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Youve Found Your Guru, Now What?
In my last article, "Follow That Guru", I told you about the one (1) simple technique I used when starting my home business, "A Name". Now everyone wants to know what to do next. OK, here it goes. You've found your Guru, and you know what kind of home business you want to start. Your next step is to get a website. Now, there is a lot involved in launching a website. That's not as easy as it sounds. Sure, it's not "Rocket Science" or anything like that, but it will take you a while to get it started. When I got to this point, I had no idea that a professional website would cost so much. As I researched all the different Web Designing Companies, the prices ranged between $899 and $1500 to get a website built. I was on a VERY tight budget, and could not afford to spend that much money, so I decided to go BACK to the place where it all began. The Forums. First, do a search on Google for "Web Designer Forums". It will bring up a list of about 26,000,000 search results. The best ones are on the first 5-6 pages so take you time and go through each one checking to see if they have a place to post for "Help Wanted" or "Freelance Opportunities, or something to that effect. There are a lot of Web Designers that are looking for exposure and want to build up their portfolio. Most of which will design you a website for free in exchange for having their logo on your site. You just have to go about it the right way. They will be doing you a big service for nothing. So offer them a little more than just having their logo on your site. Give them some free advertising by allowing them to put a banner on your home page, and/or offer them a percentage of the profits. Whatever the two of you agree on is up to you. Next, start looking for a "domain name". Come up with a name that will be easy for your customer to remember. Let's say, you're starting a "doggie treat" business. The name of your business is "Fidos Bark-O-Ruff-it Treats". Now, "fidosbarkofuffittreats.com" would be a very hard name for the customers to remember, but "fidostreats.com" would be perfect. Keep your domain names as short and as close to the point as possible. Go to www.nameboy.com to check the availability of your domain name. If you are having trouble coming up with one, just put in a couple of keywords relevant to your website like, "bark, ruff, treats, dog, etc, and it will give you a list of domain names that you can choose from. Then, once you have your domain name, you need to register it and get a hosting company for your site. In most cases, you can register your domain name with your hosting company, so be sure to do that before you sign up. Now there are free hosting sites out there, but if I were you, I wouldn't go with any of those. I'm not saying that they are bad, but if you're like I was and didn't know what I was doing in the beginning, you'll want a hosting package that will offer the most support. You can get a good hosting package for about $5 a month. I use www.dot5hosting.com Take a look at this hosting company and see if it would meet your needs. If not, do a Google search for "Hosting", and you will be sure to find a good one that is in your budget. OK, now you're on your way. You have your website, your domain name, and your hosting package. The next thing you have to do is find content for your site. For you to get noticed by the Search Engines, your site must be "content rich", which means that you need to have a lot of valuable information for your visitors to read and see. Say you're still in the "doggie treat" business. Articles with information on dogs are a must. Find all the information you can on dogs, dog food, dog toys etc. You can even go to other websites that offer dog products, and look at the kind of information they have, and how their website is laid out. This will give you an idea of the type of information you need to make your site successful. You can do a poll in the "dog lovers" forums, asking dog owners what kinds of treats their dogs like. Then add the results to your website. Be creative. The more creative you are, the more likely you are to get more visitors. Offer something that no other "dog" website offers. Remember, the key to traffic is INFORMATION. Another way to get traffic is to trade links with other sites like your own. There are many "linking programs" out there, but the two I use are www.linkmetro.com and www.linkmarket.com All you have to do is to sign up and enter some keywords about your website, and you'll begin getting offers from others website owners that would like to link to your site. It's that easy. Now you know what you need to do next. Just don't forget about the person that got you started. Your Guru. They are there to help you in every step of the process of building your online business. Keep asking them for their advice. You are not only building an online business, your building a relationship too. ©2005 Lavonda Thigpen, All Rights Reserved Lavonda Thigpen worked in Advertising for 15 years. She got tired of working for someone else so she "Fired the Boss" and "Hired her Family", and never looked back. She had always wanted to own her own business, and work from home. She started the website http://www.ez2workathome.com in order to help people that were wanting to start a home based business. If you're looking for a way to start your own home business, go to her site for more information, articles, links, e-books and products to find what's right for you.
