Many Blessings

"Reflect on your present blessings of which every man has many, not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some." Charles Dickens

We all have many blessings. If you made a list of all the things you could be thankful for, the list would undoubtedly be longer than your misfortunes. Making a list of all your blessings is a great exercise to go through especially when you are feeling down or are feeling like everything is going against you!

Accept whatever your misfortune is and move on. There are some things over which you have no control, and to dwell on them serves no useful purpose. Adopting the "poor me" attitude gives no promise and offers no gain.

A lot of the things we take for granted would be considered a blessing by someone in less fortunate circumstances. Take our health care system, for example. It is only a dream for millions of other people in the world, yet it's something we take for granted.

Often we take the people in our lives for granted. The blessing of their love, and support is so valuable we at times do not realize the impact they have on our life. And often times we forget to count them in our blessings!

When you think of life, think first about the blessings you have. Don't focus on misfortunes, for they are but a faint shadow.

Catherine Pulsifer is one of the editors of Words of Wisdom 4 U, Inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, plus more!

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