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Why Weight Train During Pregnancy?
There was once a time that a pregnant woman was thought of as "fragile". Any form of exercise was strictly prohibited by doctors and feared by concerned fathers. We've now come to realize that a pregnant woman is capable of doing nearly everything that every other woman is capable of doing (and even most men). It is now recommended that women participate in prenatal exercise programs because of the benefits during labor and delivery as well as the postnatal benefits to moms and babies. Why Weight Train? Women who weight train throughout their pregnancy benefit from less weight gain during pregnancy and return to their pre-pregnancy weight, strength, and flexibility levels faster than women who remain inactive or who only participate in cardio programs. Weight training increases a woman's energy levels throughout her pregnancy and helps prevent loss of bone density postpartum. The babies born to women who weight trained during their pregnancy are born with ideal birth weights. Prenatal weight training is the first step in ensuring that your child has a healthy start in life! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Decreased Risks Associated with Prenatal Weight Training: ? Decreases in the severity and frequency of low back pain during pregnancy ? Decreased risk of gestational diabetes ? Decreased risk of delivering post term or through caesarean delivery ? Fewer complications during delivery; including fetal distress _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pregnancy Precautions Although not feeble, fragile, and frail, pregnant women should be aware of certain precautions that are unique to them and their bodies. Be sure to consult your doctor before beginning an exercise program or continuing an exercise program after the first trimester. Your goal should be to simply maintain highest level of fitness while ensuring your safety and the safety of your baby. Every muscle group should be targeted and the following should be emphasized: inner thigh, hamstrings, glutes, upper back, and shoulders. Pregnant women should avoid lifting the amount of weight that they were capable of lifting pre-pregnancy. Be sure to use low resistance. StrollerFit classes utilize therabands and exertubes to provide the perfect balance of resistance and safety. Use caution when stretching either before or after an exercise session. Joint laxity is increased during pregnancy due to the increased amounts of the hormones elastin and relaxin that are being produced. Joint laxity is the amount of movement the ligaments allow through the joint and during pregnancy the joints can be easily stressed or strained. Movements to Avoid ? Avoid exercises that require bending from the hips ? Avoid exercises in the supine position after the first trimester due to increased pressure on the arteries surrounding the heart ? Avoid overhead lifting ? Avoid straining or holding the breath Getting Started Before beginning an exercise program or continuing an exercise program past the first trimester, be sure to consult your doctor. You may may want to join a group exercise program specializing in pre- and postnatal fitness such as StrollerFit or you may choose to exercise on your own. Many books are available to help guide you through exercise and pregnancy safely and effectively. A good place to start is 'Exercising Through Your Pregnancy" by James Clapp. Resistance bands and tubing can be purchased at your local sporting goods store or online at www.strollerfit.com. Every woman hopes to have a healthy and safe pregnancy. Through prenatal weight training you can increase the chances that both you and your child remain healthy and safe though pregnancy, labor, and delivery! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It is recommended that women with the following conditions DO NOT EXERCISE: Consult your doctor! ? Pregnancy induced high blood pressure ? Pre-term rupture of the membrane ? Pre-term labor during the prior or current pregnancy ? Incompetent cervix ? Persistent second to third trimester bleeding ? Intrauterine growth retardation ? Joint laxity due to increased amounts of elastin and relaxin ? Increased basal metabolic temperature _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ References: 1. Brown LE. Strength and Conditioning Journal. 2003;24:53-54. 2. Clapp JF. Journal of Pediatrics. 1996;129(6):856-863. 3. Dumas GA, et al. Clinical Biomechanics. 1995;10(2):98-103. 4. Ezmerli NM. Prim Care Update Ob/Gyn. 2000;7: 260-265. 5. Howley ET, Franks BD. Health Fitness Instructors Handbook (3rd edition). Human Kinetics. Champaign, IL. 1997;358-360. 6. Kenney WL, et al. ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (5th edition). Williams and Wilkins. Media, PA. 1995; 235-239. 7. Mottola M, Wolfe L. Forty Ninth Annual Meeting of the ACSM, St. Louis, Missouri, May 2002. 8. Schoenfeld B. American Fitness. 2000;3:26-29. 9. Safran L. Pure Power. 2003;1:44-49,53-54. Curt Conrad, CSCS, is Founder and President of StrollerFit Inc. an international product and franchise company that helps parents exercise with their babies. He is author of The StrollerFit ExerBook. His companies have helped thousands of clients enjoy better life through better fitness. http://www.strollerfit.com
