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Four Fly Fishing Tips
Good Fly Presentation Obviously, the goal when casting a fly is to present the fly to the fish in a realistic manner. You are trying to simulate nature here. If you are going for trout in a stream, for instance, this means a drag-free float of 36 inches over a precise spot that marks the window of a feeding fish. Never randomly cast ? you have got to pick a spot and hit it. Throw tight loops that put the fly on target. One important method that can be used is to overcast the target and stop the line short while it is in the air. The fly should come back to you and fall on the water with slack in the leader. The best trout fishermen fish with only 30 to 35 feet of line, but make up for this with accurate casting. They read waters will and put the fly in the p ay zone time after time. One of the most important thins they do is to recognize that presentation and approach are much more important than pattern. It is different for bass. Whether a surface bug or a streamer, the offering must move past a spot where a bass is apt to hold. As the boat drifts, it is important to pick a precise time to shoot a cast to the target. Too soon or too late, and the fly won't be in the right spot. This is where the double haul form of casting becomes essential. It generates line speed and enables the caster to pick 30 or 40 feet of line off the water and shoot another without false casting. When bassing, make your presentation, retrieve 10 to 20 feet, pick up, and cast again without the need to false cast. After each one, drop the rod type and keep the butt of the rod near your belt buckle with the tip-top of the rod pointing at the line. A simple lift will let you execute the next pickup or strike a fish. Leader Connection If you are a fly caster, you know that a smooth connection between the leader and fly line is important in presentation. The best way to do this is to nail-knot a six-inch piece of 25-30 pound leader material to the end of the fly line. A loop like those found on snelled hooks is then tied into the opposite end. The connecting leader must also have a loop. Connecting the leader itself is done by passing the loop attached to the fly line through the loop on the leader; reaching through the fly line loop. Next, grab the butt section of the leader and pull the leader up through until the tippet passes the loop. Last, just pull the loops together by tugging on the fly line and the butt section in opposite directions. Strategy If you are every in a situation where see large brown trout in open water and hold, your best bet is to use a No. 12 Cinnamon Ant and sink it. If this doesn't work, move to the No.16 Adams fly. Still nothing? Switch to the No. 20 Black Ant. Last-ditch effort would be to use a 3X tippet and use a No. 6 nymph or streamer. Typically the bigger trout will leave small morsels to the small guys, preferring the bigger bites that are easy to get. They are very economical feeders. High Rider Dry Fly's If your best dry-fly patterns are failing you, it may be time to switch to spiders and variants. Many times a spider or variant will bring trout to the surface, then you can switch back to a conventional dry fly. These spiders and variants will delicately drop to the water, usually somersaulting or jumping after touching it. Fish find this very alluring. High riding is another attribute of these flies. When tied properly, their hackles support the hook above the water's surface, thus imitating a natural fly much more closely than the ordinary fly does. Copyright 2005 EveningSecretFishing.com Frank Faldo Is A Long-Time Fisherman and President of EveningSecretFishing (http://www.eveningsecretfishing.com/specialsecret/4_Fly_Fishing_Tips.php) Feel free to use this article on your website or anywhere else - but all links and bio information must remain in tact.
