Vitamins that May Affect Hair Growth

Several different vitamin or mineral deficiencies can cause dry hair. To treat dry hair, try taking a multivitamin with 100 percent of the daily value of the essential vitamins. A multivitamin and mineral combination may provide some added coverage for possible deficiencies.

It's been shown that too little biotin and pantothenic acid (both B-complex vitamins) can lead to dry hair. Shampoos and hair treatment products commonly contain pantothenic acid (or pantothenol).

But evidence supporting the benefits of pantothenic acid for dry hair and hair loss is very weak. Also, some people with hair loss do show low blood levels of biotin. While the evidence isn't strong, it may be worth it to try taking supplements of biotin and pantothenic acid for bothersome hair conditions that are not helped by hair treatment products.

Iron and Zinc also affect hair growth. Iron is an important trace mineral that is found in every cell of the body, including hair, usually combined with protein. Zinc is an essential mineral that is found in almost every cell, including our hair.

It stimulates the activity of approximately 100 enzymes, which are substances that promote biochemical reactions in your body. Zinc supports a healthy immune system, is needed for wound healing, helps maintain your sense of taste and smell, and is needed for DNA synthesis.

Eat right and you will glow from head to toe.

About The Author

Nicole Elizabeth Smith, the author of "Healthy Black Hair" (2003), is a freelance health and beauty writer and a graduate of Michigan State University. She and her son Zack live in Michigan. Currently, she is beauty editor for

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