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Sunglasses Options are Plentiful Protecting your eyes from the sun's harmful rays is very important if you are spending any time outdoors. Even days that are hazy or dull require protection for our eyes. Here are a few considerations. Mens Fashion Coordination on Solid Colored Mens Dress Shirts It is common to find men choosing white for their solid colored mens dress shirts. They believe that it is the easiest with other outfits as well as creating a formal appearance. There are people who feel that white dress shirts projects radiance onto mens face. A Clothes Encounter In The Business World Do you ever wonder where all the dress rules have gone? Depending on when and where you are on any given business day, the words "distant past" might come to mind. It's difficult to decide if people don't know what to wear to work or if they have lost sight of the relevance of appearance to professional success. Beaded Earrings Cultivate an Exotic and Sultry Look When we think beads, we normally think of bracelets, anklets, hair ornaments and necklaces. What about beaded earrings? Well, earrings are mostly made of metal, enamel and precious stones, some of us think. Earrings are fancy and expensive! Five Mothers Day Gift Ideas Books Gemstone Treatments Though not common knowledge to the public, most gemstones are treated in some way to enhance their color and clarity. An untreated gemstone is a rarity. These treatments are common and widely accepted in the industry and normally do not de-value the stone. Tribal Tattoo Designs For centuries, tattoos symbolized the membership in groups, families, but for a few years, tattoos have become more popular. It is possible that many people have them not only for decorative purpose, so we must understand why more than thirty million people worldwide have submitted this type of self mutilation. The choice of a tattoo today can tell something about the soul of its owner; some believe that a tattoo is the graffiti for the soul? Copper Jewelry in Action! Copper Jewelry is very nice-looking, but also it's a very healthy jewelry. Do you know much about how much copper is needed to our bodies? It's a highly important element for balancing other elements in our body. It keeps our blood vessels elastic. It is really important for bone formation and healing, skin formation and repair. Copper Jewelry is very good to wear with autumn-colored clothes. Yellow, beige colors are signs of soon to come winter, which always brings spring after it. Try also wearing copper beads with black t-shirt or any other dark top. Since the dawn of civilization people used copper because of its unusual strengths. Wise people engraved prayers on copper stones or copper plates to deliver a strong message to other worlds. Is it believed that copper stimulates energy flow to itself, so when copper jewellry is on body ? it helps to accumulate more energy. It also seem to help with avoiding lethargic tendencies and as a result of wearing it you may feel re-vitalized and stronger. It helps you to concentrate your thoughts. As you might have already read ? copper is absorbed through skin and has pain-relief effect, that's why copper bracelets are so popular. It's not an urban legend ? this has medical background and some proofs from Eastern countries, where people know many things from past. Knowledge slowly fades away in nowadays if it has no big commercial value, but Eastern countries cherish comprehensive historical facts. So in a talk with a lady from East ? there was a confirmation that copper jewellery has strong effect on people suffering with arthritis. Copper (especially magnetic jewelry) is known to increase blood circulation and reduce pain in muscles. Many people suffering with arthritis will not leave home without a bracelet. Besides copper bracelets you can find some copper beads, strings, and earrings. Most of them are amazingly beautiful and not expensive, since copper isn't a precious metal. Despite it's dollar value ? it's very precious to our health. Wearing copper jewelery you might notice green stains on your skin under the place of contact with copper. Don't panic. It's all right, it will come off in a day or two ? it's just copper entering your body. It usually happens in warm days. If you want to avoid it ? paint