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Uncover 8 Secrets To Gaining More Ezine Subscribers Now!
If you've just started publishing your own ezine then you'll soon discover that getting visitors to subscribe to your ezine is not as easy as you might think. If you already publish your own ezine, it is likely you have already discovered this. Besides getting more traffic to your site, here are 8 tips that have been proven to boost ezine subscriber rates. -- Give a free bonus away to anyone who subscribes to your ezine. This will give your visitors an initial reason to subscribe. With the amount of spam going around the internet today, people are becoming less forthcoming about giving their email address away and so make sure your bonus is a worthwhile one. I recommend using an ebook because they cost nothing to produce and are very easy to distribute. -- Promote your ezine in a signature file at the end of every email you send. If you wish to be a successful webmaster, you should be sending at least 10 emails a day and so a large number of people who will be interested in what your ezine has to offer will see. Try to keep your e-signature short and sharp; giving information about how your ezine benefits its readers. -- Submit your ezine to ezine directories. Ezine directories are free to submit to and attract people who are looking to sign up to ezines on a subject that interests them. When submitting your ezine, bear in mind that a lot of ezine directories list their ezines in alphabetical order so try to make the first letter of your ezine's name begin with a letter at the lower end of the alphabet. This way your ezine will be the first people see. -- Have a good subscription request to your ezine on every page of your website. This way, visitors are looking at your offer the whole time and if it looks appealing then they will subscribe. It also ensures that no matter which page of your site a visitor enters, they will always have the chance to see that you have an ezine. -- Swap ads with other ezine publishers. Swap ads with ezines of the same subject as yours so you can guarantee that those who view your ezine offer will be interested. This method is completely free too. Don't be afraid to ask other ezine publishers to swap ads because they will have very little to lose and everything to gain and so they are very likely to agree. -- Write articles relevant to the subject of your ezine. In the resource box of your article, promote your ezine. If your article is well written then readers will look for more of your quality content and are likely to subscribe to your ezine. This is another great way to promote your ezine because you know that those looking at your ezine offer will be interested. -- Make sample issues of your ezine available on your website or by autoresponder. Visitors won't enter their email address unless they know exactly what they are signing up for. Your sample issues should be short and sharp, giving readers a taster of the top quality content that can be found in your ezine. You could also make previous issues of your ezine available. -- Publish testimonials about your ezine. Visitors are unlikely to believe everything you say about the quality of your ezine but if you have good testimonials then this will lead visitors to trust you and sign up to your ezine. Do not be afraid to ask your current subscribers for testimonials. People will help you and will probably feel honoured that you consider their opinion. For more information on this subject or about making money online go to http://www.info-ebooks.co.uk 100s of free ebooks and software products are also available at this address. Thank you for reading William Johnston (will@info-ebooks.co.uk)
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Ezine Promotion, The Three Forgotten Tactics If you are like most ezine publishers you want more ideas that work. But hold on a minute what about all the key strategies that you have overlooked? 10 Benefits Of Submitting Your Articles To Ezines 1. You'll brand your web site, business and yourself by submitting articles to ezines. You could include your name, business name, your credentials, web site address and e-mail address in your resource box. To find publisher you can submit your articles to, you can simply visit Google and enter a keyword phase that describes your target market (e.g. business owner) plus the work newsletter or ezine: +"business owner" +newsletter 2. You will become known as an expert on the topics you write about. This will give you and your business extra credibility which will help you compete against your competition. 3. Your article might also be placed on the publisher's home page. If they publish each issue on their home page this will give you some extra exposure. To make it easier for the publisher, provide also an URL to a web page with your article on it. The easier it is for the publisher to use your article, the higher the chances that they will do it. 4. You might get extra exposure if the ezine publisher archives their ezine on their site. People might want to read the back issues before they make the decision to subscribe. 5. You will get free advertising. This will allow you to spend your profits on other forms of advertising. You could buy advertisements in other ezines that don't publish your articles. 