Quick Tips On Staying Positive In A Negative World

Looking for a way to stay positive in a negative world?

Edward W. Smith, motivational speaker, author and TV show host, who specializes in quick tips on how to move your life ahead even faster, offers the following advice.

First, decide that you are going to be positive, and look for the positive around you, regardless of what others say or do. Start and end each day by flooding yourself with positive affirmations, thoughts and information. As you go through the day surround yourself with positive, supportive people and ideas.

Next, you must reduce your negative influences. Avoid negative people, avoid exposure to much news, and eliminate negative self-talk and thoughts.

Finally, you need to develop hope that whatever your particular goals or dreams are, they can come true. You must find a way to say that in spite of setbacks, there is at least a chance your dream can come true.

Remember you are never given an idea without the power to make it come true. Looking for and expecting the good will change a negative world into a positive one, as quickly as your next thought.

Contact Information
Edward W. Smith, 201-568-0019, edsmith@brightmoment.com, www.brightmoment.com, PO box 8106, Englewood NJ 07631-8106

Copyright Edward W. Smith 2005

Edward W. Smith is the author of Sixty Seconds To Success, produces and hosts the Bright Moment TV show, is a motivational speaker and is president of Bright Moment Seminars.

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