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Home Is Where The Heart Is
Every one lives in a house but every house is not a home. A house is a shelter made of bricks, wood or any other material. When this shelter makes your heart alive with happiness and smiles, you are home. There are big palatial buildings as well as small flats in which all types of individuals reside in. The question that arises is whether they can really call it their home. Each and every house can be turned into a real home with not much effort. Follow these steps and see the difference. 1. Approach to your house The approach to your abode is very important. It should have easy access and not be an eye sore. The space leading to your front door should have a welcoming look and not be drab. Always keep your front door shining. It should have a doorbell or a knocker, an eyehole and your nameplate. I personally like to have a picture of God on top of my front door. This gives my house an auspicious look and cheers me up to think that God is looking after my home sweet home. 2. Clutter VS Glitter It is up to you whether you want your own eyes or that of others to see the glitter or clutter of your home. It is a full time job mind you to keep your house clutter free and keep things glittering. You don't need to become a workaholic clutter-removing maniac but you can at least try to keep your house in order. A glittering surrounding is always preferable to a cluttered one and for this you need to shoo all the dust mites away and keep things in place. 3. Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness A Clean surrounding is a beautiful sight for the tired mind. I would suggest good old dusting to worrying over how many times you have done the spring-cleaning. Each day get busy with the duster for as much time as you can allot to this but on weekends assign one room to overhauling. This will not tire you and your house will always look neat and tidy. 4. Storage Space I believe in the saying ?A place for everything and everything in its place. It is difficult to follow I agree but practice makes perfect. Even when you are pressed for time at least try to put the lid back on the cream bottle, the dress back on its hanger etc. Give this habit as a gift to your children who will pass it on to their kids and each upcoming home in generations to come will be a special place which will breathe with space. I have trained my children when they were toddlers and now they are married and tell me how they cannot bear things not kept in the right place. When you have this habit of placing things back to where they belong, you will automatically have a neat and tidy home. 5. Be A Giver Believe in charity and start to day, if you haven't done it before. Any thing in your home big or small that no one wants should be given away in charity. Believe me, a sweater, a bag or any other thing, which is useless for you, may be a boon to someone else. So what the heck, start throwing and see how many catch them. You can go and donate to an institution or give it to the poor who come knocking at your door. 6. Junk Sale It is a good idea to organize a junk sale in your neighbourhood. Get your neighbors, friends and acquaintances moving and see what fun you have. A piece of decorative item, a statue, a dress or a necklace, it can be anything. You will be amazed when your across the road neighbour gushes over the beauty of some ornament which you found an eye sore. Well no harm done, you got your dough while Mrs. so and so went away happily clutching your old ornamental wall clock. 7. Greenery And Flowers Even if you are living in a flat and do not have any space you can keep potted plants in your balcony and try to arrange fresh flowers in attractive vases in your rooms. Believe me they will help cheer everyone up. Flowers have their own way of spreading love, happiness and cheer. If you are one of those lucky few who can boast of a garden big or small, do keep it neat and tidy if nothing else. Overgrown bushes and weeds will make you ashamed in front of guests. If possible keep a kitchen garden and enjoy the fresh veggies and fruits of your own choice. 8. Musical Atmosphere Music makes your heart sing but you cannot always have your music system on. So place wind chimes at strategic places so that they welcome, entertain, energize as well as put a smile on your face. 9. Handy Bits And Pieces Make sure you have a pen and writing pad next to your phone, a set of glasses and a water jug on your dining table so that whoever comes to your place feels easy and relaxed without running about looking for small things. 10. Medicine Cabinet This is a must in your home. Make sure this cabinet houses all things required for first aid with lots of Band Aid strips especially if you have kids. 11. Gods Place Keep all your religious books and idols at a special place where you can go and contemplate in peace and happiness. This is a must for every home because everyone needs God and his love and a place to pray comfortably. 12. Special Boxes For Special Things This is a good idea if you don't want to confuse yourself by looking for trinkets, jewellery pieces, coins etc. while running late. Try to keep the things you need daily in special containers preferably labeled if they look the same, so that you know where they are and can be taken out in a jiffy. Lastly keep your house keys, car keys etc. in a special place where they can be seen and found easily So when you keep in mind these small details, you will be living in a healthy happy environment where every room, kitchen, bathroom etc. have a welcoming look and your home becomes the envy of your friends and neighbors. About The Author Amita Sinha - Homemaker, Poet & Creative Writer
