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Fishing Topwater in Lily Pads
In 2004, I fished more lily pads than ever before? Why? Well, because I caught fish in them. I probably caught over 100 fish in the lily pads this year alone. Two were over 5 pounds and one over 6 pounds. So what did I do different this year? I'm glad you asked......I used a lure called the scum frog, green and white, not only that but I fished it different than ever before. You see, I used to go slow, I mean real slow, my way of thinking was that even though the bass is a fast swimmer, he would have a hard time catching up with the lure through the pads, if I retrieved it fast. Not only that, but, I wanted to put it in his face a lot longer by going slow on my retrieve. Well, then I watched this guy and he was running it through the lily pads almost as fast as any buzz bait I have seen used. I was using the same lure except slow. The outcome? Well, he was getting strikes, I mean lots of strikes, I was getting none. So, I went back over the same area I just fished and guess what? Yep, I began getting strikes, but I was missing them as the lure would get past the fish. I thought maybe I should compromise, so, I slowed down my retrieve just a hair and bingo, I started catching fish. That is the way I used the scum frog for the rest of the fishing season. Fast, but not quite as fast as a buzz bait, when they would hit and miss I would stop the bait and just twitch it a few times. This was one of my best fishing years in over 40 of fishing for bass, all due to this new retrieve. As Mikey says "Try it you might like it". Charles E. White has fished for almost 50 years for bass from California to Florida. In his lifetime, it is estimated that he has caught over 6,000 bass. His biggest bass is a 12 pound 14 ounce that hangs on his wall in his office. Charles has fished with people who have never fished for bass before and taught them how to become successful anglers and also has fished with the Pros in Florida. If you liked this article you can find more in our article section at: http://www.bassfishingweekly.com
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Chumming and Plankton Fish Catching Tips In night fishing 95% of success is determined before your line is wet. It is recommended to start an evening feeding frenzy along the food chain with your big game fish as the final predator. Get Ready For Bed....Bedding Bass That Is! It's getting near the time bass will be on their beds. Not just any bass, but trophy size bass in Ohio. So, what are you going to use to catch those lunkers? Big baits of course! Well, not really. While large baits do catch big bass, sometimes they scare them away or intimidate them. That is when finesse baits come to play. The Joys of Trout Fishing The thrill of trout fishing! It is the best, isn't it? No matter where you plan to go trout fishing, you know you are more than likely going to enjoy your trip. The sport is a sport of its own, set aside from other types of fishing. Some believe trout fishing is the most difficult of any type of fishing. Regardless of if you believe this or not, there are many reasons to love trout fishing. What You Need To Know About Spinner Fishing Many people know just what type of lure they want to use in order to catch the elusive fish. In fact, one of the most common types of lures is called a spinner. Spinner fishing is a great way to get the fish you want. The spinner works by attracting a fish to the location by bumping into things in the water and spinning. This movement will attract your fish. But, what type of spinner fishing lure do you need? Where can you find the one that will work the best for you? Challenges of Nymph Fly Fishing When nymph fly fishing, the angler is imitating the juvenile stage of aquatic insects. As such, all fly fishing is done underwater, not on top of it. Thus, unlike when dry fly fishing, an angler will not see a rise or the fish itself pop through the surface when gulping in a fly. Night Boat Fishing Checklist Boat Fishing At Night Checklist Fishing The Henrys Fork.... First Test All the books written on fly fishing all mention the Henry's Fork. Swordfish and Swordfishing Generally an oceanic species, the swordfish is primarily a midwater fish at depths of 650-1970 feet (200-600 m) and water temperatures of 64 to 71°F (18-22°C). Although mainly a warm-water species, the swordfish has the widest temperature tolerance of any billfish, and can be found in waters from 41-80°F (5-27°C). The swordfish is commonly observed in surface waters, although it is believed to swim to depths of 2,100 feet (650 m) or greater, where the water temperature may be just above freezing. One adaptation that allows for swimming in such cold water is the presence of a "brain heater," a large bundle of tissue associated with one of the eye muscles, which insulates and warms the brain. Blood is supplied to the tissue through a specialized vascular heat exchanger, similar to the counter current exchange found in some tunas. This helps prevent rapid cooling and damage to the brain as a result of extreme vertical movements. The Worlds Top Water Bass Fishing Champion And His Techniques I was fishing a small lake in central California back in 1980, I think it was that year. I had been fishing for a couple of hours and doing ok, catching some 1-2 pound fish and in a far I was fishing a small lake in central California back in 1980, I think it was that year. I had been fishing for a couple of hours and doing ok, catching some 1-2 pound fish and in a far distance I could see this man walking up with a bright red jacket. The closer he got, the more I noticed his jacket and all the patches on it, one said 1978 World Top Water Bass Fishing Champion, along with about 20 other patches. We began to talk, of course, I wanted to know all about him and he began to tell me about how he became champion. Now, I do want to say one thing here, I forget what he told me and I don't even know for sure if there is such a tournament for the World Top Water Championship but I watched this guy fish. Ever Said: We Should Have Caught Bass By Now? Have you ever been on a lake and thought to yourself or said to your fishing partner, "We should have caught some fish by now"? Well, maybe it's time to downsize. One reason to downsize is when the bass are going through the stages between spawn and postspawn like they are now in Ohio. We all have heard big lures catch big bass and that is true but there is a time when large lures just don't cut it. When the bass are in the spawn to postspawn transition find the warmest water on the lake and try downsizing your lure. Fishing Charter Need To Know There are several elements that go into creating the ideal charter fishing experience. The most important of these elements are not within the control of the charter service, captain, or the customers: The Value of Observation The beginner must learn to look with eyes that see. Occurrences of apparently little importance at the moment may, after consideration, assume proportions of great value. The taking of an insect, for instance, may mean nothing more than a rising trout; but the position occupied by this fish may indicate the position taken by others in similar water. Caring for Your Inflatable Boat - Common Sense & Consistency Are the Keys Thousands of years ago, the first inflatable boats, made from animal skins, were used for transportation. People used them to cross rivers, ferry goods to other locations, and move military troops. Over time, inflatable boats were adapted for recreational use as well, and for rescue operations. Today there are many types of inflatable boats and over a dozen ways they are used around the world. Fishing The Henrys Fork....With Jack Karpawack Jack Karpawack here. Lake Trout and Their Unique Qualities Lake trout are a type of fish that are completely different then any other fish. Those that like to go lake trout fishing, know that they are difficult to catch. Unless you know just how to do so, well, your chances are small of actually getting one. Lake trout fish are the ones everyone wants though as their size can be enormous! Lake trout fishing is a great type of fishing, but you will need the knowledge of these fish before you begin to fish them. Colorado Fly Fishing ? Bait Huckin vs. Fly Fishin It was one of those fishing trips. You know, everyone catches fish but you, you loose six or eight of your most expensive streamers, it rains buckets, and you sink the boat. That's right; I got skunked at Steamboat Lake over Memorial weekend. Introduction to Lake Fly Fishing Techniques Often lake fish will gather in schools and cruise around looking for food, but often it is the small fish that rise to take surface insects while the bigger ones feed in deeper water. Fishing Equipment Tips Cheap Sinkers Fly Fishing Rods ? Getting The Bends Picking a fly fishing rod is a tricky endeavor. Do you go with your ego, expected fishing environment or something else? While length is a factor, the bend or action of the rod is a key factor. Saltwater Fishing Tips Get Rid Of Sharks ![]() |
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