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Planning Permission Tips UK - How to Avoid Boundary Disputes when Extending or Redeveloping a Site
The quest for more living space these days means making more efficient use of the sites available space in which to extend or develop. This invariably means building right up to the properties boundary line in many cases. This can have major pitfalls if it is not presented or handled correctly & not just at the Planning Application stage either. You wouldn't believe the number of on-site boundary disputes that arise during construction and it is usually the poor old builder who gets caught right in the middle of the crossfire. Having been party to a few boundary disputes in my time there are a number of rules that I apply when extending or developing a property to ensure that the risk of a neighbour dispute is reduced or catered for when designing and building close to the properties boundary fence for example. RULE NO. 1:- Though shall not encroach over the boundary line. Sounds a simple one doesn't it but you would be amazed at the number of times a site owner seems to think that it's OK to follow the line of the original party wall for example in order to avoid a 'kick in' for the new works. Even if the neighbour gives their consent it still leaves room for a later dispute not to mention the tricky questions that can be asked when selling either property later on. Even though the main wall main not encroach, it is vital to ensure that the foundations or eaves projections do not overhang the adjoining neighbour. If pushed by the site owner I do agree to complete design works that overhang the boundary & this is easily covered during the Planning application process by serving the correct Notice and signing certificate 'B'. However, it is the during the build process that many verbal or written neighbour agreements fall apart so I ensure that that my advice not to encroach is recorded by the client in an acknowledged paper trail so that I can wash my hands of it later on - you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink. RULE NO. 2:- Though shall never assume that the fence is the correct boundary line. Most of the time, the fence or other demarcation dividing properties is the correct location. However, people have a habit of taking advantage or lying about such things. I had case once where a site owner re-aligned his fence by 300mm when his neighbour died. His view was that he was just making the boundary correct to a straight line as denoted on the deeds. Over the years as fences are renewed, removed for access, replaced with hedges etc., the demarcation does tend to wander often to a point where it is near impossible to re-identify the correct boundary line. If a neighbour has had the benefit of an extra 300mm for the last 15 years due to a removed or unmarked boundary line he sure isn't going to give it up just because his new neighbour wants to reestablish a straight line to some moth eaten piece of barely legible piece of paper. Another very common occurrence is when a rural site owner obtains an extra piece of land that is outside the residential curtilage and by encompassing with a new fence he seems to think that he now has a usable extended garden ripe for building in. Not only doesn't he have proper permission to use the land as a garden he could be asked to remove any building works when it is discovered (and most are). RULE NO. 3:- Though shall put the onus on the client to identify and agree boundary lines with the neighbour on site BEFORE he starts work on the project. This is the best piece of 'bottom shielding' you can have. Why should I take the rap for a neighbours venom or the clients demands 'to sort it out' due to his unwillingness to grasp the nettle. By clearly demonstrating that your have already exercised a high degree of 'duty care' with precise written advise on how they were to avoid boundary disputes with their neighbour, you can at least rest easy at night or charge a good fee for sorting out their mess. Seems a bit hard faced I know but if ever there was a re-occurring potential nightmare in residential development then this is it. It should remembered that previous case studies have shown that neighbours will go to war over two inches of land & donate thousands of pounds to solicitors fees in the process - guess who ends up really winning! These are 3 simple rules that will help provide your own development project with unhindered progress to a great conclusion. RULE NO.4:- Though shall inform the client of his duties under the Party Wall Act 1996. Generally speaking, if the building owner uses the Party Wall Agreement system which is usually administered by a specialist Party Wall Surveyor then this would encompass most of the other rules above. Having the client nursed through the Party Wall Act by someone else that knows what their doing is of great benefit to both the designer & building owner & very rarely leaves any problems in their wake. I wont explain here when & why the client needs to obtain Party Wall Agreements with his neighbour as the legislation is quite complicated but generally only applies when the building owner is excavating within 3 meters of a neighbours wall or party fence/wall or completing works that would affect a party wall or party fence. Our 'Maximum Build Planning Guide' explains further the tactics involved when extending or developing a property & what areas can be exploited for developing land or a site for residential use. How to give yourself the best chance of being granted an approval. Our 'Maximum Build Planning Guide' explains further the tactics involved when developing a site and how to give yourself the best chance of being granted an approval. http://www.planning-approval.co.uk
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How to Choose a Freezer for Home The average household freezer is a silent slave. It operates year in and year out, requiring nothing other than a constant supply of electricity. Eventually, though it may need to be replaced. Interconnects for Your Audio/Video System - Choosing The Proper Cables Research & Development I began designing audio and video interconnect cables in 1988. I was asked to develop custom interconnects for discriminating audio and videophiles, who wanted to see and hear the quality of their components and the source material without added personality from their interconnects. The cables I constructed were created to solve two specific problems in interconnect design. Prior to this point these problems had not been addressed in the ever-changing field of high-end audio/video. The first was the subtle size difference of the RCA connectors used in the manufacture of mid-fi and high-end components. The second was the inherent loss of information through long runs of cable. It was also important that the interconnects allow our clients the freedom to combine components regardless of the type of connectors utilized by the various manufacturers. The custom cables had to carry information without signal loss and not be limited to short runs. The custom cables had to be extremely flexible and durable to adapt for custom installations. Most importantly they had to maintain state of the art quality while remaining cost effective. End Connectors Each connector must tolerate the extreme heat generated by the