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Information on Finding Happiness |
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Where do we Find True and Lasting Happiness?
For the longest time I was convinced that I was not happy unless I had a partner to share my life with. I just knew that having someone to share glorious sunrises and romantic sunsets would make me happy. I even came close to marrying someone who made me feel as if I was the happiest person on the face of the earth only to find out that it was not actually him that made me happy. This is the mistake most all of us make when we are dating and even more so when we have been married and have become accustomed to having someone around all the time then suddenly we are thrust back into this crazy dating world that has changed so much since we were gone that we need to go to Dating College to get educated and learn the lingo not to mention the new rules to even be a player in the game. OK, so you think you know the answers, what makes you happy, what will keep you happy and that special something that will attract you and keep you attracted? I think you are going to be surprised at what I have to say. The greatest lesson I have learned if I have learned anything in my dating trials and tribulations is that I am the only person on this earth that is responsible for my happiness. The only place that happiness lives forever, with or without a partner is within you. You have the power to create and maintain your own happiness. Love is great to have and share, but in order to share what you have to offer, you must first find that happiness within yourself and the person that sees that happiness in you will want to be part of that happiness. So you see, the search and the quest for that fulfillment is endless as long as you choose not to look inside yourself. Enjoy the journey, experience what life has to offer, always keeping your happiness in focus, first and foremost. YOU, are the reason for your happiness, let it shine, share it with the world and you will receive that happiness back in your heart ten fold. Linda Reeves is an advice columnist for http://www.cupidsblackbook.com she is 47 years old and lives in the American Midwest.
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10 Survival Strategies to Overcoming Adversity and Being Happy If one thing is for certain, each of us will experience some form of adversity while we are still breathing on this Earth. Unfortunately, some of us will experience more than our fair share of adversity, either in the workplace or in our personal lives. Being Together When it comes to happiness, togetherness is probably the most common cause of such feelings. Laughter and Your Health Did you know that according to research, children laugh about 400 times a day while adults only laugh about 15 times a day? Some how we lost the ability to laugh, as we got older. Could it be that putting more humour and laughter into our day will improve our health and wellbeing? Live Happily Ever After! So many people overwork themselves literary in the quest for happiness. Many claim that they will truly be happy when they become famous, earn a degree, become rich etc? However, what happens when the desire goal is attain? Nothing! They get excited for a second or two and go back to living miserably until, something good happens again and who knows how long that will take. Can You Really Let Go Of Your Huge Internal Struggle? When I was in graduate school for psychology, we had a fellow student by the name of Allan who was running a successful clinical practice and had joined our program to improve his credentials. He had a remarkable track record of successful case histories. Suffering and Happiness The one feature that sets life on Earth apart from a paradise is suffering. It poses a problem for humanity and calls for a solution. This problem relates to human desires, the satisfaction of which is often difficult and uncertain, if not impossible, and always transient, in need of renewal; it is doomed to end sooner or later in death. Clearing a Path for Happiness In the United States, the pursuit of happiness is a god-given right and Americans have a document to prove it. But I wonder why the Founding Fathers deliberately phrased it, 'the pursuit of happiness', as if to say --- happiness in itself cannot be granted because it was, and still remains, tied to materialism. In the "pursuit" of happiness, it is each person's own definition: riches, health, religion, etc. Ode to Chocolate Chocolate delays reality. When I am eating chocolate, everything is on hold: anxiety, panic, frustrations, and insecurity. Chocolate offers a profound richness, a sweetness of life, a euphoric sensation of luxury. I love chocolate in many forms, from M&M's, to imported Lindt balls, to dark fudge frosting in a pop-top can, to Hershey's dark chocolate bite-sized morsels. Happiness Without getting into the core basics of philosophy, I will make a few statements about happiness. Happiness is probably the most sought after emotion, and the hardest to retain on an ongoing basis. We all can experience moments of joy that make us happy. Choose To Be Happy - NOW! The older I get, the more I realize that ninety percent of life is about choices. Both the choice to be happy or unhappy is mine. Sure, unforeseeable circumstances come and rattle our cages from time to time but it's our decision how we choose to cope with them. We can resolve to allow the situations to defeat us or we can simply count it all joy. Getting To The Root Of Unhappiness Many people live in clutter, emotionally eat themselves into overweight, live in debt, hate their jobs and otherwise live unhappy lives, unable and seemingly unwilling to change. Why? What do these have in common? What is the core issue? Divining Your Karmic Number Your karmic number interpretation tells you what you need to do in order to correct your actions from previous lives. It can also help provide invaluable instruction as to what to do so that you can reap the rewards of the seeds that you sow in this life. Are You Doing What You Love? Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. --Albert Schweitzer (1875 - 1965) Choose To Integrate Body, Mind, & Soul Our bodies were made in such a way that everything is integrated. The mind appears to control everything. When something happens to the body whether good or bad, it registers in the brain and the brain then dictates the bodies response. Scientists has found that it also works that way within the body. Biofeedback has shown that the mind can direct the immune system to fight various infections in the body includ- ing the dreaded strains of cancer. For the average person this is a wonderful idea, but biofeedback costs money and besides not everyone has a life threatening problem. Imagine being able to do this for yourself in the comfort of your own home, office or anywhere else you can go to be alone for a few minutes! There are another kind of science that is telling us that the body listens when we talk. Think about that for a minute. When we talk we are saying what the mind is thinking; we are just saying it outloud. So, it follows we can do our own biofeedback anywhere we want. A very simple illustration of this will prove this to you. Hold your arms out in front of you extending your two index fingers. Shut your eyes and repeat our loud, "fingers come together". Think it and say it and within two minutes your fingers do come together. When I first tried this it was very exciting to me that it worked because for me it opened possibilities in my mind! Since then I have become a talker to myself! A self whisperer if you will. I talk to my body and to my sub conscious even and I have gotten amazing results. This is one thing that I think will work for everyone because this is one of the functions of the body, mind and soul that was part of the design, just as blood running through everyone's body is the same. But, you must have an open mind! Your mind accepts that blood runs through the body in a specific manner and so it must accept that the body, mind and soul will listen when it is spoken to, no matter who is speaking, yourself or someone else. What Does It Take To Be Happy? What does it take to be happy? In our age of consumerism many will likely tell you that in order to be happy you have to keep up with the trends, or as they used to say in the 50's and 60's "you must keep up with the Jones's". Happiness. Its Between Our Ears! Happiness is something we all seek, yet few of us find Uncovering Your Joy: Using a Personal Journal to Discover a Life Filled with Happiness Author Tristine Rainer wrote "Happiness within a diary has less to do with the events you encounter in life than with the way you experience the process of living." Because a diary mirrors how you perceive and deal with events, it can be used for developing the capacity to more fully experience joy. How to Find True Happiness! To maintain an unchangeable sweetness of disposition, to think only thoughts that are pure and gentle, and to be happy under all circumstances, such blessed conditions and such beauty of character and life should be the aim of all, and particularly so of those who wish to lessen the misery of the world. If anyone has failed to lift himself above ungentleness, impurity, and unhappiness, he is greatly deluded if he imagines he can make the world happier by the propagation of any theory or theology. He who is daily living in harshness, impurity, or unhappiness is day by day adding to the sum of the world's misery; whereas he who continually lives in goodwill, and does not depart from happiness, is day by day increasing the sum of the world's happiness, and this independently of any religious beliefs which these may or may not hold. Love and Laughter ? Celebrating the Gift of Life Only you can call me into aliveness. Each time you try to understand and because you really care, my heart begins to grow wings, very small wings, very feeble wings, but wings. With your sensitivity and sympathy, and your power of understanding, you can breathe life into me. ~ Charles C. Finn Life is our brief precious time to feel-to experience love, laughter, and wonder-to design and contribute our unique creations and expressions of who we are and what we want to leave behind. How To Experience A Richer, Deeper, And Fuller Life When we choose to move beyond the boundaries of the ego, we choose to step into a different world. We find ourselves above the matrix of conceived causality, alive on a unique plane of experience. Here, much to our amazement, everything happens by itself. Grace, or effortless effort, now define our actions. ![]() |
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