6. You might get extra income from people wanting to hire you to write other articles, books, or even ask to speak at seminars. This is a great way to multiply your incom^e. 7. You could allow ezine publishers to publish your articles in their free e-books. Since people give them away, your advertising could multiply all over the internet. 8. You will get your article published all over the web when you submit it to an ezine publisher that has a free content directory on their web site. They'll allow their visitors to republish your article. Another option would be to submi^t your article to article directories. To find article directories that you can submit your articles to, you can again simply visit Google and search for: "article directory" 9. You'll gain people's trust. If they read your article and like it, they won't be as hesitant to buy your product or service. You will then be able to increase your profits. 10. You could get your article guaranteed to run in an ezine. You could agree to run one of their articles in your ezine if, in exchange, they run yours in their ezine. It's a win/win situation. Tip: If your article recommends one of your own resources, offer the publisher a percentage of each sale for publishing your article. This could be done by using a special order link, or if you have an affiliate program, by allowing the publisher use his one affiliate link. 10 Sure Fire Ways To Get More Ezine Subscribers 1. Place testimonials for your ezine on your site. Win More Sales with Customer Newsletters - More Small Business Power Tools One of the most powerful ways for small businesses to increase sales and keep customers coming back for more is to mail them a newsletter periodically. 3 Steps to Creating Your Own Ezine to Increase Web Site Traffic! What if I showed you a simple way to increase web site traffic that could sky-rocket your sales and make you an internet expert. Five Ways To Promote Your Ezine After you've spent countless hours creating and publishing your own newsletter online, you still have to consider the fact that merely adding it to your website will not make it an overnight success. 5 Ways to Use Your Software to Build Your Optin List and Get Traffic With all of the software creation products available these days, many of us Internet Marketers have an abundance of products that we can use to drive traffic to our websites. The News About Newsletters "A newsletter is the paring knife of communication tools. It seems simple and is easy to take for granted. Handled well, however, it's a highly capable tool." --Al Czarnecki Communications 6 Easy Ways to Promote Your Ezine Articles If you think you can't brand yourself because you're not a major corporation, think again. 10 First Rate Tips To Getting More Ezine Subscribers 1. Submit your ezine to ezine directories. Email Newsletter Marketing Is Alive and Well: The Case for Continuing Newsletter Efforts With the arrival of syndication or RSS technology, many claim the email newsletter is dead. Not true. Newsletters continue to offer companies a marketing tool that allows them to build and retain relationships with their clients. How to Grow Your Ezine Subscriber List Your ezine subscriber list is a very valuable group. They are interested in your product of service. They *want* to hear from you occasionally. They are interested in what's new with the subject and have asked to be kept in the loop. 5 Quick Ways To Increase Your E-zines Subscriber Base Welcome to all of you out in netland. Ezines Are Effective In Advertising Your Online Business? 'Ezines are the most cost effective way to advertise your business opportunity'. I'm sure you've heard that phrase many times if you've been marketing on the internet for a while. But is that a myth or a fact? DOUBLE Your Profits from These TEN Tips on Sending Email Ads 1. Make your ad prominent: How To Create Your Very Own Client Newsletter Using newsletters for business development improves your sales and marketing efficiency because they: Improve your prospecting by being more focused and personal than a newspaper ad; Generate referrals Ask your clients if there's anyone they can suggest who would appreciate receiving your newsletter, as it's much easier for someone to suggest an addition to your newsletter mailing list than to flat out give you a name to call; Build walls around present clients A newsletter keeps competitors away by repeatedly reminding your clients of your continued interest in them; Recover lost clients Many lost clients would like to revive their relationship with you, but don't know how, so add a personal note to a newsletter, and mail it to them; Enhance other practice-building techniques For example, when contacting a client you might mention something from a past issue that's applicable to his situation, and in seminars, speeches and client meetings, use appropriate issues of your newsletter as handouts or to explain certain points. Think of your client newsletter as an education tool, as well. It's a place to explain to your clients what they should know about your area of expertise, and how it relates to their situation. Look around at what other advisors are doing, and see what you think will work best for you and your clients. A