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Ridding Your Home of Geopathic Stress
Just as there are solar magnetic stresses that come from the sun and the galactic "soup" that supports the universe, there are geomagnetic stresses that come from within the earth. The field of geobiology, or geopathology, is a science that has its roots in Europe and has slowly gained popularity in the United States over the past 25 years. Research and proven modalities of detecting internal earth stresses has been extensive in Europe. Much of the research available today has come from the scientific and medical communities in countries like Germany, Austria, France and England. Natural radiation that is inherent within in the earth can be distorted by natural and man-made influences such as mineral concentrations, fault lines, underground streams and underground public utilities. When imbalances affect the earth's magnetic field, there are distortions that affect humans. Illnesses of a chronic nature come from detrimental environmental imbalances that affect the physiology. Dr. Otto Bergsmann, a professor at the University of Vienna reported changes in serum values of calcium, zinc and serotonin in humans after short-term exposure to non-life supporting earth radiation sites. Even this limited exposure undermined the immune systems when exposed to these negative forces. Spending longer periods of time in unhealthy environments can gradually deteriorate the health. Alterations in biological functioning can lead to adverse health affects. If sleep patterns are disturbed this not only can make you feel tired and irritable, it can produce a litany of more serious illnesses over time. The body's resistance to viruses and bacteria can become affected when the natural rhythms within the body are constantly distorted during sleep. Dr. Paul G. Seeger, Former Chief of Cancer Research at Charite Hospital, Berlin, Germany states that the billions of dollars spent on cancer research around the world has not produced convincing proof of the cause of cancer. He feels that thorough investigation of telluric (earth) radiation will provide a possible prime cause of cancer in humans. At the beginning of the 1990's, the United States Environmental Protection Agency stated that after examining available data over the past 15 years, there was evidence of a positive association of exposure to magnetic fields with certain site-specific cancer, namely leukemia, cancer of the central nervous system and to a lesser extent, lymphomas. As early as the 1920's, there have been studies done in Germany (Winzer-Melzer survey of Stuttgart) which determined that major geological faults, which emanated noxious radiation, crossed under the beds of a high percentage of cancer victims. Hundreds of studies since then (by Dr. Ernst Hartmann of Germany and others) has shown that radiation that builds up on crossing geopathic stress lines can weaken the immune system and cause many diseases. In a number of European countries having a survey for geopathic stress before buying or building a house is automatically undertaken. Thousands of years ago, the sages of India wrote about the adverse effects of geopathic stress upon the human physiology. The impact of non-life supporting magnetic imbalances was recorded in the Vedas. Not only were these imbalances described, but also ways to ameliorate these distortions were provided in detail. GETTING RID OF GEOPATHIC STRESS IS EASY! How do you know if you suffer from geopathic stress? The average person spends six to eight hours a day in the bedroom sleeping, making this part of the house the most likely to transmit geopathic stress into the body, if it exists underground. Cats tend to sleep in places of geopathic stress, while dogs avoid them. Pulling your beds and desks away from the wall at least 4" will reduce the impact of geopathic and electromagnetic stress coming from wires and pipes in the walls. Removing geopathic stress isn't hard to do and reportedly 80% of the population has the ability to do it. Here's an easy-to-do technique that you can do today that will make a world of difference in your life: This is what you will need: Make two coat hangers into an L shape 4"x 16" each Several copper rods attainable from your local hardware store - #4 copper wire. You will need to either have them cut or cut them yourself 18" long. You should have at least 10. Instructions: Hold the short side of each L in each hand. Do not squeeze the rods too tightly as they need to move. You want to walk around the perimeter of your home or office clockwise. You can do this outside or inside, room by room. Begin by taking a deep breath in and out. After you do this, ask to be shown the geopathic stress lines coming from your left that are harmful to your health. Holding the rods parallel to the ground and parallel to each other, walk in a straight line slowly around the perimeter of your property or room. Where the rods cross, you have found a geopathic stress line. For outside: Every time the L rods cross, copper staples must be placed at each spot where they cross. Take one copper rod and bend each end 2", forming a giant staple and push the bent ends into the ground. For inside: Lay a straight copper rod parallel with the wall at the each spot where the L rods cross. Doing this will divert harmful radiation supporting healthy people and a stress-free environment. A Story of a Mystic and A King Once a king brought a present to a great Sufi mystic Farid. He brought a beautiful pair of golden scissors, very valuable and