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Hydrogen Cell Generator For The Home
A Hydrogen Cell generator in your house could power up all the appliances and components and even charge your car and at peak times sell energy back to the grid. Imagine being your own power company and getting a check in the mail, from someone other than Enron of course. Otherwise you could use the check to play your friends in racket ball. As many of you know I am a fan of this and other such energy technologies. Making Electricity from Hydrogen and oxygen is easy really. The by products of this process are heat and water. Heat can be used to heat your house and cook food, while the purified water sure beats anything coming out of the tap. Where do we get the Hydrogen? From Natural Gas, CH4. One Carbon for every 4 hydrogen. With Platinum very inexpensive these days generally everything you need to make a hydrogen cell machine is easily available. GE makes a real cool unit that costs about $7,500 about the same price as a quiet generator producing enough to easily run our Command Center 4-7Kilowatts. There are many companies in the market who now produce these units. Energy Partners in FL; American Fuel Cell in Woburn MA; Plug Power in CA; Northwest Power Systems in Bend, OR; Avista labs, Spokane WA. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Kitchen Remodeling Costs It is important to prepare a budget for your kitchen remodeling plan before you start implementing it. Without a complete and detailed budget prepared before the kitchen renovation begins, you may get swept into a spending spiral of unbudgeted extras. Shopping For Carpet The allure of carpet lays not only its soft and luxurious texture, but also in its ability to enhance and match any décor. It is suited to both formal and casual environments, while offering a palette of colors that cannot be found in any other flooring material. Home Furnishings and Shelving Its spring time and that means we start working on our homes. Cleaning, organizing, purchasing new things to spruce the place up are just some of the home furnishings we do. Why do we go to all this effort? Well, that's simple! We want our homes to be comfortable, clean, and beautiful so that we can enjoy it! One way to add extra storage or a great touch to a room is to add some shelving. Adding shelving to a room can do more then create a place to store books. It can be a great focal point as well. Imagine walking into a room and being drawn to a wall of shelving displaying your favorite treasures? Of course, shelving does have some great advantages. It allows for a place to display your items, store a multitude of things, or so many more functions. Home furnishings, like shelving are easy to find and install. It does not have to be something that causes panic. Many times we worry that the smallest project involving shelving will take us too much time or aggravation. In fact, shelving units have become much easier to install. They also come in all different types to allow you to find the best option for your area. Outdoor Ceiling Fans Complement the House Fans extending from the ceiling have been around for centuries and the modern ceiling fan as we know it today has been used since Victorian times. Savvy homeowners use the ceiling fan in every room imaginable. They like their looks as well as how comfortable they make them feel. Why keep all of this style cooped up inside? Take the ceiling fan outdoors to the patio for a focal point of a great outdoor room. Look at your patio furniture and the style of home before you purchase an outdoor ceiling fan. If you own a log home, you wouldn't want a futuristic black enamel ceiling fan or the contemporary pastel home in South Beach may not look good with dark oak fan blades. A Victorian mansion speaks of a matching outdoor ceiling fan that fits the period of the house. You get the idea, common sense and your decorating style will dictate which fan you go with. Lighting kits are available for these fans but I prefer your outdoor lighting to come from other sources. My husband and I think it feels much cozier when a glaring ceiling light isn't shining on us. There are great looking area lamps and sconces that will compliment your ceiling fan. Let a fan be a fan when it comes to the patio. Building a Garage Addition to Your Home One of the most rewarding home improvements I made to my house was to build a garage addition. For years I contemplated building a garage addition while I scraped the ice and snow from my cars and waited for them to warm up during the winter months. About 5 years ago I finally made the decision to build a garage onto my home. Bamboo Flooring Is Taking The Design World By Storm Are you looking for something different for your house? Maybe you do not want to be like all of your neighbors and you want to stand out from the crowd? Alternatively, perhaps you simply need a flooring option that will stand up to a lot of wear and tear and you like the natural look? Whatever your reasons are, bamboo flooring is a hot new trend in the interior design world and for good reason. The Versatile Reciprocating Saw: The Power Tool of Your Dreams A reciprocating saw is simply one of the handiest tools you can own. These tools are great for applications in the home or the jobsite. Milwaukee actually invented the first reciprocating saw and is still considered one of the best saws on the market. The Milwaukee Sawzall is the "Zerox" of reciprocating saws. Just go to your local hardware store and ask for a Sawzall, the