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A recent trend that has caught on with online anglers "fishing" for more information is online fishing forums. Fly Fishing Small Streams Picture this; you've spent some time hiking into a small stream in the back country. It's early morning, mist is rising and the midges that have been swarming around you are breakfast for the small browns you have come to catch. You quietly walk up to the stream, watching the swirls of rising fish. You tie a nymph onto your leader and step into the water. Do you Know How to Take the Perfect Picture of Your Fish? Nothing is better than to snap a photo of your big fish that you just caught. The Only Fishing Experts You Should Listen Too Everyone's an Expert, So Who Has The Right Answers? Fishing Team Gear Helps Teams Market To Sponsors Competition between offshore and inshore anglers has skyrocketed within the last few years. As the competition increases, so does the need for fishing teams to differentiate themselves and stand out from other teams. To do this, fishing teams are acting more like businesses and taking marketing and branding seriously. There are several reasons why increasing amounts of fishing teams are moving towards self-promotion. The Major Benefit Of Night Fishing Number One Benefit to Night Fishing Do Fish See in Color Fish do indeed perceive color. Every fly fisher knows that or ought to know that. Like humans, the retina of a fish have rods and cones. Cones are used in the day and rods at night. Color vision evolved to help fish identify potential food. In the environment of the fish, the background will either be the bottom, the water itself, or if looking up for food it could be the sky. The bottom is normally tannish olive to green. When looking across the water, the background appears pale silver blue. But if the water is off color due to algae or high water one must take that into consideration as well. Skylight becomes more important at dusk and dawn when it contains more reds. Trout Fishing Techniques One of the most popular trout fishing techniques is called trolling. Trolling is popular as far as trout fishing techniques go because on still bodies of fresh water like lakes and ponds, the act of fishing for trout is meant to be as relaxing and enjoyable as the act of catching trout is exhilarating. Bass Fishing - Recreation or Obsession? First of all, we need to look at the word ... recreation. When I break it down, it comes out re-creation. What this means to me is a re-creating of myself; a way to get away from it all and do some soul searching and some thinking and ... re-create my ideas, inspirations and motivations; a break in the pattern that allows me to reconsider things in my life and make adjustments. But the term is large. Typically, recreation means activity. What do you do for recreation? Watch TV? Garden? Go out to restaurants or bars? What? It implies relaxation. It implies a way to get away from the normal grind and have an element of divergence; have some fun and forget it all. Not so for the bass fisherman. I know I have mentioned to people that I went fishing and they said, "Oh, that sounds relaxing." What is relaxing about bass fishing? Probably nothing. There are times I go to be outdoors, and there are times I go to catch bass. Catching bass is not relaxing. In fact, bass fishing is hard work. If you want to throw in a live bait and hang by the shade tree, so be it. Granted, that is fishing ... but not the style of bass fishing I'm talking about. What I am talking about is active bass fishing where you are in hot pursuit of the prey. Walking the banks ... fishing from the boat ... whatever your style may be, it is hard work. Why hard work? Every time I come home from a fishing trip I am worn out for a few days. That's because I work hard while at play. I am up and down the banks hiking around the lake looking for my target: largemouth bass. I cast and I cast and I cast; always keeping the bait in motion and trying to find the fish. So, do I go to get away from it all? Or, do I go because I love the thrill of the hunt; the catch. If you think that serious bass fishing is a 'vacation," it's not. Again, it's hard work. Even if you're not hiking up and down the banks, even if you are in a boat, it's hard work. You are constantly casting, reeling and landing fish (hopefully). This will wear you out if you only fish occasionally. So, to me, bass fishing must be an obsession. I mean, certainly, I don't do it to get occasionally, though it is that. And I don't do it to forget the world and all it's cares, though it does help with that. And I don't do it because I am looking for a way to relax, though I do find it to be relaxing as well as tiring. What's in it for me? I must do it. I am obsessed, maybe better described as addicted to the adrenaline charge I get when I catch a bass. I need the satisfaction of feeling powerful because I have fooled the fish in it's own domain and I am now the king. I have to have that. By the way, I will have to write more later, because now I must recreate. Maybe I will see you there. Tips To Getting Sponsored For Fishing Tournaments One of the most important steps in getting sponsored to fish tournaments (whether you fish for bass, walleye, crappie, musky, redfish, marlin, etc.) is to focus on what YOU CAN DO for your sponsor not what your sponsor can do for you. When trying to obtain sponsorship from a company, first make a list of the things you could provide for your sponsor. Where To Find 10 Fly Fishing Tips In A Single Paragraph When looking for information on how to fly fish, fly fishing tips or fly fishing techniques, many anglers, or anglers to be,who limit their search to books or material written ithin the last few years or decades are short-changing themselves. Tastes Like Chicken! For the most part, I am an advocate for catch and release fishing. A Big Fish Story Ketchikan, located in southeast Alaska, is a good place to fish for halibut. Sally and John Balch live in Ketchikan and have a favorite spot nearby to halibut fish. It's a secret spot, so don't ask where it is. Trout Species ? Rainbow Trout and Brown Trout Rainbow Trout: Few freshwater fish can match the fighting spirit and beauty of a Rainbow Trout. Trout Species ? Cutthroat Trout and Golden Trout Cutthroat Trout: Cutthroat Trout are generally found only in high alpine lakes or in some selected areas of the Pacific Northwest. Fly Fishing for Largemouth Bass Like all bass fishing, bass fly fishing has exploded in popularity. The largemouth bass is considered by many the greatest of all gamefish. Once limited to just the Eastern United States, the largemouth bass has been introduced all over the continent. When most people think of bass fishing they think of, stiff fiberglass rods, heavy lines and large lures. But more and more fisherman are finding the advantage of fly fishing for this game fish. ![]() |
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