rare. Farid took them and gave them back to the king, and said, "Sir, many thanks for the present you have brought. It is a beautiful thing but utterly useless to me It would be better if you gave me a needle." The king said "I don't understand". Farid said "Scissors cut things apart and needles put things together. I teach people to live in harmony with nature, to be one with God. Whenever you attempt to do whatever you do alone, separate from the whole, it becomes failure. Success is within God and nature. Failure is you minus God." A client recently ask me why is Vastu so important for success in life. I said "The universe is in precise order, moving in precise time through many billions of years. Vastu shows us how to design structures that are in tune with nature and that do not struggle against it. In this way nature supports our success and protects us from misfortunes of life." About The Author Michael and Robin Mastro's synergistic approach successfully assists people in living in peace and harmony with themselves and others, and in creating balanced lives filled with unlimited possibilities. Visit us at www.VastuCreations.com
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Home Office: Identifying Your Needs Not many years ago, the thought of working from home was considered a fantastic vision of the distant future. However, with more and more people setting up home offices every day, it is clear that future has arrived earlier that many expected. Sparkling, Clean Lighting Will Add The Perfect Touch To Your Home When one thinks of the many factors that affect the look of a room, most people think only of the paint and furniture. In doing so, they overlook the most important factor: Lighting. The Art of Power Washing Siding Some of the most common mistakes to avoid made by homeowners and contractors are: Faux Fireplace, on the Cheap! Does the coming winter chill remind you how much you miss the basic element of fire to warm those long nights? Unfortunately, your home's builder wasn't the romantic you are, and you have no fireplace. Never fear, The Budget Decorator is here! Ok, so that's corny, but this project sure isn't! Selecting the Right Air Compressor for Your Air Tool An air compressor is used to power air tools such as spray guns, air sanders, air wrenches, air hammers, and much more. While not as widely used, air tools are more powerful than traditional electric power tools. Air tools offer more torque and RPM than electric tools not to mention that they are significantly lighter (since they do not have their own individual electric motors) which makes them much easier to handle. Air tools are also less expensive, more versatile, and longer lasting. Overall, an air tool accomplishes a task more rapidly and effectively. Unadulterated Truth About Black Mold: What You Don?t Know Is Destroying Your Home And Your Health With today's new building procedures, our homes are more dangerous than ever before! Brighten Up Your Patio With Sun Catchers Sun catchers add sparkle and beauty to any room in your home. Far beyond the paint-n-bake sun catchers of childhood, sun catchers come in a huge variety of styles that dazzle the eye. Useful Home Products Will Help Your House Sale Profits Even if you've never been involved in the sale of house before and yours is about to go on the market, you probably know enough about the process to be able to repeat, like a litany: clean it; paint it; fix it. But do you find yourself asking: How clean does the house have to be and how do I tackle the job? Do I really have to paint? What are the best colors to choose? What do I need to repair? When considering these questions, it's good to remember that most prospective home buyers are an unimaginative lot. Your house may be immaculate but if the rooms are cluttered, crowded, and dark, they may appear to be less clean and much smaller than they really are. Picture this: an old, seven-piece mahogany dining room suite plus a rocking chair and seven boxes of books packed in anticipation of your move are wedged into a dark green room with a brown rug and a window covered by heavy velvet drapes. Why is this decorating scheme a mistake? It's because most people are unable to imagine how big and beautiful the room would look if painted off-white, everything removed but the dining room suite, a pastel tablecloth and a fresh flower centerpiece on the table, curtains stripped from the window, the rug removed, and everything spotlessly clean. In the words of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, you must "make it so"; otherwise, it might take you a very long time to sell your house and the offers to buy will not only be slower, but lower. Clean, Clean, Clean Your best friend when cleaning your house for resale will be tri-sodium phosphate (TSP) or its equivalent. TSP is one of the home products that top the list of must-haves, and it's not expensive. Roll up your sleeves, put on your rubber gloves and scrub your walls and ceilings, and anything else that needs your elbow grease. Unless you can afford professional cleaners, there's no way out of this one. Carpet cleaning is another must and there are home products for the do-it-yourselfer or you can hire a cleaning company to take care of this job. If you have shabby rugs scattered throughout the house, forget cleaning them; it's probably better to remove them altogether. There are home products to clean things that require special care ? ceramic tile, porcelain, stainless steel, wood cabinets, aluminum siding, etc., and you can find whatever you need at