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Planning Permission Tips UK - Pre-application Enquiries to the Council - Is the Delay Worthwhile?
The holiday season is now in full swing & for about the next 6 weeks we tend to see a noticeable downturn in the level of new enquiries which I think is pretty much typical amongst most services. This, for us, is a time when we normally attend to the updating & improvement of our internal administration, so the forecasted lull over the coming weeks will be put to good use. The strange thing is that your Local Planning Departments tend to cite the opposite & correspondence suddenly goes unanswered or the Case Officer dealing with your application is off yet again on another 3 week jaunt. So, is it worth contacting the Planning Department for an Officers opinion on your scheme prior to submitting a formal application when their response times are getting seriously worse as each year passes? Well like all things it depends on a lot of variables. From simple observations & anecdotal evidence, I would say that the ordinary householder has a distinct response time advantage over professional Agents in this respect when writing or contacting the Council. I can only assume that the 'general public' are easier to deal with & satisfy than 'Professional Agents' who often require a far higher level of detail & concise opinion from the Case Officer rather than the wooly explanations they usually offer simply quoting policy reference numbers that you should be adhering to. I can see their point of view. When offering a clear personal opinion either way on a scheme the subsequent application can quite easily become high profile for example by a very articulate anti-lobbying neighbour that affects the outcome contrary to what the Case Officer may have initially advised. We (MSM) only tend to make pre-application enquiries for schemes that we know will become high profile or have a high front end fee cost to the client in order to pursue the more detailed scheme. Regretfully, much of the site specific Planning advice we receive is usually after a 6 week wait that simply regurgitates the relevant elements of the current Planning Policy that we knew about anyway - so you still end having to take a view. Most Planning Officers these days wont even visit a site for an opinion without having some for of sketch plan to comment on. Hopefully, if you are engaging a professional Design Agent to draw out your development scheme then they should be able to advise you right from the start what will likely receive an approval & what wont so use their expertise & experience to your advantage & listen to what they have to say. If you are not using a Design Agent then I would advise allowing some time for a pre-application contact with the Council whether it be through a letter, drawing, site visit or an internal office meeting. About 4 weeks should suffice but always follow up about 2 weeks later if your written reply is still outstanding. I personally would not rely on a simple verbal opinion as your final application may be given to another Case Officer so cover all the bases. Your sketch scheme doesn't have to be professionally prepared & a simple hand drawn (but roughly to scale) plan is normally enough for the Case Officer. However, like anything in life, the more precise & accurate you can be with your initial presentation, you will likely receive a better quality of reply. I recently came across a very impressive service that took your digital photographic information & created an 'as built' photographic realistic view of your extended property. This is a great way of demonstrating your intentions & is ideally suited for pre-application discussions with the Case Planning Officer. This image can then be used to also support the 2D drawings when your application is submitted. The great thing about this service is that it can all be completed remotely by utilising your own photographs without the cost of a surveyors visit. Simply send them the photos & a small pencil sketch of what you intend doing & 'hey-presto' out comes a photograph of the finished extension - Great stuff! So, a few tips...... 1. Always allow 4 to 6 weeks when waiting for a Planning Officer to reply to your pre-application enquiry. 2. Try to provide the Case Officer with as detailed description, drawing or visual presentation of what you are trying to achieve. 3. Always obtain the Case Officers name & follow up every week after the initial 2 weeks have elapsed. 4. Always try to obtain the CAse Officers opinion confirmed in writing. If they refuse then you write to them to confirm the relevant details & conclusions of your meeting or discussion. 5. If you know that your scheme is already high profile & has contentious Planning issues then don't bother wasting your time getting this fact confirmed in writing - submit it straight away as a formal Planning application & take your chances that way. 6. Always remember that it is easier for a Case Officer to be informally negative about your marginal scheme than it is for them to stretch their neck above the parapet in support. An early negative informal opinion will nearly always result in a later Planning refusal where it just may have passed without one. Our 'Maximum Build Planning Guide' explains further the tactics involved when developing land or a site for residential use & how to give yourself the best chance of being granted a planning permission or planning approval. http://www.planning-approval.co.uk
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Spring Chores at the Cabin Whether you live in your cabin year round or it's been closed up for the winter, it's time for spring cleaning. It's hard to get motivated. We'd all rather be out playing in the sun and enjoying the spring after the long cold winter. I thought I would share my "to do" list and some helpful tips to get you started so we can both get the chores done. Buyers Guide To Heavy-Built Mailboxes If you are tired of replacing your mailbox every few months due to vandals or just poor quality construction, you need a heavy-built mailbox. Some of the more common reasons for purchasing a heavy-built mailbox are destruction by vandals, snowplow or street sweeper damage, or just a poorly built mailbox that will not stand up to harsh or extreme weather conditions. Heavy-built mailboxes are approved by the United States Postal Service and are built with top quality workmanship and crafting that normally includes an excellent warranty. Finishing Your Basement Can be Very Rewarding Transforming your home's basement into a finished space can prove to be very rewarding. Frequently the additional living space is used for a variety of entertainment functions including: Recreation Rooms, Bars, Gyms, Billiard Rooms, Home Theatres and Family Rooms. In addition, Bedrooms and Bathrooms are also incorporated into the floor space. Typically the square foot cost of finishing a basement is significantly lower than other floors within the home. Fixer-Uppers: What To Fix You've bought a house, a fixer-upper you can make some money on. What improvements and repairs should you make? First of all, you need to know this before you buy, as I explained in another article. Before and after you buy, though, you need to have some simple rules with which to start analyzing possible fixes. 