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Ezine Publishing Donts
When I teach ezine classes, I ask the students what they've disliked about the newsletters they've subscribed to. What makes them push that "delete button" or unsubscribe? Below are some of their answers. "Too many clicks." Give them an easy way to subscribe or unsubscribe. Don't make them have to click, and click, and click to find your subscription box. "Tell us what's there." Include some sort of table of contents in your ezine. While this may cause someone to delete a particular edition, it will cause others to read it. "Too many ads." While most business owner subscribers understand that there is no free ride, too many ads, including ads between articles, annoy them. The key is ads targeted to your ideal clients. Keep that in mind and ads will be read and clicked on. "Tell us when something ends." Space does not indicate when an area of an ezine ends and another starts - a border does. But please don't use all CAPITAL LETTERS to highlight the topic in your e-zine, even for titles. (OK for offline newsletters; online, using CAPITAL LETTERS denotes screaming.) "Just the facts." Do not force new subscribers to complete long subscription forms containing lots of personal information. While some will complete the entire form, most will "move on." "Permission marketing." It's about receiving permission to add someone to your elist or having them add themselves. Know that when you purchase an item from someone's web site, you'll be on their mailing list, too. "Let us read the article." Don't distribute ads in between your article or tips. Provide ads, yes-you ARE running a business - but let them read the article. "Watch the emotions." Do not over use exclamation marks, question marks, etc. Newsletters are NOT priority mail, so don't flag them as such. "Tell us." Tell us what we're going to get and how often. Most subscribers don't mind receiving mail daily or weekly - if they know that's what they've subscribed to. "Give it to us." If you promised a free report, make sure that the links to them appear after someone subscribes to your ezine. �2005 Maria Marsala. From Ezine Power: Attract Clients, Grow Profits, and Quickly Become Known As An Expert In Your Field, an program that help small business owners increase your profits on the Internet. http://www.CreateEzine.com One of the many dynamic programs, informative articles, and exceptional business and marketing training tools created by Elevating Your Business to support your business success. Visit our site to learn more and receive 2 reports http://www.ElevatingYourBusiness.com right now.
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E-Power The E-zine Advantage "Regular communication with your customers is essential to your success." - Heidi Richards - How To Make Money Online With A Newsletter Many online internet marketers tell us "its all in the list" and many people lap up stories of guru's emailing thousands in their online list and making a huge profit in the process. Actually you too can start your own email list and make money from it as well. This article will highlight six tips on how you can make more money from your own email list. Ezine Advertising Strategy Exposed-15 Tips to Boost Your Profits In my opinion, Electronic Magazine (Ezine) advertising is the greatest, untapped source of online advertising available today. 7 Ways You Can Make a Huge Impression With Your Ezine Welcome Message Many times I receive a Welcome Message from someone after I subscribe to their ezine that leaves me wondering what I just jumped into. A welcome message is one of your first contacts with your subscriber, and it should say something that sets you apart from everyone else right at the get-go. It is, after all, one of your first impressions with prospective customers ? and first impressions absolutely do count on the internet. Not only is your welcome message a natural opportunity for you to connect with your subscribers, it's also your chance to make sure they remember you with positive anticipation so that they will be eager to open up your next message when it arrives. Does Your Subject Line Do the Job? It's proven that the FROM field of your emails is the MOST important factor in getting your messages opened. But after that, it's surely the subject line. The Future of Email Newsletter The future of email Newsletter - Llando Ford 07.28.2004 What are you doing with the Spam you receive? I'm sure you are not happy receiving it just like none between us. Location, Location, Location The first thing you should consider in advertising is the first thing you should consider when buying real estate: Location, Location, Location. You want to focus all of your efforts on your intended audience. Once you know who they are, determine which publications they are most likely to read. Publishing Special Reports And Ebooks At No Cost So you'd like to start publishing special reports and ebooks to use as marketing tools and to sell as products. But you have no budget to get this new venture going. Here's a tip to help you get up and running at no cost. Does Your Ezine Publisher Try To Rape Your Pocket? If you have been online for a while, one of the most well know ways of selling online is to build an optin email list or ezine. So now there are thousands of email ezines on just about every possible topic. EZines: Get from Adequate to Fabulous If my in-box is any indication, most of the business world is hot on e-newsletters. I receive half a dozen every day. Some are thinly masked advertisements; most, however, provide some degree of valuable information. 10 Benefits Of Submitting Articles To Ezines 1. You'll brand your web site, business and yourself by submitting articles to ezines. You could include your name, business name, your credentials, web site address and email address in your resource box. Understanding Ezine Publishing! I can remember my first reaction to word "ezine". What is it? The word "ezine", (pronounced ee-zeen), is a shortened version of "electronic zine", which is a word used to describe short self-published "electronic magazines". Ezines and Newsletter Software - How to Drive Traffic and Improve Your Business Cashflow So how do smaller businesses use the internet to drive traffic and improve their cashflow? Plagiarism on the High Seas More and more companies are finding the value in informational advertising. Giving away information to the world. This has worked well as it tends to develop confidence in potential clients in your companies expert status. Positioning your company or in the case of a consultant in this way is truly a valuable strategy to enhance brand. Don?t Distract Readers from What They are Doing I'm working on a report for a company that puts out a newsletter on a monthly basis. The Magic Button That Earns $3,546 or more Ever wonder how a "guru" earns $3,546 or more just by pressing a button? Newsletter Name Ideas - Creative Ideas to Choose A Good Name for Your Newsletter When you want to choose a name for your newsletter, you should come up with as many newsletter name ideas as you can think of. Because the more ideas you get, the easier it will be for you to choose a good name. Email Newsletters: The Header Managing Subscriber addresses: At the top of your email message you see the header, where you insert addresses and a subject heading. It all looks simple enough, but there are some tricks and tips you should know, and one very important warning. Let's start with that warning: A Solid Foundation to Creating a Profitable Ezine! Everything successful needs to be built on a solid, confident base. Here are some essentials to creating your own profitable ezine. Email Newsletters: Privacy and Unsubscribing As you likely know from personal experience, the value of email has been greatly tarnished by spam, unsolicited messages, online junk mail. So, many subscribers and would-be subscribers care very much about the exposure of their email addresses. ![]() |
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