melting of silver solder at the point of termination. The connector used should be chosen for its compatibility with the wire. Proper strain relief is also a crucial factor in interconnect design. It is important that the wire and connector have a seamless integration. Every pair should be matched and tested for continuity and fit. The connection should then be insulated with heatshrink, to protect against contamination and to create a more durable termination. In a quality interconnect, all of these processes are done by hand, one cable at a time. This combination of quality parts and craftsmanship is essential to the manufacture of a superior interconnect. Low Capacitance Research indicates that Low Capacitance is the most relevant aspect of design for Analog or Digital Audio and Video Interconnect Cables. Capacitance is determined by the number and thickness of the center conductors in relationship to the outside shield. The material and thickness of the dielectric insulation also determines capacitance. Low Capacitance custom cable provides the best imaging and sound staging in analog audio and digital audio as well as the most accurate contrast and definition in video. This is especially true where long cable runs are required. Over the years, speaker wire manufacturers have shown the importance of heavy gauge wire between the amplifier and the speakers to reduce resistance in the signal path. This notion of "The Heavier The Better" has erroneously been passed on to purchasers of interconnect cables for their components. When dealing with low millivolt signals from component to component, Low Capacitance (measured in picofarads) is the most relevant specification in cutting signal loss. It is not necessary for interconnect cables to be bulky and hard to use. In fact, Low Capacitance Interconnects are rarely heavy gauge and can be very flexible. Flexibility enables a cable to be angled to whatever configuration necessary, without affecting the integrity of the design. A cable should be selected for its purity, flexibility, durability, capacitance and individual specifications for its designated application. Planning Permission Tips UK - Permitted Development Allowances - Not the Golden Goose You Imagine There is a perception amongst most folk that every house is allowed a certain percentage of extension development without the need for formal Planning Permission. People seem to think that it applies to them even when they purchase an already extended property. Refinishing A Hardwood Floor Want to bring your hardwood floors back to their former beauty, but don't have the money? Then read on for some tips on how you can refinish the floor yourself. What to Know Before Signing a Home Improvement Contract It is important to be a very careful consumer when it comes to home improvement contractors. For instance, I had a case where my client, an elderly and blind woman, signed a contract and paid $30,000.00 to a home improvement company that disappeared with all of her money! Unfortunately, the company was a scam operation, my client lost her life's savings and it will take some time in court before my client may ever see her money again however, her mistake will be a lesson to all of you because this article explains how to protect yourself from home improvement fraud. If You Want to Bring Your Bathroom Up to Date, Consider Fitting a Shower Stall Modern shower stalls look sleek and stylish. If you have the space, adding a shower stall in addition to your bathtub can be a great way to improve your bathroom. As much as people enjoy relaxing in the tub, with the time pressures of everyday life if can be very convenient to just have a quick shower, without having to wait for the tub to fill up. It can be a real luxury to have the choice! Make Your House A Home When thinking about polished floors, cushions in place, an exquisite flower arrangement, crisp and folded napkins on the table, take time to think about comfort, family time and kids activities also when decorating or designing your house. A lively place full of warmth and chatter is what makes a 'House' a 'Home'. There are times when we overlook some important details to give that 'Designer Touch' to our houses. Household accidents, unhealthy personal conditions and lack of family activities are the result. Planning Your In-Wall Speaker System So you've finally decided to get your favorite music throughout your house. What's next? Where do you go from here? That depends upon your requirements and weather this will be an installation in an existing home or a music system in a new construction home. Remodel Your Kitchen or Bathroom For The Best ROI! Trying to decide which home improvement project to tackle next? To start you must decide if you are remodeling to improve an area of your home that is in need of some TLC or if you are remodeling to maximize your Return On Investment (ROI). If a specific area in your home needs TLC then your decision is straight forward. However, if all areas of your home are in decent shape and you are looking to maximize your investment in your home then your decision is a little easier. Home Fire Prevention Effectiveness 1 Are you aware that you can lose all your personal belongings in a single fire? ?5 Fast Ideas to Freshen the Look of your Room "Company's coming and my place doesn't look right?" How to Deal With Contractors Not everyone is aware of how to deal with contractors. Imagine that your Home Improvement Loan has been granted. What do you do next? Do you rush out and find the first available contractor and offer them your cash? Not a good move. 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If you decide to hire a contractor to perform the work for you, there are a lot of important questions you need to ask before you should allow them to work on your home. First, make sure the company your hiring has the experience and the right equipment to perform the job properly, using more than 1,000 PSI or less than 4gpm can cause damage to wood. In Maryland, your also required to have a Maryland Home Improvement License (MHIC) for sealing decks or any repairs and it must be listed in all advertising and vehicles. The Art of Ice Dam Removal You may have noticed long icicles hanging from your gutters and not realize the significance of the damage that may be occurring behind them. Icicles are usually one of the first warning signs of possible ice dams on your roof. This article will explain what ice dams are, how they form and the best methods for removing them safely. Choosing Window Frames There are three main types of material used to manufacture window frames. 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It's important to have a place for everything in your bathroom that is easily accessible to everyone. Bathroom vanity cabinets and storage provide home organization and reduce clutter. You never can have too much bathroom storage! How to Collect Physical Mold Growth Samples for Low-Cost Mold Laboratory Identification of Mold Spec How to Collect Physical Mold Growth Samples for Low-Cost Mold Laboratory Identification of Mold Species Get Your Home Ready To Sell Have you been considering selling your home in the near future? If you have, then it wouldn't be a bad idea to take a good long look at your home, using an unbiased eye. ![]() |
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