your neighborhood hardware store. Ask questions and read labels. When using commercial cleaning products, wear gloves and a mask. It's wise to be careful. Paint for a Pristine Finish As thorough as your cleaning job is, it won't have much impact on sagging, faded wallpaper, gouges in the walls, or cracked and peeling paint. Repainting is the solution, and interior painting jobs start with stripping off old wallpaper, attacking cracks and gouges with filler, and then getting to work with your roller and brush. This is also the time to do all the small repairs that need your attention: hammer in nails; repair the broken step; replace the broken glass. When selecting paint, the best colors for your walls and ceilings are white, off-white, cream, creamy off-white ? you get the picture. A light, cool, neutral color can fit into everyone's decorating scheme. (You want that young couple to see your home as the perfect setting for their red plush love seats.) If you have recently painted one or more rooms in quite dramatic colors, leave them as they are. As long as the walls and trim are clean and fresh, prospective buyers won't mind a bit of repainting if they want to change the colors ? the main thing is not to overwhelm them. If you need to paint the outside of your house, it's not necessary to restrict yourself to neutral colors for exterior paint; however, a bright color is not a good choice. Something fairly subdued is better, but be creative when painting the front door; a dramatic touch might be needed to make your house memorable. It's easy for a buyer to repaint a door if he or she doesn't share your love of Christmas red or purple passion. Remove the Clutter It's time to say goodbye to your high school chemistry notes, the clothes you outgrew five years ago, the playpen your twelve-year-old no longer needs, and everything else your family will never use again, read again, or wear again. Be tough! Do it! Take it to the dump; hold a garage sale; donate it to your favorite charity. Don't let it take up any more of your storage space ? you're going to need it all to store the things that are currently stacked on shelves and floors and cluttering up counter tops throughout the house. Important home products that can help you deal with this part of your preparation are closet organizers. They come in every size and style imaginable, and you are sure to find something suitable. When you have everything neatly stored in your closets and cupboards, walk through the house and pick up and put out of sight everything else on your counters and table tops that don't need to be there. "Clutter-free" means clutter-free and it won't kill anyone in the family to have to reach under the counter for the dishwashing detergent or the toothpaste for the next few days or weeks. You probably don't think of furniture as "clutter," but clutter is anything that unnecessarily crowds a room, a doorway, or a hall. If your home has very small rooms and you can manage without some furniture items for awhile, arrange to use a friend's garage or basement to store them. It will "open up" the rooms and make your house appear larger and brighter, and that's a good thing. Let There be Light Sunlight is a friend to the house seller, and you should try and let as much of it into the house as you can. Wash windows inside and out and wash or dryclean the window coverings: curtains, drapes, and blinds. Before showing the house to a prospective buyer, replace burned-out light bulbs, turn on the lights, open the windows, lift the blinds, and pull back the drapes. Final Touches Ask a non-smoking, non-pet-owning friend to come into your house when you have finished cleaning and painting. Are all the pet odors and smoking odors gone? If the house passes the sniff-test, place some potpourri in open dishes to add a fresh, clean scent; otherwise, get back to work. Finally, step outside and see what a prospective buyer's first impression of your yard is likely to be. Mow the lawn, trim the hedges and bushes, weed the garden, edge the flowerbeds, and sweep and clean the walkway, deck, or patio. Your yard is another selling feature of your house, and must be clean and tidy, too. Home products can help make your house appear big, bright, clean, and ready for a prospective buyer to move right in, which is exactly what you want. Summer Is Here! Consider Tackling Key Home Improvement Projects While The Weather Is Good! Summer time means barbeques, baseball, camping, and yes, Home Improvement Projects! As the weather gets nice and the days get longer so do lists of home improvement projects. Here are a few projects which are best done in the summer maximizing the long days and the good weather! What is Design Psychology and How Will it Help Me? In this article, we'll be taking a look at the most basic aspects of Design Psychology, first asking a question, and then addressing the various concepts, in abbreviated form. About Lighting Your Home Lighting is such a critical part of any home improvement project. Whether it's a kitchen remodel or a brand new home, the lighting plan should be well thought out. In so many cases time and energy is spent on so many aspects, leaving the lighting on the back burner. It shouldn't be. Without proper lighting all the great floors, walls, cabinets and crown moldings could end up looking just average. Home Automation Enhances Your Lifestyle and Saves Money - Exciting Home Automation Applications Wouldn't it be nice to have your home take care of things for you, automatically, without you having to lift a finger? You bet it