salesman will know exactly what you need. These versatile tools are fabulous for cutting holes in drywall, plaster, metal pipes and through nails. Manhatten Paving-Asphalt Paving Seal Coats Why should you even consider sealing your asphalt driveway? The Art of Ice Dam Removal You may have noticed long icicles hanging from your gutters and not realize the significance of the damage that may be occurring behind them. Icicles are usually one of the first warning signs of possible ice dams on your roof. This article will explain what ice dams are, how they form and the best methods for removing them safely. Employ Passive Solar Energy and Start Saving Electricity Today 1. Orientation, layout and positioning of your house on the land Orientate your living areas to the south side of the house, which receives most of the sun throughout the day (north if you live in the southern hemisphere). Planning Permission Tips UK - Trees and How They Can Affect Development when Applying for Planning Like most folk, I believe that more can be achieved in life by open & transparent negotiation - laying ones cards on the table for a reciprocal arrangement & courtesy. Unfortunately, like most things in life, there will be times when one side will try & gain the advantage at the detriment of the other party using this method. Nothing is more relevant to this fact in Planning issues than TREES on or near a site that you want to develop or extend. There Is Always Something To Improve Or Innovate For Comfort In this fast moving world of the 21st century, we are always forced to do everything in a rush, even eating and sleeping. The normal words of today are "hurry", "rush", "fast", "quick" and "immediately." In comparison with 20 years ago, today we have to move or work as fast as possible to survive in a competitive environment with creative and innovative ways. Even though modern technology innovations were introduced decades ago, the new technology has not yet given us the opportunity to create new products to reduce the stress of people in everyday life. We are living under constant mental and physical stress, with more and more demands from our current society. What Are Light Fixtures Used For? Light fixtures are something not many of us think about. But, the way we light a room can cause us to feel a certain way or enhance what we want to accomplish in that room. There are many types of light fixtures for all areas of the home and even outdoor lighting fixtures for landscaping designs. Make Your House A Home When thinking about polished floors, cushions in place, an exquisite flower arrangement, crisp and folded napkins on the table, take time to think about comfort, family time and kids activities also when decorating or designing your house. A lively place full of warmth and chatter is what makes a 'House' a 'Home'. There are times when we overlook some important details to give that 'Designer Touch' to our houses. Household accidents, unhealthy personal conditions and lack of family activities are the result. Useful Home Products Will Help Your House Sale Profits Even if you've never been involved in the sale of house before and yours is about to go on the market, you probably know enough about the process to be able to repeat, like a litany: clean it; paint it; fix it. But do you find yourself asking: How clean does the house have to be and how do I tackle the job? Do I really have to paint? What are the best colors to choose? What do I need to repair? When considering these questions, it's good to remember that most prospective home buyers are an unimaginative lot. Your house may be immaculate but if the rooms are cluttered, crowded, and dark, they may appear to be less clean and much smaller than they really are. Picture this: an old, seven-piece mahogany dining room suite plus a rocking chair and seven boxes of books packed in anticipation of your move are wedged into a dark green room with a brown rug and a window covered by heavy velvet drapes. Why is this decorating scheme a mistake? It's because most people are unable to imagine how big and beautiful the room would look if painted off-white, everything removed but the dining room suite, a pastel tablecloth and a fresh flower centerpiece on the table, curtains stripped from the window, the rug removed, and everything spotlessly clean. In the words of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, you must "make it so"; otherwise, it might take you a very long time to sell your house and the offers to buy will not only be slower, but lower. Clean, Clean, Clean Your best friend when cleaning your house for resale will be tri-sodium phosphate (TSP) or its equivalent. TSP is one of the home products that top the list of must-haves, and it's not expensive. Roll up your sleeves, put on your rubber gloves and scrub your walls and ceilings, and anything else that needs your elbow grease. Unless you can afford professional cleaners, there's no way out of this one. Carpet cleaning is another must and there are home products for the do-it-yourselfer or you can hire a cleaning company to take care of this job. If you have shabby rugs scattered throughout the house, forget cleaning them; it's probably better to remove them altogether. There are home products to clean things that require special care ? ceramic tile, porcelain, stainless steel, wood cabinets, aluminum siding, etc., and you can find whatever you need at your neighborhood hardware store. Ask questions and read labels. When using commercial cleaning products, wear gloves and a mask. It's