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Good News About Getting Published
So you want to get a book published and add "author" to your resume. A decade ago, there weren't too many options for professionals and consultants to get into print. If a traditional publisher wasn't interested in your tome, your only other option was to spend tens of thousands of dollars with a subsidy press or custom printer. And then, without ready distribution, good luck trying to sell the books. But all that has changed. Thanks to new technologies, today it is not only possible to produce a professional-looking copy of your book for under $1,000, you can also market the book through reputable sales channels. Alternative publishers are able to print both paperback and hardcover books as they're needed due to the bold new digital publishing technology known as "print-on-demand." Simply put, print-on-demand turns the traditional economics of the $27.5 billion publishing industry upside down. Going digital allows books to be produced in small quantities -- even one at a time -- almost instantaneously. No longer does publishing require behemoth offset presses, hangar-size warehouses and fleets of trucks. There are challenges, of course. Because print-on-demand books are not typically stocked on bookstore shelves, authors need to do a good job of marketing through publicity, direct mail and the Internet. But if you are a nonfiction author willing to be a self-promoter and whose book targets an identifiable market, then alternative publishing may be right for you. With print-on-demand, your book is stored digitally until a customer orders it. At that point, a printing and binding machine creates a slick, high-quality paperback or hardcover book, all ready for shipping. Print-on-demand has enormous implications for writers, readers, publishers and retailers. Because titles are produced "on demand," there are never wasted copies ("remaindered" as they used to be dubbed in the old days). Paperbacks and hardcover books are priced competitively, with authors receiving royalties of 30 percent or more. Compare those with traditional publishing industry standards of 5 percent to 15 percent, and the appeal becomes a bit clearer still. One of the leading publishers of print-on-demand books for professionals and consultants is 1stBooks. Established in 1997, 1stBooks is the world's leading provider of publishing and marketing services for authors of all genres, with over 18,000 titles in its catalog, and over 500-plus new books added each month. All of its authors are considered self-published and retain all rights to their books. "Alternative publishing levels the playing field and democratizes the publishing process," said Robert McCormack, president of 1stBooks, in a recent interview with Writer's Digest. "Authors who might have not fit or did not want to use the traditional publishing model can see their works in print." Print-on-demand is not, however, for every would-be author, says McCormack. There is no economy of scale, and the unit cost of printing one copy is exactly the same as printing 10,000. So, if there is a guaranteed market for at least 500 to 1,000 of your books, the economics of a traditional print run from a custom printer are better than print-on-demand in many cases. As a result of the depth and breadth of the 1stBooks growing catalog, the company made an arrangement with the Ingram Book Group to distribute paperback and hardcover editions of its titles at thousands of bookstores worldwide. The deal uses the latest Print-on-Demand technology offered by Ingram's subsidiary, Lightning Source. Because these books are generated one at a time, they neatly sidestep the high costs traditionally associated with bringing new books to the marketplace. Self-publishing doesn't mean you're going it alone, either. 1stBooks authors have access to a comprehensive range of publishing and promotional services, including a full-time promotions staff, personal project coordinators and nationwide distribution through over 25,000 bookstores and book retailers, via the Internet at Amazon.com, Barnes&Noble.com, Borders.com and the 1stBooks Web site. The current 1stBooks basic publishing package entails a $399 fee to create an e-book from scratch. Of that total, $300 is a deposit and is subsequently refunded through 100 percent commission on the author's first sales until the amount is completely paid. An extra $199 is required for paperback publication, with royalty rates paid at the author's choice of 50 percent, 30 percent, 20 percent or 10 percent. Similar packages are available through other alternative publishers like iUniverse, xLibris and Infintiy Publishing. Alternative publishers have made a conscious decision to offer their services to everyone, rather than give control to an elite clique of editors and agents, as is often true in traditional publishing. While incoming manuscripts are checked for formatting before a new title goes online, alternative publishers do not edit for style and content. These companies do not make value judgments about the literary merit of books. The author decides what the public reads, and the public decides if it makes good reading or not. It is a purely market-driven approach, and allows almost anyone to make a new book available to millions of readers, at a small fraction of the cost of traditional publishing methods. Henry DeVries is a marketing coach and writer specializing in lead generation for professional service firms. An adjunct marketing professor at UCSD since 1984, he is the author of "Self Marketing Secrets" and the recently published "Client Seduction." Visit http://www.newclientmarketing.com or e-mail questions to henry@newclientmarketing.com. © 2005 Henry DeVries, All rights reserved. You are free to use this material in whole or in part in pint, on a web site or in an email newsletter, as long as you include complete attribution, including live web site link. Please also notify me where the material will appear. The attribution should read: "By Henry DeVries of the New Client Marketing Institute. Please visit Henry's web site at http://www.newclientmarketing.com for additional marketing articles and resources on marketing for professional service businesses."
