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Top 7 Techniques For Generating Subscribers To A Newsletter
Imagine you are sitting at home relaxing reading a book and sipping on ice cold lemonade, your friend calls you up to tell you about a new product on the market.You can't help but get excited because you know your subscribers will be interested! After signing up for the products affiliate program you send a recommendation of that product to your subscribers and instantly net yourself some cash just by pressing the SEND button! Not only that but your customers actually say 'Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!' Does this sound like fun to you? If it does then read below, as this is the Number 1 marketing strategy you need to implement to be continuously successful online. Start collecting email addresses today. Even if you don't have a website up and running I want you to call everyone you can think of who would be interested in your niche and write down there email address (This doesn't mean calling up people in the Yellow Pages and asking them, unless you enjoy having people scream in your ear of course). Below are my Top 7 Techniques to boosting your opt-in rate starting with the most obvious. 1. Place a 'Subscribe To My Newsletter' at the top, side and bottom of your webpage, even your articles and copy should have a mention of your newsletter in them somewhere. This may seem obvious but it is surprising how many people have newsletters but only promote them on their home page. 2. Include the 'Benefits of Subscribing' to the newsletter, rarely do people sign up to a newsletter without knowing what is in it for them. For example you could write 'Sign up to my free newsletter to learn all the latest cutting edge secrets and techniques for building a castle out of cards'. 3. Give your visitors an 'Incentive to Sign Up' like a free ebook or a discount on products. Nothing works better than an incentive, give your subscribers something free only after they have confirmed their email address with you. Make sure your incentive is related to your niche (There is no point giving someone a discount on cars if you sell dog shampoo as there is a good chance they are just signing up for the discounted cars and have no interest in dog shampoo). 4. Place a 'Privacy Statement' next to the sign up box for the security-conscious visitors who come to your site. This reassures them of your intentions with there contact details and will also show that you respect your subscribers privacy. 5. Use 'Viral Marketing' strategies to turn one subscriber into five. This is simple, give the subscriber something for free or a further discount on a product or service if they refer four of there friends who may be interested in the newsletter as well. Suddenly you have turned one subscriber into five! 'Why Five?' you ask? Well I have tested this and have found that people often have more than one email address and they (thinking that they are smart) type them in instead of there friends. Trouble is the average person only has one or two email addresses. So after they type in there own they are then forced to think about there friends for the last two. 6. 'Co-Registration Partners' are a fantastic way to build a subscriber list! All you need to do is search on Google for web pages that are on similar topic to you and email the owner about setting up a co-registration with that person. When someone fills in their details to subscribe to your newsletter you add a checkbox underneath that asks if they wish to sign up to your partner's newsletter also. Remember there is no such thing as a competitor on the web just potential joint venture partners! 7. Pay a 'Co-Registration Service' to generate you subscribers in exchange for cash, my personal recommendation is Nitro List Builder - www.nitrolistbuilder.com, the only problem is the subscribers aren't that quality and you have to be prepared to spend some cash. There are ways of making this list warm up to you, but i'll dive into that next time. After implementing these techniques I can guarantee you plenty more subscribers, I can not stress to you how important building a list is on your website. I want you to implement one of the above today and contact me after a week to see if your subscribers have increased. Have a great day! Adam Davis is an Internet Marketer based in Australia, he has been selling online for 2 years. At only 17, he sold his successful e-commerce business to focus on helping other people to effectively market their products and services on the internet. Check out http://www.1st-for-internet-marketing.com for more Tips, Tools and Information to boost your traffic, sales and maximize your profit.
