One Single Secret to Goal Setting Success

Perhaps you have never taken a stock of the most valuable and precious wealth of yours. Every person possesses it since the day of birth. This wealth is our life, its minutes, hours, days and years. Proper planning starts when we begin to take stock of this wealth. So, we should make the most efficient use of every minute to preserve and multiply this wealth. The initial stage of planning is identifying and setting your major life goals.

One way or another, deliberately or not, but we speculate on our life goals. More often we don't even call them goals, they are just obscure and unshaped dreams, which exist only in our imagination. But to speculate on them and to write them down on the paper are different things. Goals which weren't written down remain only Utopian and vague dreams, which aren't likely to be accomplished.

How to make your dreams come true? To begin with, transform your dreams in the shape of the written goals and quit formulating your goals using the subjunctive mood. Never write: "It would be great to travel to Italy" or "It would be nice to buy a car". Erase these statements from your memory and start writing your goals in such a way: "I'll buy Jeep Cherokee in two years time".

"Start from wherever you are and with whatever you've got."

Actually, goals are the tools on your road to success. You should know the secret of their correct utilization. This secret is the materialization of your goals on the paper. When you see your goals in a written form you make a new glance on what you really want. Writing your goals will help you make a sense of what you want to achieve, analyze your goals, elaborate on their perfection, maybe even to revamp them somehow and single out specific standards and means for their achievement.

Committing your goals to a paper is a great success strategy, which delivers big results. All successful people use this strategy for achieving their life goals. They take advantage of this strategy and keep writing their goals repeatedly and persistently.

Writing down and examining your goals means creating a set of concrete and determined instructions for your subconscious mind. In such a way you give your subconscious mind a set of instructions to work on. These instructions must be filled with positive and well - disposed emotions. The more positive instructions you give to it, the better results you get. So, write your goals only in a positive way.

The key force that drives you towards your goal is a thorough and detailed description of everything you want. You can go into details and particularize all the slightest minutiae. But at the same time your description should be per se. You should draw a clear - cut picture of your goal rather than vague and indistinct image of what you want to achieve. Be unwavering to decide what exactly you want to attain.

Accompany your written goals with visual pictures. Visualize each goal of yours. Close your eyes and imagine a car you want to buy. Get on this car, feel the softness of the new seats, the smell of the leather in the passengers compartment. Let your imagination draw a vivid picture of your goal and embellish it with bright details. Don't neglect this method. Remember that the visualization of your goals keeps your motivation up and stimulates your desire to reach your goals.

An effective goal setting system can't go without frequent review of your goals. The revision of your goals will help your analyze them more thoroughly and, perhaps, to revamp them slightly. Be flexible and have courage to change your goals. To change your goal doesn't mean a failure, it is a victory as you have realized in time that something was different.

Keep in mind that the more concentrated you are on your goals the more likely you are to achieve them. Let's take Brian Tracy, one of the most successful and productive people, for instance. He began his way as an apprentice on the ocean - going ship. Only his perseverance and discipline helped him develop an effective goal setting system, which led him to success in life. Now he is one of the most high - paid and successful businessman.

"Discipline is the bridge between your goals and their accomplishment."

You can compose the whole Declaration of your life goals. This document will come into force only when you write down all your goals. It'll be confirmed by you and the control for its accomplishment will lie on your conscious. From this moment you and nobody else take the responsibility for your life.

Try this success strategy of writing down your goals and be sure that it won't let you down. Remember a saying: "If you don't have a target, the arrow will hit nothing."

Yuliya Muravey is a self-employed entrepreneur and co-owner of the She believes passionately in the enormous power of the goal setting and its impact on the short-term and long-term success in life.

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