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Franchising Companies Need New Franchisee Checklists
When franchise companies are moving fast in the market place they must pay attention to the details. If a franchisor fails to give the required items as outlined in the franchise agreement to the franchisees on the prescribed timeline they risk legal issues and regulatory issues. In addition even if they do provide the items on time, there is a chance later that a franchisee may claim that something was not provided and they will use this to break the franchise agreement, sue or file a complaint with regulatory bodies at the state level or even the FTC, Federal Trade Commission. But if you keep proper records and have checklists and monitor dates and deliveries you can win a law suit or force a regulatory agency to backtrack. Below is a checklist we use in our Company, The Car Wash Guys, and as it turns out it came in handy as we had a regulatory agency attack us after false declarations and complaints were made. In fact had we not had these detailed documents and checklists in place with constant monitoring we would have been force to pay up to $800,000 in fines, as it turns out they settled out of court with us after seeing the facts. I recommend that you have a checklist in place for compliance as you cannot trust the regulators, lawyers, competitors or those who want something for nothing. Please be smart and copy this outline and modify it fit your business model and then make the supporting forms and documents to cover your company from dishonest humans and lawyers. New Franchisee Checklist Designated Territory Name Statement Business License Chamber of Commerce Membership Mailing Address/P.O. Box Checking Account/Merchant Account Pager Credit Card Machine Liability Insurance ? Make initial payment Health Insurance ? Make initial payment Truck With Body Modifications Initial Equipment (See Attached Form) Initial Supplies Inventory (See Attached Form) Uniforms Supplies Stationary Copy of Confidential Operations Manual Computer Computer Software Microsoft Windows QuickBooks 5.0 Proprietary Software Printer Computer Desk or Office Filing Cabinets Training Bonzai and Blitz Marketing Mission "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Entrepreneurial Traits that Drive Sales Frequently overlooked and hidden deep within our marketing tool box is the ultimate marketing vehicle for your business ? you! Many small business owners are so busy figuring out how to increase sales and revenue they forget to grow themselves as business owners. If you aren't evolving yourself, aren't you being counterproductive to your business development? Marketing our businesses isn't just about what ads to buy or what networking event to go to next; it's about us as people, as entrepreneurs. The following marketing traits are often overlooked by entrepreneurs but are pivotal to your long-term success. What's more, they cost very little yet earn a savvy entrepreneur a lot. Show Your Personality -- Customers want to know who you are. That's great that you offer the fastest tax services in town, or your gift baskets can be custom-made and delivered anywhere in 24 hours. But who are you? Your customers and prospects want to know. Especially if you're facilitating business on the Internet, building trust is key to making a prospect feel comfortable buying from you. One of the most effective ways to build trust is to express your personality. Profile of Women Leaders Leadership is based on two words, "pressure and support"and that the leadership is the power to influence people to move in a direction that you believe in your heart is a good direction for most people" (Fennell, 1999, p. 267). Adams and Yoder noted that "evidence from contemporary studies on sex-roles and leadership indicates that men and women, with similar education, career aspirations and training, have basically identical scores on measures of psychological masculinity and femininity." In other words, the traits we assume are important in good leadership can be found among people of both genders. Online Women Entrepreneurs Need To Pace Themselves Saving time means pacing yourself, being organized, and always prioritizing your duties, responsibilities and efforts. Evaluating an Opportunity Business opportunities are often based on broad trends, such as: How To Find Focus And Turn Your Talent Into A Thriving Professional Business There are tons of books and articles available to help professionals start up their business, but few that give practical insights on how to nurture your business once it's out of its infancy. At some point, every self-employed professional reaches the same dilemma: how to build a strong brand and grow their business without taking on too many clients, undervaluing their expertise, or sacrificing their lifestyle. A Secret To Extraordinary Accomplishments I sat watching a documentary on U.S. Navy SEAL Team Training on the local exercise channel. It showed young men, mostly in their early 20's, enduring grueling ocean swims in near-freezing water. It showed these same young men forced to swim underwater (holding their breaths) until a major percentage of them passed out and had to be rescued by their instructors. It showed weeks of grueling training in which ordinary men are transformed into incredible machines with wills of steel and unshakable discipline. Raising Entrepreneurs: What to Do When Your Kid is Born to Think Differently Adolescence brings with it many challenges ? for both parents and kids. Young people, still new to the world, are embarking on a journey to discover their passions, joys, and authentic self-images. More often than not, however, their journey more closely resembles an elongated stampede of enraged elephants than it does an innocent soul-searching endeavor. But no one said growing up would be easy. Street Smarts Vs Book Smarts, What Does It Takes To Be An Entrepreneur The latest series in "The Apprentice" features 2 distinct group of