How To Dance With Life

Fortunate, indeed, is the man who takes exactly the right measure of himself,and holds a just balance between what he can acquire and what he can use.~Peter Latham (1789-1875)

In the Chinese philosophy of Taoism, right action and right living create a life of harmony and delight.

When a balance occurs between opposing forces, then your life flourishes.

When action is followed by rest, when initiative is followed by reflection, and when willful intent is followed by utter surrender, then you are following a path of optimum power.

I think the most fascinating example of what balance in the cosmos can do is in the story of how the ancient wisdom of the East has merged with modern scientific reckoning.

Six thousand years ago, sages plotted the web and woof of the universe, using esoteric meditative techniques, and today, modern scientists, using unbelievable technologcal probes, have come to the same conclusions about the nature of the cosmos.

A rishi from ancient India and a modern quantum physicist from Harvard university would have a fascinating discussion about how the universe is glued together.

The new balance between East and West, Metaphysics and Science, right-brain thinking and left-brain thinking has revealed a marvelous design to the structure of reality.

Similarly, we as individuals, living in a time when the most amazing possibilities are available, would be wise to take stock of who we are and what we can become and then balance out our dreams with the opportunity for their realization.

Imagine, for a moment, how your life might improve if you were to attain a balance in all your affairs, enjoying optimum relationships, financial success, vibrant health, and an ongoing education about the world.

I believe that when your life is in balance, everything will take on a magical quality. Things will fall into place almost effortlessly. Your experience of being alive will be deeper, richer, and more fulfilling.

Balance is a personal, dynamic force that conserves energy, rejuvenates vision, and harmonizes the disparate aspects of a life.

A person in balance finds a way to maximize resources and minimize pockets of scarcity.

When we can identify what our lives stand for, then we will attain the harmony we need to organize our experiences to be deeply meaningful, uplifting, and gratifying.

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Saleem Rana got his masters in psychotherapy from California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, Ca., 15 years ago and now resides in Denver, Colorado. His articles on the internet have inspired over ten thousand people from around the world. Discover how to create a remarkable life

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