little help from your friends When deciding on the type of content you are going to use in your newsletter, keep in mind that you don't even have to write it yourself. The internet is a vast source of all kinds of free content (e.g. EzineArticles.com) that you can cut and paste into your newsletter. Which format? Convinced of the power of this tool yet? Good. The next question is which type to use: a paper version to be mailed out to your clients by regular post or an electronic version to be e-mailed. If you decide on a paper-based newsletter, you may wish to also consider an e-mail version. Why? For starters, it's cheaper. Paper will cost you at least a dollar for each copy you have printed, folded, stuffed, stamped and mailed. But faxing or e-mailing as many as a thousand copies will cost you practically zilch (word of warning: I would suggest foregoing faxing altogether, as many people on the receiving end resent having their own paper wasted or their phone line tied up). An e-mail version is immediate and "in your face", whereas "snail mail" can take longer to cross the city than the ocean. As most of the benefits of a paper newsletter apply to an electronic one, why bother with a paper version at all? More people have postal addresses than e-mail addresses. A lot of your prospects and clients may not have fax or e-mail access or might just prefer a paper version. So go for both, but ease into your electronic version. Take a few months to get your routine established for consistent quality and delivery of your paper version before worrying about creating your electronic version. Bringing it to life When starting with your paper-based newsletter, keep it simple. When sending a monthly newsletter, I have always found one page to be enough - anything longer could end up in a pending file to be read later, maybe. Some advisors I know who send out a quarterly newsletter might put three or four pages together. Whatever your choice of length and number of issues per year is, start by sending your newsletter to your existing client list only. Include a cover letter with your first issue to announce what you're doing, why you're doing it and what to expect (i.e., no sales pitches!). Include phrases such as "let me know what you think of it," and a note to let your clients know they can be taken off the mailing list if they don't wish to receive future issues. Once your clients begin to receive it regularly (and you get up to speed on producing it), ask them if there is anyone else they know who would benefit from receiving your newsletter. The aim is to develop a relationship so recipients feel they know you as an expert in your field before you actually meet them. One important point to remember is to create a newsletter you can easily adapt to an electronic version. Then ask your paper-based subscribers if they'd prefer to have it e-mailed. Some may want both versions, which is great. They may want the paper version to take home, to file for future reference or even pass on to someone else. Always be consistent It's important that you establish a regular routine. Your delivery and quality of content can't be hit-and-miss, skipping some months because you were too busy or forgot about it. Your newsletter is a projection of you, so commit to getting it out on the same day every month (or three months, or whatever your timeframe may be), no matter what. If you don't do that, you'll just alienate your clients with your unreliable efforts. So get your preparation and distribution systems for your paper newsletter well established and working smoothly and consistently before you even think about transferring it to e-mail. E-mail requires the same regularity, but a totally different system. Make text look its best Here's another decision you'll have to make concerning your electronic version: Will your e-newsletter be plain text or HTML? HTML is what's used on the Internet and can be more graphically sophisticated that plain text. Some pros and cons of using HTML are: Pro: It looks better. Increase Your Ezine Sign-up Rate By 500% or More Starting Today If you're satisfied with a newsletter subscription rate of five to ten percent, then you don't need any of the information I'm about to share with you. If you're serious about converting up to 50%, or more of your website visitors into newsletter subscribers, though, then read on. It's time to leave your low sign-up rates behind by following these two easy steps. Improve Your Online Network With A Powerful Ezine Many online business owners and marketers use a variety of tools to make their business successful. Good strategies include maintaining a web site, publishing an ezine, joining affiliate programs, advertising on other people's ezines, and much, much more. As any good Internet "guru" will tell you, getting your name and product "out there" is the most important part of your success. So, the general rule is: Use as many strategies as possible. 10 Tips for Successful Ezine Advertising If you're like most people starting out on the Internet,you've been along this well-worn path: Writing e-Newsletters ? Tricks of the Trade Follow 10 simple rules of thumb, and you'll soon be writing great e-newsletters and reaping the rewards. ![]() |
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