candidates. One group, who are only high school graduates are termed as "Street Smarts" by Donald Trump whereas, the other group are all college educated with some having MBAs and advanced degrees. They were termed as the "Book Smarts". Which Niche To Conquer? I'm sure that you've heard about how many start up companies fail when they first begin, and the reason that most (if not all) of their failures is because they don't create a good fountain to build on. Your Company Needs A Mission Statement; Make It Count Does anyone remember that book "Built to Last" done y the Stanford class and professor? Well change that to "Built to Merge." My grandfather was personal friends with Bill Hewlett and David Packard and I bet they would not have wanted this merger with Compaq either. It is interesting that one night about 3 in the morning I was reading that book and decided to change or mission statement and focus on the things that meant the most to our team and our customers. I stayed up all night writing that mission statement to make sure it was in line with the books comments on what it takes to make and keep a company great. This was about 5 years ago when "Built to Last" was the talk of the business world and it was written up in many of the newspapers, and magazines I was reading at the time. WSJ, Financial Times, Investors Business Daily, The Economist, NY Times, etc. Even hit the best sellers list for a while, not bad for a business non-fiction book by a professor. The Business and Life You Want to Build In the early days of my first consulting business, I knew I needed some sort of plan to give me the greatest chance at success. I took many a wrong step, yet in the end I managed to put a solid business together. Entrepreneurs Just Get Better With Age Q: I'm thinking about starting a business after I retire next month. I'll be 65. Am I too old to start a business? -- Milton A. Learn how to Compress Time In the popular 1980's movie "Dune," man learned that by "folding space" the distance between two points shortened and he could cover those distances faster. Around 1995, we found a substance that could bend time in the business community -- it was called Venture Capital. With enough of it, we could compress the evolution of a startup company from a few decades to a few years. Companies like Amazon, eBay and most recently Google showed us that billion dollar companies could be built in years, not decades. Designing a Comprehensive Franchise Company Computer System One of the most important management tools a franchised company needs is a great computer system. The system must integrate with all the franchised outlets and also be able to interface with the Corporate HQ computer system. There are many companies which have already set up specialty IT systems for franchisors, but much of an off the shelf system will need modification. Be sure when talking with software vendors that you make sure that you get what you want and do not simply fall for the sales approach of them telling you what you need? After all, how on earth would they know that? Designing and/or securing a computer system will require some pre planning thought on your part. Can a Microbusiness Help You Enjoy a Better Retirement? Not having enough money for a comfortable retirement tops the list of financial concerns among aging Americans, according to a recent Gallup Poll. It even outweighs peoples' worries about having a serious illness or accident. Is Now the Right Time to Become An Entrepreneur? A number of economic changes are magnifying the role of small business and creating the impetus for entrepreneurship. Lessons Learned from One Entrepreneur on Vioxx For the past ten-months, I tried every drug from the popular Vioxx, Celebrex and Aleve, to the long-standing Percocet, Ibruprofen 800, with some other fabulous ones like Fexeril, Ulltram, Naproxyn, and Antevert. (And, this is my short list). Entrepreneurial Emotions or It Seemed Like a Great Idea at the Time It's your first business or the next Great Idea in your ongoing business, online or offline, it doesn't matter. The roller coaster ride is a theme and variations on the same experiences. First the exhilaration -- THIS idea, or THIS business is THE one. It'll put you on the map with lots of money in your bank account. It can't fail. It's just too good. Have you said this? More than once? I have, and several times during my life, with numerous businesses and varying levels of success. Creativity & Entrepreneurship: The Secret to Discovering Your Purpose in Life!© Hello Creative Entrepreneurs! Starting a Company on a Shoe-String Budget A lot of people never start businesses because they believe they don't have enough money to do so. Unfortunately, these same people don't realize that many of the world's most successful companies were started on a shoe-string budget by an entrepreneur with limited resources. Below is a list of tips to help you save money when you're first starting a company: Manage your finances in MS Excel, not Quickbooks. Manage your contacts in MS Outlook, not ACT. Get free legal and accounting advice from law/business students or lawyers/accountants who are willing to do pro-bono (free) work. Look for and join organizations that support youth entrepreneurs and small business owners. Hire unpaid interns and make their job exciting. Partner with somebody instead of paying them. Use credit cards. Get free, professional advice from SCORE, Teachers, and Professors. Get investments from family and friends. Find organizations who incubate startup companies or companies who might have office space that might be willing to let an aspiring entrepreneur use it. Perhaps, your school will let you use their copy machines and phone lines. Swap services with a company instead of paying them. Learn how to do graphic design and web design yourself. If you have these two skills, the startup costs of every business you have in the future will be dramatically reduced. ![]() |
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