would. That is the promise of home automation. There are many different systems, especially in larger homes, that can benefit from being integrated. Some of these systems include security alarm, HVAC, audio / video, and lighting. Home automation integrates these systems together, enabling them to function more efficiently, improve functionality, conserve resources and enhance your lifestyle. Avoiding Leaks When Installing Vinyl Retrofit Windows These days a lot of homeowners are replacing their old windows with vinyl windows using the retrofit style of window frame. This is particularly true in the west, and specifically, in California. The number one arguement that I have heard against using the retrofit method, is that it is susceptible to water leaks. Well, that's true if you don't do it properly. But, if you do a complete tearout of your old window down to the studs, you're going to have water leak issues there as well if you don't install the new window properly. So I think that arguement is, well, all wet. So, let me tell you the best way to install your retrofit windows that will ensure that water cannot get in. Here Comes The Sun: Solar Energy is Becoming More Attractive for Mainstream Consumers The price of a barrel of oil has never been higher ($62.00+ in summer 2005 even before the chaos caused by Katrina). Some say this is a temporary spike, but more and more analysts are agreeing that this kind of pricing is here to stay. World consumption is at an all time high and given the new thirst for oil in China and India it is unlikely to diminish. According to International Energy Outlook, global demand is expected to continue to increase by as much as 59% in the next fifteen years. Installing Vinyl Replacement Windows In A Wood Frame Opening When we left off last week, we had removed the old wood sash windows and prepared the opening for the vinyl replacement windows. Now it's time to install your new windows. You should have someone there to help you when doing the installation. First, Remove all shipping materials from the window. Now, if you are installing several different sizes, make sure you are putting the correct window in the correct opening. You need to put the window into the opening to make sure it's going to fit, then remove it and run a bead of caulk on the face of the outside blind stop where the window will rest. You don't want to caulk, only to discover the windows are too big. It's worth the extra few minutes to make sure it's going to fit. Lift the window and set the bottom in first. Then raise the top until it rests against the outside blind stops. Sometimes, when raising the top into position, the window frame will hit the top of the wood frame. You need to tap down on the top of the vinyl frame while keeping pressure towards the outside. Reduce Noise to Reduce Stress: Sound Advice From the Rug Doctor Maybe getting the silent treatment at home isn't a bad thing after all. Bakers Racks Add Flair And Style To Your Kitchen Many items a person can add to the kitchen are stylish and functional. Bakers racks fit this description nicely. This kitchen furniture has been seen in homes for decades and their popularity is increasing all the time. Bakers racks can be used for extra storage space and to brighten up a lonely corner. Uses for them seem endless. Outdoor Ceiling Fans Complement the House Fans extending from the ceiling have been around for centuries and the modern ceiling fan as we know it today has been used since Victorian times. Savvy homeowners use the ceiling fan in every room imaginable. They like their looks as well as how comfortable they make them feel. Why keep all of this style cooped up inside? Take the ceiling fan outdoors to the patio for a focal point of a great outdoor room. Look at your patio furniture and the style of home before you purchase an outdoor ceiling fan. If you own a log home, you wouldn't want a futuristic black enamel ceiling fan or the contemporary pastel home in South Beach may not look good with dark oak fan blades. A Victorian mansion speaks of a matching outdoor ceiling fan that fits the period of the house. You get the idea, common sense and your decorating style will dictate which fan you go with. Lighting kits are available for these fans but I prefer your outdoor lighting to come from other sources. My husband and I think it feels much cozier when a glaring ceiling light isn't shining on us. There are great looking area lamps and sconces that will compliment your ceiling fan. Let a fan be a fan when it comes to the patio. Hardwood Floor Care Will Keep Your Hardwood Looking Fantastic Hardwood is still the homeowner's favorite choice of flooring and caring for it takes minimal effort. Unlike laminate or engineered wood, hardwood can be refinished many times, and will add years of beauty and warmth to your home, as well as increase its value and speed its resale. Ongoing floor care is needed to keep your hardwood looking its best, however, and there are four major aspects of hardwood floor care: Homeowners ? Here is a Step by Step Guide to Help You Hire a Quality Home Improvement Contractor Before talking to any contractors the first thing to do is create a budget for the project. Without a budget you will be flying blind and may end up over spending. Having a tight budget will also help you make decisions about what kind of fixtures, and materials to purchase. Most products have a wide price range and having a budget will help keep you in line when making buying decisions. ![]() |
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