful Business Have you ever imagined what it would be like to live your dream? A good place to start would be to recognize that there are three elements, and only three elements, that separate success from failure. If you exercise one of the elements, you might just be successful. Two and you will probably succeed. Three, and you can practically guarantee your success. Traits and Skills of Successful Internet Entrepreneurs There are certain traits and skills that many successful online entrepreneurs have in common. Some mentioned in this article may seem simple, but don't overlook their importance. Why I Should Go In To Business Rohit Kochgaway was very upset with his boss for his rebuking him today in office. He was very upset with his job. When he reached home in evening his wife got the penalty for asking to go out in form of bad mood. After one hour at home, he exploded the bomb. Face The Fear, Ladies Okay, I'll begin by telling you that I've been divorced for about 5 years, have an amazing family and by anyone's standards, I have a wonderful life. Part-Time/In-Home Business - Low Expense and Low Risk As a first time entrepreneur, there are a variety of franchises, dealerships, distributorships, and licensing opportunities available for purchase. Many of these you can start by working part-time from your home. In doing so, you save thousands of dollars in start up and operating costs, while at the same time reducing your overall risk. How Much Risk is Necessary to Grow Your Business? A business owner is thoroughly responsible for their own financial survival and possibly the financial survival of their employees. Business owners, for the most part, seem to be "risk takers", who really don't easily "go with the flow". They are inventive and somewhat confident, as just having their own business does mandate that they possess these qualities. Franchises-Exit Strategy At an International Franchising Symposium in London, Peter Holt made the bold statement to his audience of Franchisors that they needed to understand that their business would fail, and in fact all businesses are bound for failure. Needless to say, there were a few shocked faces in the crowd. He was making the point that it really is just a matter of the number of calendar flips before time strangles any business. It's a hard point to argue when you think that the Neanderthal Fortune 100 included Barney's Dinosaur Obedience School. Not a lot of money in that these days. The History of the Franchise Business - Learning about Business Opportunities by Looking at the Past Hair care has been around as long as humans have been on the planet. The earliest record of personal hair care dates back 2.5 million years ago, when brushes used to create cave paintings in Spain and France were adapted for use in hair grooming. Interestingly, many of the innovations in hair design that are still used today originated in the late 19th century. Double Down on Marketing If you want to compete in the world of high growth startups, you better know how to play the marketing game. Marketing has become a big stakes game where companies are betting fortunes on the success of their products. Nowadays if you can't play the big marketing game you may not even get the attention of the customers you need to grow your business. The Term Sheet?s Role in Raising Venture Capital Entrepreneurs and companies who are seeking venture capital often negotiate with one or more venture capital firms on a number of important issues. These issues include the amount of capital to be raised, the investment terms, etc. The document which summarizes these terms is known as a "term sheet." Chairman Greenspan and the FED, learn more you will be glad you did So many people work their whole life to make money, but they know so little about out monetary system. They know so little about the Federal Reserve Bank and so very little about the brilliant minds, which make it all work. To get a better insight to the behind the scenes strategic planning and the intense thought which goes into making it all work I recommend you read a few books on the subject. Let's start on an easy one for your on-going education as an Entrepreneur; I recommend you first read: Judging Entrepreneurial Ideas Most entrepreneurs constantly come up with new ideas. Whether they are working on another project, driving, or lying in bed, their minds are constantly churning out new products, services and ways of doing things. For these entrepreneurs, the startup challenge shifts from coming up with ideas to choosing which idea to execute. ![]() |
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