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Ezine Publishing: 5 Easy Smart Strategies To Increase Your E-zines Subscriber Base
Do you publish an e-zine or newsletter? If you answer yes, then you must know how difficult it is to sign up new subscribers. I will now reveal to you 5 smart and easy e-zine publishing secrets to do so. 1. Give Incentives Give people an incentive to subscribe to your e-zine. Offer them a freebie if they subscribe. It could be a free e-book, free report, free advertising, etc. Make sure the freebie will attract your target audience. 2. Joint Venture Joint venture with a similar e-zine. Combine your subscriber bases together and publish one e-zine. Edit and publish each issue together. You both will be promoting the e-zine which means more subscribers. 3. Allow Archiving Allow your subscribers to archive back issues of your e-zine on their web site. They may need content for their web site. If people visit their web site and like your e-zine, they will subscribe. 4. Form An E-zine Ring Form an e-zine ring. Team up with 4 to 10 similar e-zines. All the publishers would agree to list each others e-zine name and subscribing information in every issue. You could call this section "Other Free E-zines You Might Enjoy" 5. Ask Subscribers Ask subscribers to forward your e-zine to close friends, family, or associates. If they enjoy your e-zine, they will subscribe. It's almost like your subscribers are endorsing your e-zine. May you succeed in your e-zine publishing efforts and make a lot of money. Warmly, I-key Benney, CEO I-key, a Millionaire CEO from New York City is the creator of "Mscsrrr: Millionaire Secret Cash System", (home based business) which has helped thousands of ordinary people from all over the world to attain financial security and shining success during the past 2 yrs. Mscsrrr Millionaire Cash System helps you to generate $1,500+/Week for life, from home or office, part time or full time. No large investment or hassles. Win $1000-$2000 free "cash"?
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The News About Newsletters "A newsletter is the paring knife of communication tools. It seems simple and is easy to take for granted. Handled well, however, it's a highly capable tool." --Al Czarnecki Communications Why a Newsletter Will Help Your Home Based Business Web site traffic is a huge concern among home based business owners working online because the competition is stiff and it is a huge effort to get your web site noticed among the thousands of others. However, there are many tricks you can do to differentiate your web site and set it apart from others. One such thing is providing a newsletter to subscribers. Newsletters - How To Build Your Subscriber List If a visitor comes to your web site looking for information and doesn't sign up to receive your e-mails, you have missed an opportunity to turn that browser into a customer. This month we will be concentrating on how to build your subscriber list using the tips and techniques below. Increasing your newsletter subscription list with new subscribers will therefore increase your potential new customer database. Top Seven Ways to Promote your Ezine Your ezine builds customer confidence and trust when you give free tips, articles, and resources. Clients and customers buy only when they trust you. Expand your email subscriber list seven ways for eventual big sales. Newsletter Publishing Tips I can't think of a better way to sell your products and keep your readers coming back for more than publishing a newsletter. Article Distribution: How Will Your Results Vary? It's not enough to just sit around and expect that your articles will bring you a good amount of traffic right after you submitted your articles for distribution. How Ezine Ads Explode Your Online Income - Part 2 Here's a big tip ? the secret to succeeding with smaller ads is to set it up like a campaign over a few issues. If you go for the top ad, run the same promotion for 3-5 issues testing different ad copy (we'll get to some good ad writing tips in a minute). Now, what this does is it builds a rapport with the readers so you become a familiar and trusted presence in the ezine. As I've said countless times in this course, you cannot expect all customers to buy first time round, and by appearing in several issues of an ezine you're overcoming this problem and giving them more chance to click on your link and find out what the fuss is about. I would also recommend as part of your campaign to get at least one solo ad in there as well to heighten your familiar presence even more ? again, use the same link and the same product so this familiarity really hits home. With a solo ad being the first ad in your campaign and following up with top placement sponsor ads, you will be setting yourself up nicely there for some affiliate commission. How to Grow Your Ezine Subscriber List Your ezine subscriber list is a very valuable group. They are interested in your product of service. They *want* to hear from you occasionally. They are interested in what's new with the subject and have asked to be kept in the loop. Re-evaluating The Purpose Of An E-Zine With all of the push these days to publish an E-Zine as an online marketer, deciding whether to accept articles and paid advertising is becoming nothing more than a quick second thought. As E-Zines are increasingly turning into mere tools to generating sales, people are turning more to pre-written content. Are E- Zines loosing their aire of freshness as an outlet for true discussion? How to Make Your eZine Work for You Long After Its Published If you publish an email newsletter, do you convert the issues to HTML and archive them on your website? If you haven't been doing so, you should start now, today. 