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Develop a Guiding Philosophy for Happiness
Groundedness is one of the most important components of a satisfied life. Being grounded means having a guiding philosophy - a foundation of personal integrity that outside influences cannot disturb. Our philosophy contains our values, spiritual faith, personal boundaries, and the causes we support. It reflects our core beliefs about who we are and how we conduct our lives. The media bombards us with promises of quick success and glamorous lives. People naturally want happier, more successful lives. Many tools are indeed helpful toward that end. Yet simply having certain "things" is not the reason that we achieve happiness and success. Promises based on possessions and fads do not address one of the root causes of dissatisfaction; that is, lack of groundedness. Groundedness adds consistency to our lives - a mental compass to guide our actions and decisions. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote:
"Build today, then strong and sure, Many have said, "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything." Our guiding philosophy defines what we stand for. It keeps us from tossing to and fro with every new situation and idea. Our guiding philosophy is the supporting foundation beneath an authentically happy life. Ask yourself these five questions: 1. What are the major ideas, values, and causes that contribute to my philosophy of living? 2. What are the boundaries that shield me from influences that would throw me off course and disturb my peace of mind? 3. What is the faith that assures a solid foundation in my life? 4. How does my philosophy provide a sure footing along the path to my objectives? 5. How can I build a more ample base upon which to build my dreams for the future and realize peace, love, and happiness in the present? After you have pondered your thoughts, write your answers in a journal. Return from time to time and add new insights that you receive. Your happiness pursuit can be successful by living a grounded life. White Eagle wrote, "If you will be steadfast on the path to which your feet have been guided, you will find the treasure of life, a never-ending stream of help and healing and happiness." Standing firmly grounded in your faith, values, and purpose, you can realize the consistency and authentic happiness that many spend a lifetime seeking. © Copyright 2005 by Steve Brunkhorst. Steve is a professional life success coach, motivational author, and the editor of Achieve! 60-Second Nuggets of Inspiration, a popular mini-zine bringing great stories, motivational nuggets, and inspiring thoughts to help you achieve more in your career and personal life. Get the next issue by visiting http://www.AchieveEzine.com
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About Happiness and Fulfillment During a FULFILLMENT seminar, at the University of Arizona for the Affiliated Women's Clubs, a charming and successful woman unintentionally made our point about success, satisfaction and happiness. Catherine Hendricks spoke about several major problems that are caused by living too secular a life-style in this period of swift, destabilizing and often disconcerting change. Catherine lamented; Mexican Living: What Makes You Happy? Many ask me this question: "Did moving to Mexico make you happier?" My answer to that question is a resounding "no!" Does that shock you? Does that concern you? Does that cause you to pause? Do more questions come to mind? 10 Survival Strategies to Overcoming Adversity and Being Happy If one thing is for certain, each of us will experience some form of adversity while we are still breathing on this Earth. Unfortunately, some of us will experience more than our fair share of adversity, either in the workplace or in our personal lives. Can Existential Therapy Give You a Sense of Wellbeing? My journey to becoming a therapist began with a desire to develop greater significance in my life and improve the quality of my relationships. Having worked as an organisational psychologist for many years, my work increasingly involved coaching senior managers in the art of managing their organisations. These sessions revealed that, contrary to my expectations, the help they required was related to more personal aspects of their lives outside of work. Happiness - Cause and Effect Your reaction to the events around you determines how you feel and how you affect those you come into contact with. Consider the following example: Looking In The Eyes Of Happiness From what you see around you in your daily lives, happiness may appear an illusory state of existence. Do you see true happiness in the lives of those who pass through your world each day? Do you see, and feel, true happiness in your own life, and the lives of your immediate family? Or in your work colleagues, or fellow commuters? A Surefire Way To Manage Your Fears While Leading A Happier, Healthier Life Imagine discovering a way to get rid of your fears in a quick and painless manner. In fact it can even become fun! Divining your Number of Destiny Your Destiny Number, which describes all of the talents and potentials that are at your disposal in this lifetime, is calculated from the letters that compose your full birth name. This is not your married name, but rather the name that is found written in full on your birth certificate. If your name is misspelled on your birth certificate, use that to configure your destiny number. Finding Purpose and Meaning in Life A friend once said to me, "There is no meaning in life, except what we create". At the time, I thought she was nuts. Now, I understand. Happiness Is Truly M.A.G.I.C.A.L. (TM) The year is almost half over. Many of us are taking the time to reflect, to imagine new dreams and to revise our goals. Yet, as we engage in these activities, the shadows of unachieved goals and failed dreams continue to follow us. Common Scents For Emotional Well Being Aromatics which include essential oils, perfume, centred candles and incense, have been used for centuries to affect the mind (and also, ultimately, the body) in a positive way. This practice finds its origins in religion and primitive beliefs. Aboriginal Australians burned the leaves of eucalyptus to fumigate an area from viruses. Aboriginal Americans use sage and cedar and the Slavs, such plants as sunflower, pine and garlic peels for the same purposes. This was done because occult powers were thought to be sensitive to fragrances and could protect against fever, sorcery, epidemics and demonic charms. Achievement and Happiness the 80/20 Way If there was ever a principle that was responsible for the most happiness and achievement in the world, it would be the 80/20 Principle. Happiest Person In America: Whats Sex Got To Do With It? Who is the happiest person in America? USA Today featured Happiest Person in a cover story in its USA Weekend magazine. Bad news: it's not you. Nor is it me. Simple Pleasures: Ingredients to Feed Your Spirit. "When we do something we love, again and again, our life comes to hold the fragrance of that thing. ~ Wayne Mullen Tap Into Wellness - the Secret Self Help Tool Your Doctor Doesnt Want You To Know About Everyone has issues with self esteem. It's no wonder then that bookstores have entire sections devoted to it. Speakers and authors have made billions touting yet another seminar, book or DVD aimed at self esteem improvement. Do You Love Yourelf? Learning to love yourself isn't easy - especially if you grew up in an environment that involved abuse, neglect, shame or an emotionally dishonest atmosphere. Most people who experience self-love have had it planted as a seed by someone who accepted them unconditionally at a very early phase in their development. But even those fortunate enough to have had this experience, come to find that self-love must continue to evolve as the diversity of life's experiences are faced. For those of us who have not had the seed of self-love planted . . . all is not lost! Self-love is our natural state. We can find our way back to our rightful state of being. Self-love is who and what we are - it is merely hidden by learned patterns of disallowing love. Learning new patterns of allowing love involves an awareness of what self-love is, and then practicing certain skills, self-affirming thoughts, and actions that lead to greater joy. Your Perfect Partner A woman we'll call "Jane" thought she was a great "catch" and a "perfect partner" but she wondered why her relationships always seemed to fail. Choose Happiness It's a beautiful spring day in Beverly Hills, California. I'm looking out my window at elm trees in full leaf and roses in full bloom, and thinking about the people who helped me get where I am today. A Model of Happiness Everyone I've ever met considers happiness to be desirable. There is a whole wing of psychology called "positive psychology" studying things like happiness. One of the luminaries of this field is Dr. Martin Seligman, who wrote both Learned Optimism and Authentic Happiness. His group publishes a newsletter called Authentic Happiness Coaching Newsletter. Happiness And Health Are The Two Most Important Things In Life The world is becoming obsessed with money and all things material. From the size of your house, the type of car and even where you travel on your holidays, some people are trying to go one better do their friends and family. ![]() |
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