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EZines: Get from Adequate to Fabulous If my in-box is any indication, most of the business world is hot on e-newsletters. I receive half a dozen every day. Some are thinly masked advertisements; most, however, provide some degree of valuable information. Where And How To Get Information For Your Newsletter And Ezines With the rapid expansion and diversion of commerce, manufacturers, career seekers and even hobbyist move into more and more specialized areas of endeavor, there is an increase need for more information. Newsletters and ezines are the high profit way to cash in on that market for specialized information. This means any profitable newsletter or ezines must have valuable information and of renewable sources information. 10 Benefits Of Submitting Articles To Ezines 1. You'll brand your web site, business and yourself by submitting articles to ezines. You could include your name, business name, your credentials, web site address and email address in your resource box. Should You Upgrade Your E-zine From Text to HTML? A few years ago, when I first started seeing HTML e-zines in my inbox, I admit I was jealous. They were attractive, attention getting, snazzy. They made my text e-zines look boring. How To Increase Your Sales From Your Newsletter The first and most important thing you should know when thinking of your own newsletter is that YOU can do it. Yes, you can write your own newsletter. There is nothing much to it if you are ready to do it. Are You Wasting Your Time With Free Ezine Ads? There are lots of ezines (newsletters) out there that offer free classified ads to new subscribers (and many even offer free ads on an ongoing basis). Section Ideas to Include in Your Newsletter Design A good newsletter template is not only consisted of a good design, but also good sections to make your newsletter interesting. The Nitty-Gritty Of Ezine Publishing I sat here this morning, and decided to work out exactly how much time I use on creating my weekly ezine, and I almost kinda shocked myself. I`m not the ONLY publisher who refuses to automate, so please, after reading my hours, spare a kind thought for all those other publishers out there that do everything manually, and who really take the time to get down to a personal level with their subscribers. The Sure-Fire Ways To Increase Your E-zines Readership! Hold an ongoing prize drawing in your e-zine. The prizes should be something of interest or value to your subscribers. Most people who enter will continually read each issue for the results. Work Less, Earn More As An Infoproduct Publisher There's no doubt, publishing information products to sell online is a thriving, exciting and very rewarding business. Publish Anything: The Saga of a PublishAmerica Author My story is that an author who'd done online writing for such dot gones as Themestream, Written By Me, and The Vines, someone trying hard to have fiction, poetry and nonfiction in print for real, recommended PublishAmerica. She claimed it was a traditional book publisher. I was struck with their slogan, "We treat writers the old fashioned way ? we pay them." Wasn't that what publishers were supposed to do? 21 Questions to Ask Any List Service Before You Sign on With Them If you publish an e-mail newsletter, or "e-zine," you'll need to sign on with a list service (or "listserve") to manage your subscriber list. There are many types of listserves out there, so here are some guidelines to help you choose one that's right for you. Do they use MULTI-PART MIME technology? You'll need this if you want to publish an HTML newsletter. Otherwise you'll have to send out multiple versions for users who can read HTML, users who can't read HTML, and users on AOL. Do they offer some type of ORIENTATION OR TUTORIAL? If you're new to the game and/or technologically challenged then you'll appreciate any type of help they offer for new clients. What's their CUSTOMER SERVICE like? Are they prompt to get back to you via e-mail? Can you call them if you have a problem? Are they available more than standard business hours? What about weekends? Contact them and see how long they take to get back to you -- if it's longer than 24 hours, definitely keep looking. Do they NOTIFY list owners if there's a PROBLEM with their service? If so, how, and how quickly? Do they have CUSTOMER TESTIMONIALS to share with you? Or even better, client references? Contact some of these folks to see how their experiences have been. Do other BUSINESSES LIKE YOURS use their service? If most of their clients are large corporations, small businesses like yours may not get the attention they deserve. Is their interface EASY TO USE? Meaning is it easy for you to setup and launch each issue of your e-zine. They should offer a demo or let you access the 'mission control' area that you'll be using to test it out. Can you MANUALLY ADD AND REMOVE people to and from your list if you want to? Sometimes you'll need to do this, so you'll want the answer to be "yes" -- especially if you're moving over a list you've already collected. Can you access SUBSCRIBER REPORTS? How and how often? You'll want to know on a regular basis how many subscribes and unsubscribes you've had since the last issue. What appears in the "FROM" field when subscribers get your e-zine? You want it to be YOUR name if possible. Some spam filters screen out e-mail that does not appear to come from an individual person. What appears in the "TO" field when a subscriber gets your e-zine? You want it to be the person's name if possible. Along the same lines, some spam filters screen out e-mail that does not appear to be addressed to the individual person. Who has ACCESS to their servers and your list? Anytime you hand over your customer list, you're taking a risk. You don't want your service or anyone else using your list for spamming purposes. What happens if some addresses are UNDELIVERABLE? These are also called "bounces" or "bounce-backs." You don't want them to automatically remove names for "soft bounces," which are due to temporary conditions like full mailboxes. How do users SUBSCRIBE AND UNSUBSCRIBE? Do they have to visit a Web page or can they do it via e-mail (best if both options are available). Is the process single or double opt-in? (Double is better for more security - the user has to respond to a confirmation e-mail before she's added to your list.) Is the process kept simple? Can you customize your LIST SERVER DOCUMENTS? This means messages like your subscriber welcome and goodbye messages. (You'll definitely want to be able to do this, since