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Checking for Asbestos in Your Home If you are concerned about asbestos exposure you are not alone. Many individuals wonder if they have been exposed, and if so, what they can do to help protect their health. If you think that you have been exposed to asbestos or are looking for ways to prevent an exposure, look no further. We will go over some of the health problems that arise from asbestos exposure, and what can be done to prevent them. Brighten Up Your Shelves With Picture Frames Would you like to add a personal touch to your home or office, but not sure how? Picture frames may be your answer. Picture frames are a fun and simple way to add color, character and style. Log Home Basics As we start to research log homes, it quickly becomes apparent that there is much more variety than one would ever think. Not only do log homes come in all shapes and sizes, but the logs themselves come in as many variations as you can imagine. Once you decide on the look you want, you can start eliminating manufacturers that don't provide your system. Maintaining Your Hot Tub Purchasing a hot tub is a big investment and one that should not be taken lightly. Hot tubs cost thousands of dollars and if not maintained properly they can become ineffective within just a few months. Maintaining your hot tub and all of its components is a key factor in how long it will last. In order to maximize the life of your hot tub and keep it running smoothly for many years, follow these steps which will ensure your hot tub will function properly. Country Home Accessories Country home décor is the most sought after home interior and it's no wonder since country décor invites a casual friendly lifestyle. Homeowners ? Here is a Step by Step Guide to Help You Hire a Quality Home Improvement Contractor Before talking to any contractors the first thing to do is create a budget for the project. Without a budget you will be flying blind and may end up over spending. Having a tight budget will also help you make decisions about what kind of fixtures, and materials to purchase. Most products have a wide price range and having a budget will help keep you in line when making buying decisions. The Benefits of Small Dehumidifiers So it's too humid in your 10' X 10' bedroom. Or perhaps the steam in your bathroom is starting to make the wallpaper peel. Maybe your closet is too moist, and your clothes are beginning to get mildewed. You've tried "airing out" the problem area to no avail. It's time to get a dehumidifier. House Plans ? Where To Start You have found the perfect lot on which to build your new home. Now you have an abundance of decisions to make. Where will the house sit on the lot? You will have to decide this based on the total square footage of the house. What kind of features are you hoping to have. These are the things to consider, storage, a laundry room, a home office, a bathroom downstairs, a full bath upstairs, and a family room. Concrete Cutting: The Unknown Niche What is Concrete Cutting? Buying The Right Comforter For Your Bed Putting the right comforter on your bed can make the whole bedroom look fabulous. Comforters are the most visible of all the bedding pieces, so when you change the comforter you make a large change in the decor of the bedroom itself. But comforters are also very functional as they make for a very warm, and soft bed to sleep in too. But getting the right comforter for your bed takes some thought and preparation, and this article will help you make the right decision when you buy. Simple Way to Get More Heat from Your Fireplace For some people, a fireplace might as well be a video of flaming logs. Their primary interest is the welcoming ambiance a fireplace's blaze presents. If, however, you expect your fireplace to provide heat in exchange for your log-carrying, fire-building efforts, (or in the case of gas logs, in exchange for your gas bill), it's time to maximize your fireplace's heat output. The Art of Power Washing Decks Since the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) started banning the use of pressure treated wood due to chromated copper arsenate (CCA), most people have decided to seal their wood decks as the EPA suggests to prevent the arsenic from leaching into the soil. Most homeowners use local companies to pressure wash their decks and siding to save valuable time and the expense of rental equipment and some prefer to do the job themselves on a hot summer day. If you decide to hire a contractor to perform the work for you, there are a lot of important questions you need to ask before you should allow them to work on your home. First, make sure the company your hiring has the experience and the right equipment to perform the job properly, using more than 1,000 PSI or less than 4gpm can cause damage to wood. In Maryland, your also required to have a Maryland Home Improvement License (MHIC) for sealing decks or any repairs and it must be listed in all advertising and vehicles. How to Modify Your Landscaping to Protect Your House from Burglars Believe it or not, landscaping can be an important part of a good home security plan. A burglar who is "casing the joint" from the street will choose the house with tall shrubs and trees that provide hiding places. Homes with little or no outdoor lighting are preferred targets as well. Planning Permission Tips UK - Rights of Light to Adjoining Neighbours Windows - What You Should Know Rights of light - What a minefield this topic is when developing or extending a property. This is potentially one of the most subjective Planning issues their is. Most Planning Departments will have guidance but I guarantee it will be specific in parts & definitely woolly or non specific in other areas leaving the subject wide open to interpretation. ![]() |
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