10 Reasons To Sell A Fee Based Subscription Ezine 1. You will create residual income. For example, if you charge a monthly subscription fee, you will get recurring income every month. 10 Effective Ways To Gain More New Ezine Subscribers 1. Swap ads with other ezine publishers. Volcanically Erupt Your Online Newsletter, Ezine or e-Course Opt-Ins in No Time Flat Are you ready to build your opt in email list quickly? Newsletters in Plain Text or HTML - Which Work Better? A common question asked when you first set out to write an email newsletter is whether it should be a plain text email or HTML (web page style). This is an important consideration since your choice impacts on how many people read your newsletter and how they respond to it. Let's look at the obvious pros and cons of each format. Surefire Ways to Pack a Punch With Your Ezines & Newsletters Newsletters, or ezines, can be extremely effective marketing tools for your business. They put your name in front of your potential clients, regular clients, and peers while showing your expertise and professionalism. They are an excellent means to both market and grow your business and also show your existing clients your creative abilities. Now the only drawback is to ensure your newsletter is worthy of being read. I subscribe to a lot of newsletters, but find I regularly only read a few upon their arrival. When I decided to create my own newsletter, one of the first things I did was to look at those newsletters I regularly read and determine what it was about them that made me want to read them. What sets them apart from the rest? Article Marketing: How to Submit Your Articles at Turbo Speed Want to become an article-writing machine? Here are a few tricks for submitting articles on the internet at top speed and accuracy. 10 Benefits Of Submitting Your Articles To Ezines 1. You'll brand your web site, business and yourself by submitting articles to ezines. You could include your name, business name, your credentials, web site address and e-mail address in your resource box. To find publisher you can submit your articles to, you can simply visit Google and enter a keyword phase that describes your target market (e.g. business owner) plus the work newsletter or ezine: +"business owner" +newsletter 2. You will become known as an expert on the topics you write about. This will give you and your business extra credibility which will help you compete against your competition. 3. Your article might also be placed on the publisher's home page. If they publish each issue on their home page this will give you some extra exposure. To make it easier for the publisher, provide also an URL to a web page with your article on it. The easier it is for the publisher to use your article, the higher the chances that they will do it. 4. You might get extra exposure if the ezine publisher archives their ezine on their site. People might want to read the back issues before they make the decision to subscribe. 5. You will get free advertising. This will allow you to spend your profits on other forms of advertising. You could buy advertisements in other ezines that don't publish your articles. 6. You might get extra income from people wanting to hire you to write other articles, books, or even ask to speak at seminars. This is a great way to multiply your incom^e. 7. You could allow ezine publishers to publish your articles in their free e-books. Since people give them away, your advertising could multiply all over the internet. 8. You will get your article published all over the web when you submit it to an ezine publisher that has a free content directory on their web site. They'll allow their visitors to republish your article. Another option would be to submi^t your article to article directories. To find article directories that you can submit your articles to, you can again simply visit Google and search for: "article directory" 9. You'll gain people's trust. If they read your article and like it, they won't be as hesitant to buy your product or service. You will then be able to increase your profits. 10. You could get your article guaranteed to run in an ezine. You could agree to run one of their articles in your ezine if, in exchange, they run yours in their ezine. It's a win/win situation. Tip: If your article recommends one of your own resources, offer the publisher a percentage of each sale for publishing your article. This could be done by using a special order link, or if you have an affiliate program, by allowing the publisher use his one affiliate link. Practical Strategies To Boost Your Ezine Readership Do you have a fresh ezine ready to start taking subscribers but don't know how to attract them? Ezine Advertising Deals Revealed Ezine (electronic magazine) advertising is a great method for exposing your offer to a targeted audience (niche). This type of advertising can be quite expensive though if you don't know what to look for. Email Newsletter Marketing Is Alive and Well: The Case for Continuing Newsletter Efforts With the arrival of syndication or RSS technology, many claim the email newsletter is dead. Not true. Newsletters continue to offer companies a marketing tool that allows them to build and retain relationships with their clients. ![]() |
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