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Information on Finding Happiness |
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In Pursuit of Happiness
In pursuit of happiness, what will we do as women? Whatever we possibly can. We want to do things for ourselves, but always put others before us. What's the result of this? Resentment.....we start resenting our spouses, kids, family, etc.., but never stopped to take a look to see why we deferred our dreams. Women it is time that you started thinking for yourselves....not allowing your spouses or family to make decisions for you. Sometimes they only make the decisions that will have you five years from now thinking, what happened to my dream? Oh I know, my husband, family, or kids said to wait until they accomplished all they needed. When it's your time to start accomplishing, you'll be too tired to do anything. Get up now and start your own businesses, wives get out of the house and start gaining some career skills.....you never know what may happen in the marriage if he decides he wants to trade you in. At least you'll have skills and can live on your own and take care of the kids. So with this written, In Pursuit of Happiness, be a Go-Getter. Stop putting others before you and make your dreams come true. Be Happy.....Do What You Want for a change and love every minute of it! To Your Happiness, Monica M. Burns copyright2005 Monica M. Burns Monica M. Burns is a small business owner, an author contributing to several anthologies, and publisher of Monica Burns, Inc. website and weekly newsletter. To find out more email her at monicaburnsinc@yahoo.com
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Who Controls YOUR Happiness? Where does happiness fit on a scale of 1 to 10 in your life? Forgive to Succeed - Im Talking to the You Behind Your Eyes If your blood is still pumping through your veins, you very likely have some forgiving to do. When you truly forgive, you serve yourself much more than you serve the person you are forgiving. What I mean here is this. Forgiveness is great for the other person, but it's absolutely critical for us. We don't really move on with our lives until we fully and completely forgive. Unfortunately for some, they live their entire lives in a state of anger and resentment. What an awful tragedy it is to let someone hurt and limit you for an entire lifetime. Our time could be better spent on creating and enjoying a life of happiness. Personal Alchemy, Turn Your Suffering into Gold I am sure it is safe to say that each of us has had times in our lives when we had hopes, anticipation, expectations and events where we desired a certain outcome. 10 Survival Strategies to Overcoming Adversity and Being Happy If one thing is for certain, each of us will experience some form of adversity while we are still breathing on this Earth. Unfortunately, some of us will experience more than our fair share of adversity, either in the workplace or in our personal lives. How to Be Happy! How would you like to have at least an extra hour in your day just for yourself so that you can have more fun? Happy Buttons What makes you happy? What are the simple pleasures that bring you great joy? Review the following list slowly, taking time to savor each one and remember the emotions it evokes. Choose To Be Happy What if I told you that you have the ability to decide if you are happy or not. You would probably say that I'm crazy. 1. I'm not crazy and 2. Happiness is a choice. You Need To Start To Like Yourself If you have a very low self esteem or a lack of self-confidence you may be seeking help to gain extra confidence. 10 Ideas to Jump Start Your Self-Confidence To begin feeling that first spark of self-confidence within you, try as many of these as you like. It's important to enjoy yourself along the way. Have fun! Spiritual and Sexual Healing Couple issues such as spirituality and sexuality rank higher than financial reasons as the most affected items of a fumbling relationship. When it comes the moment to point out why a couple needs more intimate vigor, two wrongly things are sure to happen: Women are always blamed, and if both recognize that it's a male matter, also women blame themselves. Their consequent silent follows a behavior that will never end the cycle if there is no communication and willingness to solve it. But I Bought All The Books And Tapes, And Im Still Unhappy! I love this quote by Zig Ziglar, and think it's a perfect introduction to this article: A Great Life? How to Score Your Life Is your life really the life you want? How To Focus On The Positive Qualities Of Your Relationship The quality of your life has a strong connection with how healthy your relationship with other people is. Do you struggle to make other people see things your way? Well stop trying, because you can't manipulate others. Why? Well, just like you, they are operating from their own map of the world. What you CAN do is develop a habit of paying attention to the positive aspects of your relationship. Choose To Be Happy - NOW! The older I get, the more I realize that ninety percent of life is about choices. Both the choice to be happy or unhappy is mine. Sure, unforeseeable circumstances come and rattle our cages from time to time but it's our decision how we choose to cope with them. We can resolve to allow the situations to defeat us or we can simply count it all joy. What Does It Take To Be Happy? What does it take to be happy? In our age of consumerism many will likely tell you that in order to be happy you have to keep up with the trends, or as they used to say in the 50's and 60's "you must keep up with the Jones's". Believing is the Absence of Doubt You've heard the expression, "Just believe it and it will come." Well, technically, that is true, however, 'believing' is not just thinking that you can have it; it is also feeling that it is possible. When we believe that we can "have it," that means we have no doubt in receiving it. The Gift is in the Giving I have to be honest. I made the woman cashier at BIG! LOTS cry. I had shopped and gathered three baskets full together at the check out line and she just kept saying "This is so emotional". I just kept encouraging her by acknowledging that she was playing an important part in making a lot of people very happy, that she was participating in an essential act of charity. How Can I Tell What Vibes Im Sending Out? The Law of Attraction exists in your life right now; whether you understand it or not, whether you know it or not, and whether you like it or not. Impractical Magic Witchcraft is a messy, expensive, time-consuming, and inefficient way to achieve your aims. I know, because I've tried it ... The American Dream ? At What Cost? When people are asked, "How many of you are content and happy with what you have?" the reply of an overwhelming majority of people is "Not me." And when they are asked what do they want most out of life, the typical reply is "I want to be happy," as if happy is some kind of a place, like Disneyland or Happy Land. But happiness is not a destination. It's a process. In fact, happiness is not even so much a sentiment (contrary to popular culture reinforced by the media) but more of a state of being and an attitude if you will. It comes from feeling connected with everything and everyone. It is the level of our awareness that makes the difference between living "happily" or unhappily. ![]() |
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