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Near-death Experience is the Mother of Invention for Two Dallas Electricians
To morning commuters, the hulking truck encircled with barricades and traffic cones may be nothing more than a road-clogging nuisance. For Kerem Tepecik and Dale Vith, two men who've made a good living by changing light bulbs forty feet above the pavement, the so-called "bucket truck" is more ominous. "Every time I go up, I wonder if this is the day I'll die", says Tepecik, a married father of two. "We call it the "prayer bucket". Naturally, spending hours swaying in the Texas wind while dismantling high voltage light fixtures as angry drivers on the street below zoom past, the two electricians shared a single thought. "There's got to be a better way." "After a couple of near-death experiences, where a truck nearly fell on me or on him", says Vith, the pair began to learn the truth of Edison's dictum, "Invention is one percent inspiration and 99% perspiration." Taking a cue from "High masts" (200 foot light poles used on freeway cloverleaf overpasses) with their built-in lowering systems, Vith and Tepecik spent nights and weekends designing and building prototypes of their "Retropole", a patented crank-and-rail attachment which safely disconnects and lowers the light for servicing. The system is now in church parking lots, fast-food drive-thrus, and at the headquarters of a nationally-famous family restaurant chain, whose management is in the process of rolling out "Retropole" in locations nationwide. Following a soft launch in May/June '05, the new company's small staff has been thrilled by the reaction on the part of customers of every size. With retail prices under $1000, the systems pay for themselves the third time a light bulb is changed. Easy DIY maintenance and low cost of operation (bucket trucks charge $200-$300 for minor service calls, whereas the bulbs are sold for $20 at home improvement stores) appeal to maintenance staff. Perhaps more significant, though, is the invention's positive impact on property value. "For every dollar a property's annual maintenance cost drops, ten dollars is added to the property's value" explains Tepecik. The implications of this have lead two major Texas-based manufacturers to gear up for enormous production runs. "Kerem and Dale are two good guys who worked hard to bring a terrific idea to life. How often does an idea come along that helps with so many issues-safety, environment, and so on, that also helps large businesses save a fortune?" says Sherman Allen, marketing director of the Dallas based Retropole, llc. He notes that "bucket trucks" are leaky behemoths which cause concrete and landscaping damage, and, in terms of fuel, the 13-ton monsters "make Hummers look like econo-boxes." In an ironic twist, the success of Retropole will keep Vith and Tepecik in the "prayer bucket", since the one-hour installation of the mechanism requires one final ascent for removal of the light fixture. Tepecik says he's considering a sign on the truck that says "I'm never coming here again." http://www.retropole.com For more information contact: Sherman Allen
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Ex-Yankee Pitcher Pitches Barter As Powerful Business Tool Mission Viejo, CA - June 14, 2005 - Bob Meyer, a former major league pitcher in the 1960s who signed four-consecutive major league contracts with the New York Yankees, is now the most visible spokesman for the worldwide commercial barter industry. Secret Revealed In The Business Code ? Beginners often rush into business without any planning. Drive Website Traffic Unconventionally, Force Your Children To Do It If you believe that every little bit helps then keep reading... Starting Your Business By The Book I've gotten several questions recently about the legalities of starting a business. So, this week I thought I would address a few of the more common legal issues most new businesses face. But first, let's get the mandatory legal disclaimer out of the way: the advice dispensed by this columnist is probably no better or worse than the advice dispensed by other columnists. Do not take the following advice as gospel or bet the future of your business on any advice given herein by said columnist. Solving the Million Dollar Mystery: 4 Steps To Create A Turn-Key Business You're a smart, hardworking entrepreneur, and you're moving fast. You are highly educated in your field and your business is growing and getting busier each day. But somehow, you find yourself stuck. You're doing more tasks that take you away from your core business, you are working more and earning less. You need help. Wouldn't it be great if there was someone, anyone out there who could help you take away some of the daily tasks so you could focus on the things you really love? Learn how to Compress Time In the popular 1980's movie "Dune," man learned that by "folding space" the distance between two points shortened and he could cover those distances faster. Around 1995, we found a substance that could bend time in the business community -- it was called Venture Capital. With enough of it, we could compress the evolution of a startup company from a few decades to a few years. Companies like Amazon, eBay and most recently Google showed us that billion dollar companies could be built in years, not decades. Three Cs - What Startups Need to Get a Business Loan, Part 1 You want to get a good, solid overview of what it takes to acquire that business loan you need, especially if you are a startup. The essential element of what the lenders out there require of you can be wrapped up in the acronym, C. C. C. These are... Four Steps to Entrepreneurship As more and more people start or consider starting their own business, it is important that they understand the core steps that are required to launch successful ventures. These steps include spotting, assessing, selecting and executing upon opportunities. Taking Charge and Getting Results: The Choice is Yours As one of the most successful direct sales entrepreneurs in the industry, I have found there are two kinds of people in the world, those who would like success and those who are serious about success. There really is no in between. Think about it. Everyone wants success in their life; they want to make more money, have more time, have less stress and really make their mark in the world. The people who actually do it are the people who will not accept any alternatives. An Entrepreneurs Biggest Cost When launching a new product or company, an entrepreneur must consider their biggest cost - the opportunity cost. Opportunity cost is an economic term that is defined as the cost of passing up the next best alternative when making a decision. For instance, if an asset such as capital is used for one purpose, the opportunity cost is the value of the next best purpose for which the asset could have been used. In the entrepreneur's case, this asset typically includes the entrepreneur's time and money. The Boss is DEAD! Some of us are born into families with "it", some of us are just driven over the edge to "it", and some of us crave "it", but just haven't figured out how to attain "it." That "it" is an Entrepreneurial Spirit that is a powerful force that can be the key to your success, and yes?sometimes even failure. Customers - Why Should They Buy From You? There are a whole range of reasons why customers buy a product or service. They usually buy to solve either real or perceived problems. They want to move away from pain and towards pleasure. They want to feel better after having made the decision to buy a product or service than they did before. Herb Filled Pillows Make Over a Million Dollars Lauren Rosenstadt was a single mom working at a herbcompany in Bethesda, Maryland. A herb (pronounced "erb") isa plant that has medicinal, savory, or aromic qualities. 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It's simply easier to take the path of no resistance and revert back to doing what we've always done. Here's a way to skyrocket your profit potential by linking change to pain and payoff. Oil Change Guys History; Part IV One trait of franchisors and something you will find in all their biographies both; official and unofficial is their competitiveness and refusal to give up. Now onto Part IV of our saga: The Secrets to Becoming a Successful Creative Entrepreneur: JJK Secrets #19-21 Hello Creative Entrepreneurs! ![]() |
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