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Does Your Business Need a Newsletter? Have you ever thought about it? Tips on Using Constant Contact to Create Your Company Newsletter If you run your own business like I do, you don't have much time to spend fudging around with new programs. Here are some tricks I picked up while using Constant Contact's email marketing software to create my company newsletter. Who Is Your E-zine Really FROM? One morning this past fall, I was going through my e-mail inbox, relentlessly deleting junk mail. As you're likely well aware, many spam messages are made to look like they're from a real person. Become an E-Book Author ... Make Money From Your Knowledge! "E-Book" is short for Electronic Book---an organized set of content delivered in an electronic format. There are many different types of e-books including packaged executables, PDF, and formats for the handheld computer. Does Your Subject Line Do the Job? It's proven that the FROM field of your emails is the MOST important factor in getting your messages opened. But after that, it's surely the subject line. Producing Ezines for Growing Your Business What an ezine is ? An ezine is an electronic newsletter sent out by email at intervals of your choice to a list of subscribers. An ezine is a mutual bargain, a kind of compromise between editor and his subscribers. How comes that ? Let's see : Every ezine has a topic : marketing, humor, gardening, sports, etc... An ezine can and should contain lots of helpful information and resources related to its topic. Everyone interested to receive these information, subscribe to ezine. On the other hand, besides all above information and stuff, the publisher delivers and materials promoting his business. The bargain I've spoke before is simple: subscribers agree to receive promotion materials altogether with other information they are interested in. An ezines is an excellent recruitment tool for your business. Let's say you sell books online through your website. If you chose 'new issues' as topic for your ezine, you will recruit more prospects for your venture saying "come here to see the newest books" than saying "come here to buy the newest books". Ezines are very efficient in business development. From the very beginning I can say that they target the market(s) you are trying to reach with your products and services. As I said before every ezine has a topic. By choosing this topic close related to your business you may be sure that your subscribers are interested by your business as well, because they enjoy the ezines' topic. I already told you above that ezines are perfect promotion tools by delivering advertising materials to subscribers. I can tell a day or two about ezines and how they can help to grow a business. I just want to tell you something very important. If you decide to publish an ezine, you must learn that there is a lot of work to producing a quality one. You should pay a special attention to the following items: How to discover your real audience - the ones who want what you have. If is better to write your own content than using someone else's. How to choose an attention-getting, enticing name for your email newsletter. What popular sections you can choose to include in your own ezine. Editing in plain text vs. HTML - what you must know before making this choice! Resources for building your subscriber base fast. Places to submit your ezine to gain more exposure and more subscribers. How to sell advertising and the amount of money you'll make. And the list may continue. Only by reading these 8 points you can see that publishing an ezine means work and abilities. It's hard but not impossible, you may learn by doing, from articles and books or talking with experienced publishers. How To Increase Your Sales From Your Newsletter The first and most important thing you should know when thinking of your own newsletter is that YOU can do it. Yes, you can write your own newsletter. There is nothing much to it if you are ready to do it. Publishing Special Reports And Ebooks At No Cost So you'd like to start publishing special reports and ebooks to use as marketing tools and to sell as products. But you have no budget to get this new venture going. Here's a tip to help you get up and running at no cost. 7 Ways You Can Make a Huge Impression With Your Ezine Welcome Message Many times I receive a Welcome Message from someone after I subscribe to their ezine that leaves me wondering what I just jumped into. A welcome message is one of your first contacts with your subscriber, and it should say something that sets you apart from everyone else right at the get-go. It is, after all, one of your first impressions with prospective customers ? and first impressions absolutely do count on the internet. Not only is your welcome message a natural opportunity for you to connect with your subscribers, it's also your chance to make sure they remember you with positive anticipation so that they will be eager to open up your next message when it arrives. Why Do We Publish? WHY DO WE DO THIS? 10 Winning Ezine Publishing Tips 1. Share your personality with your subscribers. Your subscribers are more likely to want to buy from someone they feel like they know. Who Should Offer an Ezine? If you are a professional, consultant, coach, speaker, seminar leader, author or small business person, you need to develop and offer one of the most powerful Online marketing tools around-the eNewsletter, otherwise known as the ezine. Publishing Your Own Newsletter - Is It Worth Your Time? Is publishing your own newsletter worth your time and effort? Most publishers will tell you the rewards are well worth the investment. By publishing your own newsletter you can build recognition and be looked at as an expert in your field of expertise. Email Newsletter Format: HTML or Text An email newsletter is probably the most effective way to communicate with your target audience. One of the main considerations before you create and deliver an email newsletter is what format to use: HTML or Text. 10 Valuable Tips For Ezine Publishers 1. Write your own articles. How to Get E-zine Subscribers From In-Person Events While I run my business completely online, I really enjoy attending in-person events and seminars here in Los Angeles and around the country. I'm sure you find these events valuable too. The problem most of us have with networking, however, is following up with the people we meet. How To Publish Your Own Highly Demand Ezine Ezine is an electronic newsletter that is published through internet. As a home based business owner, it is important for you to have your own ezine. Finding the GOLD with Ezines and Google! Hi Create An Immortal Ezine: Evergreen Newsletters This article is particularly for those people who want to communicate regularly with their readers and through this communication build up a strong relationship. If you've never considered using a newsletter or ezine to contact your prospects and suspects, then now is the time. Print On Demand Questions Print on demand (POD), a cross between self-publishing and digital technology, is a hot publishing trend. Your book will be printed within weeks, but POD is still a gamble. Answering these questions before you sign with a POD publisher will save you money and angst. ![]() |
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