the prewritten messages many list services use are horribly cold and confusing.) Can your e-zine give PERSONALIZED GREETINGS AND MESSAGES? Not necessary, but a very nice feature. For example, if your e-zine came to me, it would start off with something like, "Hello Alexandria!" How often do they BACK UP their servers? It should be at least once every day. Also ask if you can download your lists to back them up on your own, as a backup to their backup! Can you send a TEST MESSAGE out to yourself or another person before you send out each issue for real? You'll definitely want this because it's the best way to see how your e-zine looks on the recipient's end, do a proofread, and check all your hyperlinks. Can you see stats on your CLICK-THROUGH rates? If you publish in HTML, you should be able to see how many people - and even exactly who - opens your messages. Can they AUTOMATICALLY ARCHIVE your issues if you'd like them to? Some services will archive your e-zines at their site, others can configure it so they're archived at your own site (which is better). Are they currently BLOCKED anywhere on the Web? If so, it may mean they've been reported for allowing spammers to use their network. You don't want to work with any list service that's been blocked anywhere, because it means that your e-zine won't reach all of your readers. Your E-zine 13 - A Formatting Checklist While sending out a text e-zine may seem like a piece of cake, there's more to it than you may think. *Good formatting* is the name of the game. Here's a handy checklist I use to make sure each of my issues is in great shape BEFORE I send it out. Please be my guest and use it for yourself! Are all lines 65 characters or less? More than that and your missive may come through looking messy to many subscribers. End each line with a hard return by pressing the "enter" key. Have you made sure there's no auto-formatting, such as bolding, italics, or underlining? These features don't translate well in e-mail and can come out looking mighty strange on the other end. Instead, emphasize words or phrases with *asterisks,* "quotation marks," or ALL CAPS ... sparingly. Are all sections neatly separated? Use underscores (_____), asterisks (******), another nifty symbol ($$$$$, %%%%, @@@@), or a combination thereof () to help define each area and help your readers skim your issue more easily. Do all Web links include 'http://' before them? Some e-mail programs won't automatically hyperlink a URL in your text without this prefix. So don't take a chance - make it easy for your readers to click and link, especially to YOUR site! Do all e-mail links include "mailto:" before them? Same idea here: Some e-mail programs won't automatically hyperlink an e-mail address in your text without it. Be sure to leave no space between the colon and the first character of the address. Is your masthead at the very top? The masthead, or "nameplate," typically features your e-zine name, your name, your e-mail address, your Web address, and the correct date, volume number, and issue number. Make it the FIRST thing your readers see. Have you reminded your readers right away that this is a *subscription* publication? Don't let them forget that they *asked* to receive this! Something like this right under your masthead will do: "You've received this e-zine because you subscribed to it! If you wish to unsubscribe, please scroll to the end for more information." If you have a table of contents (TOC), do its listings match this issue's articles and features? For example, if your TOC says your second feature in this issue is an article on Web site marketing, make sure it's right! Have you included a copyright notice? At the end of your content, before your contact info, post '(c)' immediately followed by the year and your name or your company's name. You should know that a copyright notice does not protect your ideas - instead, it protects the way you express them. Are the correct advertisements in place? Keep track of all your ad swaps and purchases in one main document to make this easy to look up each time. I use an Excel spreadsheet, which works great for me. Do you give clear subscribe and unsubscribe instructions at the bottom? Include subscribe instructions, because your e-zine will likely get passed on to others who'd like to sign up. The unsubscribe instructions are just BECAUSE - it's plain courtesy, and the law of the land. : ) Does your subject line include both the name of your e-zine and the issue topic? By seeing your e-zine title, your recipients will know the e-mail is not spam. And by seeing the issue topic, they will know what's in store for this issue. Example: "Sara's Cash Flow Tips: Increase Your Income Today!" Have you sent a test of the issue to yourself or an associate? Make sure it comes through reading well and looking great! (Check for any strange symbols that magically appear, odd breaks in the copy, inactive links, etc.) And this is a GREAT time to give it a final proofread. Convert Your Newsletters into Immediate Cash One-Page Newsletters can do more than help you keep in constant touch with clients and prospects and educate them to desire your products and services. Each issue can also generate immediate sales! The Power of Personality Owning an online business and publishing an ezine can be very frustrating, AND rewarding! There can be 100's or even 1000's of websites and/or ezines that are almost exactly like yours. What can you do to make your online business stand out from the rest? Who Is Your E-zine Really FROM? One morning this past fall, I was going through my e-mail inbox, relentlessly deleting junk mail. As you're likely well aware, many spam messages are made to look like they're from a real person. An Overlooked Fr~e Advertising Opportunity When you have an online business you need to utilize every possible avenue of advertising and promotion. As I sign up for more ezines and discussion groups, I am finding numerous publishers are overlooking a very effective and fr~e advertising opportunity. Become an E-Book Author ... Make Money From Your Knowledge! "E-Book" is short for Electronic Book---an organized set of content delivered in an electronic format. There are many different types of e-books including packaged executables, PDF, and formats for the handheld computer. Why Arent You Writing Ezine Articles? I'm amazed! Ezine Advertising Strategy Exposed-15 Tips to Boost Your Profits In my opinion, Electronic Magazine (Ezine) advertising is the greatest, untapped source of online advertising available today. ![]() |
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