inside of a bracelet with a transparent nail polish, but as you might figure out ? it prevents health benefits of copper too. These stains aren't known to do any harm for you. There are recommendations to wear copper jewelry while you are sleeping, which is time for our body to rest and to restore, that way you can wash it's traces in morning. Copperjewelry, like many other metals is known to tarnish over time. To clean jewelery, made from copper ? just put it in a small solution of lemon or limejuice with a dash of salt, it will shine as new. Alternatively you can keep it in copper jewelry box, preventing from continuous air exposure, which causes copper jewelry to tarnish. If you are still not convinced that copper bracelets are a great way to help your health ? well ? go to the nearest pharmacy and continue to buy pills helping pharmaceutical industry to grow and sell you even more. After all ? it's not always about how it works ? sometimes it's about how it looks ? and copper jewelry is sometimes amazingly beautiful. Try to find some and you'll be amazed too! Mens Dress Shoes: Details that Define Quality in Mens Fashion Every man should know the mens dress shoes details before even considering buying their dress shoes. It is important to understand that these details define the quality in the shoes. What Makes Leather Handbags So Special? A leather handbag is the ideal type of handbag for the woman on the go who doesn't like to change handbags often. Leather is a very strong and durable material able to withstand regular wear and tear and still look good. What makes leather handbags so popular though is their unique natural beauty. With genuine leather animal hides you can create some very unusual and stylish handbags. The Pearl Necklace -- A Timeless Beauty It has been said that of all the pieces of jewelry in the world, a pearl necklace is the only thing that a woman should not be without. And that's no wonder, for a pearl necklace is the embodiment of classic sophistication and timeless elegance. It goes with a variety of outfits, from casual day wear to formal evening attire. And depending on the type of pearl and color, there are various pearl necklace styles suitable for the very young, those enjoying their golden years, and almost everyone else in the middle. The Truth About Platinum Is platinum a new metal? After all, in the past, one would associate diamonds with gold. Nowadays, the most expensive fine jewelry designs set diamonds in platinum. The truth is, platinum has been on this earth for billions of years. This brilliant metal really came from the skies. Meteorites contain platinum and meteorites have been landing on earth for billions of years already. Kind of romantic if you think about it. That pure white platinum jewelry could once have been part of a star. Part of a meteorite that travelled through space before it landed in our world. Ironically, there was a time when platinum was thought to be an inferior metal by people searching for gold. Platinum looks like silver, so in 1590, when the Spanish discovered platinum, they named it platina, which means little silver. The newly rediscovered platinum was thrown back into the river, its value totally misunderstood at that time. 2 centuries later, King Louis XVI of France declared platinum to be the only metal fit for kings. Thus began the love of platinum by the royals. In fact, the late Queen Mother, Queen Elisabeth's crown was made of platinum. Owning a piece of platinum jewelry today gives you something in common with the royals. Both you and the royals wear platinum. Even Hollywood Royalty appreciates the value of platinum. The King, Elvis Presley exchanged platinum wedding rings with his wife Priscilla. Joe Dimaggio gave Marilyn Monroe 3 carat solitaire diamond platinum engagement ring. Movie legends would set their diamonds in platinum. In fact, diamond platinum engagement rings are the preferred engagement rings of the well heeled. Platinum is a special metal. It does not fade or tarnish. It does not corrode. In fact, it is so lasting, platinum was used to make the standard kilogram weight. Platinum is eternal. Diamonds are eternal. That is one of the reasons why diamonds and platinum are the perfect match. Another reason why diamonds an platinum go together is the color of platinum. Platinum is a brilliant white. Diamonds are graded on their color among other factors. The whiter the diamond, the higher its value. When a diamond is set in platinum, the whiteness of the platinum makes the diamond look whiter, brighter, more precious. Platinum is extremely pliable. It can be drawn into a very fine wire very easily. Yet it is so strong. That means jewellers can create very intricate jewelry pieces with platinum. Jewellers can create fine prongs with platinum with which to hold the diamond, yet