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Bathroom Interior Design Any advice or guide on the interior design of a bathroom should be based around one simple concept: keep it simple. Rooms inside of a home should have functional aspects, and if one room is designed for very specific functions, it is the bathroom. There have always been many jokes about the "throne" of a home, but the honest fact is that creating a visibly appealing and comfortable bathroom will inspire positive feelings to its users. Buy Area Rugs on the Web? What a Site! After spending hundreds of dollars on your favorite Picasso print, the idea of buying it online, anticipating its delivery, tossing it on the floor and going for a stroll seems unimaginable. But there is a form of art that you can walk all over: the area rug. Kitchen Magic It's amazing -- some people manage to get a complete aerobic workout just while preparing dinner! Back and forth, back and forth -- I get tired just watching! Today, pay attention to the way you move while you cook. How many times do you cross the length of your kitchen in one evening? Do you find yourself doing squats to get at your pans? Stretches to reach your dishes? Are you becoming a world-class hurdler, jumping over the dog's dish every time you go from refrigerator to stove? All it takes is a few minutes to re-arrange your kitchen storage, saving you a lot of time and energy in the long run. What Are Light Fixtures Used For? Light fixtures are something not many of us think about. But, the way we light a room can cause us to feel a certain way or enhance what we want to accomplish in that room. There are many types of light fixtures for all areas of the home and even outdoor lighting fixtures for landscaping designs. A Beautiful Carpet Sets The Mood Of Any Room The first discovered carpet dates back to 1480 BC in the form of an Egyptian Fresco of handloom. Ever since, carpets have made their mark in most tastefully decorated hearths and homes. Can You Buy Luxury Home Brands Online and Save - Worry Free? Are you frustrated with the high prices you've been quoted for luxury home decor? Where?s the Care Label for my New Bedspread? I love bedspreads, don't you? A comforter can be used for the winter months but the bedspread is brought out of the linen closet in the spring when it's warming up and the whole world is freshening and renewing itself outside. A bedspread is available in most any color, pattern or fabric and it can be one of the most expensive items you put in your bedroom. Did you know that these expensive pieces of fabric do not fall under the Care Label Rule? The Care Label Rule of 1971 requires clothing manufacturers and importers to attach care labels to their products. They must give full instructions on how to satisfactorily care for the products one time, or clearly state that it cannot be cleaned. The label also needs to warn against things that could be harmful such as using an iron or using hot water. I love the care labels because it gives me a clear indication of how to clean things. I have been surprised on more than one occasion when the label said dry clean only and I would have thrown it in the washing machine. You may find care instructions on a temporary label, a piece of paper in the plastic, hang tag, or somewhere on the package so check clearly before you throw anything away. Removing Old Aluminum Windows This week we are going to talk about the process of actually removing your aluminum windows in preparation for installing vinyl replacement windows. Let's start with a horizontal sliding window, which is pretty common nationwide. There is going to be a sliding panel and a stationary panel. You want to remove the slider first. All you do is slide the panel open, grab the sides of the panel with your hands,lift up and swing out. Under ideal circumstances, it would be that easy. However, there are small obstacles that can prevent you from lifting out the panel. Draught Proofing Your Home This article takes a look at a number of ways of preventing or reducing draughts in your home. There are areas we look at are doors, windows and double-glazing, garage doors and finally some of the furnishings you could use to prevent draughts. Draughts are obviously caused by the cold air from outside being drawn into the house and replacing warmer air. The knock on effect of preventing draughts is a reduction in your heating bill and a warmer home. Draughts can be identified in a number of ways such as identifying obvious gaps, feeling for moving air around doors and windows and looking out for moving curtains. Maintaining Your Hot Tub Purchasing a hot tub is a big investment and one that should not be taken lightly. Hot tubs cost thousands of dollars and if not maintained properly they can become ineffective within just a few months. Maintaining your hot tub and all of its components is a key factor in how long it will last. In order to maximize the life of your hot tub and keep it running smoothly for many years, follow these steps which will ensure your hot tub will function properly. What Are Circuit Breakers? Circuit Breakers are devices that stop the electrical current of a circuit in the event of excess or very high voltage. Circuit breakers are handy, not only because they can protect against electrical fires but also because they can be reset. When a fuse blows out, it must be replaced each time, whereas circuit breakers are easily reset when tripped. Lighting and Your Emotions (Part One) Do you feel unhappy in your home and you don't know why? Maybe you need to let the light shine! Add new light to your rooms for an instant uplift. Bathroom Vanity Cabinets - Considerations Before Buying Bathroom Vanities Online Bathroom vanity