wise to be careful. Paint for a Pristine Finish As thorough as your cleaning job is, it won't have much impact on sagging, faded wallpaper, gouges in the walls, or cracked and peeling paint. Repainting is the solution, and interior painting jobs start with stripping off old wallpaper, attacking cracks and gouges with filler, and then getting to work with your roller and brush. This is also the time to do all the small repairs that need your attention: hammer in nails; repair the broken step; replace the broken glass. When selecting paint, the best colors for your walls and ceilings are white, off-white, cream, creamy off-white ? you get the picture. A light, cool, neutral color can fit into everyone's decorating scheme. (You want that young couple to see your home as the perfect setting for their red plush love seats.) If you have recently painted one or more rooms in quite dramatic colors, leave them as they are. As long as the walls and trim are clean and fresh, prospective buyers won't mind a bit of repainting if they want to change the colors ? the main thing is not to overwhelm them. If you need to paint the outside of your house, it's not necessary to restrict yourself to neutral colors for exterior paint; however, a bright color is not a good choice. Something fairly subdued is better, but be creative when painting the front door; a dramatic touch might be needed to make your house memorable. It's easy for a buyer to repaint a door if he or she doesn't share your love of Christmas red or purple passion. Remove the Clutter It's time to say goodbye to your high school chemistry notes, the clothes you outgrew five years ago, the playpen your twelve-year-old no longer needs, and everything else your family will never use again, read again, or wear again. Be tough! Do it! Take it to the dump; hold a garage sale; donate it to your favorite charity. Don't let it take up any more of your storage space ? you're going to need it all to store the things that are currently stacked on shelves and floors and cluttering up counter tops throughout the house. Important home products that can help you deal with this part of your preparation are closet organizers. They come in every size and style imaginable, and you are sure to find something suitable. When you have everything neatly stored in your closets and cupboards, walk through the house and pick up and put out of sight everything else on your counters and table tops that don't need to be there. "Clutter-free" means clutter-free and it won't kill anyone in the family to have to reach under the counter for the dishwashing detergent or the toothpaste for the next few days or weeks. You probably don't think of furniture as "clutter," but clutter is anything that unnecessarily crowds a room, a doorway, or a hall. If your home has very small rooms and you can manage without some furniture items for awhile, arrange to use a friend's garage or basement to store them. It will "open up" the rooms and make your house appear larger and brighter, and that's a good thing. Let There be Light Sunlight is a friend to the house seller, and you should try and let as much of it into the house as you can. Wash windows inside and out and wash or dryclean the window coverings: curtains, drapes, and blinds. Before showing the house to a prospective buyer, replace burned-out light bulbs, turn on the lights, open the windows, lift the blinds, and pull back the drapes. Final Touches Ask a non-smoking, non-pet-owning friend to come into your house when you have finished cleaning and painting. Are all the pet odors and smoking odors gone? If the house passes the sniff-test, place some potpourri in open dishes to add a fresh, clean scent; otherwise, get back to work. Finally, step outside and see what a prospective buyer's first impression of your yard is likely to be. Mow the lawn, trim the hedges and bushes, weed the garden, edge the flowerbeds, and sweep and clean the walkway, deck, or patio. Your yard is another selling feature of your house, and must be clean and tidy, too. Home products can help make your house appear big, bright, clean, and ready for a prospective buyer to move right in, which is exactly what you want. Planning Permission Tips UK - Is Todays Popular Quest For Contemporary Design The New Bad Taste Can you remember when people used to install slatted louvre windows as replacement units in their Victorian semis or the stone cladding revolution of the 1980's. What You Should Know About Laminate Flooring Laminate flooring imitates the aspect of traditional wood. Their biggest advantage is that they are very easy to install and very durable. Laminate flooring are suitable for many of your rooms: hallways, family spaces, bathrooms, kitchens. Also they are perfect for an active home. Building A Pair Of Heavy Duty Saw Horses Start out by measuring and cutting all your stock according to the cutting list and set it aside. Take the legs and mark out the tapers. The taper starts 20" up from the bottom. The leg tapers to 3-1/2" at the bottom. Repeat for all the legs and cut out. Making the Most of a Small Bathroom In bathroom terms at least, bigger doesn't have to be better ? It's all just a case of making the most of the modest proportions you're presented with! And what's more, designing a bathroom that's small on space usage but big on style and functionality should be a lot more fun. Deck Decorating On my blog, I once wrote about life on the Veranda - a favorite Southern, summer pastime. ![]() |
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