these thin prongs are so strong they hold the diamond securely. Diamonds aside, platinum is the metal of choice for anyone who has sensitive skin. Jewelry rash can occur even with gold jewelry. The impurities in most other metals, including gold, can cause a rash. The rash could even happen years later, after wearing the jewelry daily for long periods of time. Platinum wearers don't have to worry about jewelry rash. Platinum is 95% pure. Platinum is hypoallergenic, so the best way to deal with a jewelry rash is to switch to platinum. The problem with platinum is that it is so rare. It is 35 times rarer than gold. There is so little platinum on earth, yet its uses are so wide. Because platinum is compatible with the human body, platinum is used in medicine, to make pace makers, for example. Platinum is also a catalyst and is essential in many chemical processes. Platinum is such a precious metal that during World War II, U.S. banned platinum from being used for any non-military purpose. That is why, for so many years, platinum was not used in jewelry making. Due to its rarity, platinum is an excellent precious metal to invest in. Anything that is so rare and has so many uses would appreciate in price, with time, which makes platinum jewelry a wise investment. How to Shop for Comfortable Pilates Workout Wear Studies show that an estimated 60% of Americans do not receive the recommended amount of physical exercise per day. It is also estimated that of those 60% who are not active enough, there are 25% who are completely inactive on a daily basis. Being active is crucial to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and living a longer life. Perhaps, that's why so many people have showed interest in Pilates. Pilates has taken over the workout world and has received so much hype because of the wonders it performs on the body. So now that you've decided to become a part of the whirlwind, let's figure out what you're going to wear. What to Wear: Summer Dressing in a Business Environment Choosing appropriate clothing for the business environment can be challenging at the best of times. It becomes more difficult when temperatures rise and we feel being fully covered is uncomfortable and downright hot. It becomes even more of a challenge when we leave home in sweltering heat and then move into an air conditioned work environment. How do we dress? What should we wear? History of the Watch The earliest mention of the watch was in Shakespeare's play "As You Like It." In the second act of the play one character produces a sun-dial from his pocket and muses about the time. Though at this time in history a true, portable timekeeping piece would have been too much of a hassle. Coming up with a powers source for the watch was impossible at this time. But in the 1500's Peter Henlein from Germany created the first pocket watch. And from that point on portable timekeeping was part of the norm. Finding The Fashion Youre Comfortable With Fashion is not only what we wear, it is also how we describe ourselves to the world. When you're deciding which fashion is for you, take the time to consider your figure and style and also how you want to be perceived. 2005 Fashion Runway Hits are Fabulous I was flipping through this months Elle. There's some terrific style information in it! Looks like we've made it full circle to the 1970s. For some of us we'll get to relive some of our favourite fashions but there may be some 'yuck' in the group too. Shop Right, Look Great! All through history one thing has never changed and that is in any given century, fashion has been of great importance to us. It changes over time and often comes back in style many times over. But why is fashion so important to us? We go to such great lengths to look just right. Lets face it; we are judged by how we look. That may sound shallow but it is true. Just go out anywhere and really start looking at people. Observe your own reaction and thoughts when you see how people dress and carry themselves. Public Awareness of Conflict Diamonds Increases - What You Must Know About This Important Issue Both Hollywood and the rap industry are promoting a diamond term more serious than "ice" or "bling." In a world where looks are everything, and the jewelry worn by a star is envied and emulated by peers and fans alike, a movement is emerging that raises awareness of a serious issue ? the importation of conflict diamonds. Each Watch Band is Unique and Tells Its Own Story Anyone who possesses a valuable and unique watch will also want something special from the watch band that is worn with it. HIRSCH artisanal watch bands are masterpieces, each created by craftsmen in a process involving over 60 separate stages, giving each individual watch band its own elegance and beauty. ![]() |
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