cabinets are an essential component of any bathroom and can add drama to your design and decor. Bathroom sink cabinets provide countertop space, a place for the sink and faucets and great storage below. It's amazing how often bathroom cabinets and storage are left out of the planning process. It's important to have a place for everything in your bathroom that is easily accessible to everyone. Bathroom vanity cabinets and storage provide home organization and reduce clutter. You never can have too much bathroom storage! Air Sanders: Forget Electric, Go Air! An air sander is a common air tool often overlooked by most people. If you already have an air compressor to run your impact wrench, you may consider purchasing an air sander instead of an electric model. Your average off the shelf electric sander is fine for little home projects. But if you are really concerned about production and speed, an air sander will blow it away. These tools are also more rugged, versatile and lighter. Vinyl Replacement Window Terminology With so many homeowners in the market for more energy efficient windows and doors for their home, I thought I would use this week's article to cover the more common terms used to describe a window's ability to insulate your home from the elements. There is an organization called The National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC). Their purpose is to test each window manufacturer's product to independently verify the ratings for each test administered. So, let's discuss each test and what it means. Simple Way to Get More Heat from Your Fireplace For some people, a fireplace might as well be a video of flaming logs. Their primary interest is the welcoming ambiance a fireplace's blaze presents. If, however, you expect your fireplace to provide heat in exchange for your log-carrying, fire-building efforts, (or in the case of gas logs, in exchange for your gas bill), it's time to maximize your fireplace's heat output. Swimming Pools ? Lets Get Wet "Beverly Hills. Swimming pools. Movie stars." Warm & Toasty Outdoors with Patio Heaters The Heat is On with Patio Heaters Any outdoor lover will tell you that the right patio heater will allow you to extend your love of the open-air life all year round. A 15-20 foot circle of heat can easily increase the outside temperature by 10-25 degrees Fahrenheit and that makes all the difference between having to stay inside and eating out. As with most patio equipment, the choice of the right heater for your needs isn't always such an immediate process. First thing to know is whether you really need or want one. Some factors to consider are your lifestyle. How often do you eat or entertain outside? What is the weather predominantly like? Now a few words concerning your budget. How much are you willing to spend? Prices for free standing models generally start at around $200-$250 and can go up to and over the $1000 mark. For normal domestic use, most sources indicate a $300-$400 model as being perfect. The more expensive models are generally intended for commercial use. The newer, better-made patio heaters offer a selection of safety features and temperature controls. They will allow you to entertain in the early spring evenings. Just take a family breakfast set outside, or simply have a barbecue anytime you feel like it. Modern patio heaters are: so safe, you needn't worry about fire very quiet really make having a patio or deck worthwhile Freestanding heaters are usually about 7 feet tall and resemble a lamppost with a conical umbrella type housing on top. This helps radiate heat downwards. Some electric models are available but the majority use propane or natural gas, and these are by far the best type to consider. The gas canisters are contained in the base of the heater. A quality patio or garden heater will generate around 45-50,000 BTUs, and that would be enough to keep you warm when you sit anywhere within a 20-foot diameter. Most models now come with wheels, which facilitate moving your heater from one place to another while some even come with carrying cases. When it's not in use, you can put the patio or deck heater in its carry case, or under an appropriate cover, and just wheel it away! Many retailers are also able to offer smaller tabletop, or footstool, versions of the freestanding models. So, apart from the price, the main things to look out for are the BTUs and temperature controls. The rest is really just design. Choose something you like ... and prepare to enjoy more quality time outdoors. In summary, garden or patio heaters will allow you to enjoy the outdoor life all year round. Kitchen Remodeling Guide A kitchen can make or ruin a family life. A badly designed, ill-equipped and cluttered kitchen is likely to affect the peace of mind of an otherwise happy couple. A functionally efficient kitchen makes cooking a pleasurable activity instead of drudgery. Electric Radiant and Floor Coverings If the decision of what type radiant heating system to use was left to the floor-coverings, it would choose electric radiant. Eliminating the risk of water/glycol leaks, standard floor-heights, simple retro-fits, almost unlimited choice of carpet padding, uniform heat flux, easier installations and superior floor or space temperature control are only a few of the advantages of electric radiant heat. This isn't to say that there aren't disadvantages of electric radiant, but then I'm a sparky not a plumber, so I'm here to espouse the benefits and desirable features of electric radiant heat and its loving relationship with any and all floor-coverings. Oh, wait a minute, how could I forget, electric systems cost a fraction what hot-water (hydronic) systems do. ![]() |
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