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The Deal is in the Details What Startups Need to Get a Business Loan, Part 2 Beware the Opposition! Any time you make changes in your life you are going to be met with opposition from people who would prefer you to stay exactly as you are. Sadly, these people are often the ones that love you the most; your family, friends, partners and even work colleagues. However, in your moments of entrepreneurial seizure, the greatest opposition that you will experience (particularly if you're a seasoned employee) will come from within yourself. Goals and New Venture Creation More and more corporate workers are leaving their jobs to start new ventures. When taking this leap, it is important that the goals of these entrepreneurs are solid, as these goals may ultimately determine the success of the new venture. How to Start a Franchise Franchising Information The Ideal Length of Your Business Plan How long should a business plan be? A business plan needs to be whatever length is required to excite the investor, prove that management truly understands the market, and detail the execution strategy. From surveys of investor needs, Growthink has found that 15 to 25 pages of text is the optimum length in which to accomplish this. Any more and the time-constrained investor will be forced to skim certain sections of the plan, even if they are generally interested, which could lead them to miss essential elements. Any less and the investor will think that the business has not been fully thought through, or will simply not have enough information to make an investment decision. Entrepreneurs - 9 Top Mistakes to Avoid 1. Isolating Yourself When setting up a business, you can get so overwhelmed with the administration that you don't focus on building up your network. Networks can provide a way to catapult your business forward through referrals, joint ventures, or providing industry knowledge. Networking does not need to be through formal events but can come in many forms. Even using websites to become aware of who and what is out there is useful. Giving time for self development and training activities to grow your skills, can be one area that is given a lower priority which can often lead to unwise decisions. Can a Microbusiness Help You Enjoy a Better Retirement? Not having enough money for a comfortable retirement tops the list of financial concerns among aging Americans, according to a recent Gallup Poll. It even outweighs peoples' worries about having a serious illness or accident. When Your Business Feels Like an Arranged Marriage Q. I was laid off six months ago. Jobs in my field are scarce so I moved to a new town to start a home business. People have paid me for everything from website maintenance to pet sitting. Reducing the Stress of Being an Entrepreneur Starting and running your own business can be exciting and rewarding, but it can also be very stressful. For most of our almost 40 year marriage my husband has been an entrepreneur and I have sometimes worked with him. Having built my own business as a Stress Reduction Coach I have been reflecting on the stresses of being an entrepreneur. Rx for Falling Corporate Profits Once again the squeeze is on as renewed inflation worries slow the economy's growth and many companies resort to believing that cost cutting is the best means to scramble back to profitability in an uncertain economy. The problem with this classic approach is that it sends the clear message to your brightest and best talent that no matter how well they perform, today there is no job security. Not only does such a move have a serious impact on morale, but as the economy improves we will find ourselves once again in a very tight labor market. 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Most of us have forgotten what that special gift is, or we are afraid to live it. My successful secret formula as outlined in my seminars, e-book and CD's will help you unlock your creative potential and discover your purpose in life. Passion, right-action, hard work and a commitment to excellence will create the quantum leap you desire in your life today! What Qualities Do Franchisors Need? When I got into business I wanted to build a company, which helped people and provide a product and service that people loved and were willing to pay for; one I would not have to sell or convince anyone of. Something that people truly wanted to extend and enhance their pursuit of happiness. I found the perfect service that everyone wanted and where sales were not really needed at all. In addition I found a way to allow my team to reap the rewards of delivery of that service to the masses. Cut to the Quick - What is an Entrepreneur? The Inside Story Enjoying the title of entrepreneur is a hollow feeling. Increasing Business BIGTIME with a Successful Referral System What I've discovered from most of my small business clients is that most would prefer to build their business through referrals rather than through direct mail, advertising in newspapers, radio, TV. However, most leave the referrals to a somewhat chaotic, unplanned approach. When they have a repeatable system of going after referrals their business growth suddenly explodes. Judging Entrepreneurial Ideas Most entrepreneurs constantly come up with new ideas. Whether they are working on another project, driving, or lying in bed, their minds are constantly churning out new products, services and ways of doing things. For these entrepreneurs, the startup challenge shifts from coming up with ideas to choosing which idea to execute. The 7 Traits of an Exceptional & Successful Entrepreneur How often have you either referred to or considered the expression, "Success is a journey and not a Destination?" Probably many times, yet often being in a hurry to get there, we forget that success is not an end unto itself, but is instead an ongoing process. What Makes an Entrepreneur? Rupert Steiner in his book 'My First Break' attempted to define the secret of becoming an entrepreneur and following interviews with over one hundred entrepreneurs, Steiner concluded that there was not one defined path. He has, however, drawn out observations of an entrepreneur's personality traits. They have a tendency to be rebels, outsiders, original thinkers, risk takers and break new ground. Entrepreneurs are always on the lookout for new business opportunities and have the guts it needs to start up a business. They have total commitment to what they are doing, which verges on obsession behaviour. ![]() |
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