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Avoiding Pickpockets
Every year, thousands of senior citizens fall prey to the quick and clever tactics of pickpockets and thieves. What may take thieves a moment to "lift" from your pockets (passports, credit cards, and airline tickets) may take weeks to replace. It is difficult to recognize these changeling thieves sometimes the well dressed businessman standing next to you who just dropped some coins, at other times the "friendly" group of young children with newspapers approaching you in a city subway. A thief may be hard to recognize, but their time tested tactics are not. When traveling or in your home area you can prevent the majority of common thefts by arming themselves with the knowledge of typical scams, following some basic travel safety tips. THE TRIO: A typical three-person team of thieves includes the "stall" (who positions himself in front of you and draws your attention),the "dip" (who acts upon your moment of distraction to pick your pocket or purse), and a third person who receives your valuables and casually and quietly disappears into the crowd. Some rely upon your kindness by dropping something on the chance you'll help them pick it up, asking for directions, or even faking an accident that somehow seems to be your fault or beg for your involvement. Thieves put their faith in your good character to the extreme, as in the case of a tourist sitting on a Caribbean beach who went into the water to save a 'drowning swimmer' only to return to find his valuables stolen. Others "accidentally" bump into you and another "kind" person catches you from falling. In reality, you have just fallen into their trap. Pickpockets have been known to soil your clothes with toothpaste, ash, or ice cream. A second member of the team points out the spill to you, pointing skyward to the potential culprit and offers to help you clean up. This is the perfect set up for a theft, or even a mugging. In some third world countries, the "stall" approaches the traveler with arms outstretched, and a friendly smile on his face. While she embraces you, another thief strikes you on the back, creating enough distraction to lift your valuables. CHILDREN AS THIEVES: Schooling for thieves starts very early. A traveler was seated on a crowded bus in Rome on her way to the Vatican. She glanced down at her lap to find a tiny little hand reaching into her now unzipped fanny pack. The child could not have been more than 6 years old. Groups of children have been known to gang up on unsuspecting travelers as well. One common scenario is the newspaper trick. A group of children approach the unsuspecting tourist and ask for money or try to sell you knick knacks as they jab at you with newspapers or cardboard. The papers effectively block your view of little hands fast at work, opening pockets, slashing belts, and cleaning out your travel funds. If you do catch on, usually the shock of being robbed by children delays your reaction a moment more, making for a successful robbery. Familiarize yourself with the typical scams thieves use to rob travelers. By recognizing their time tested scenarios ahead of time, you will recognize situations to avoid, and keep your attention focused on your valuables, not on their intentional distractions. Find out where the bad parts of the city or countryside are by reading up on the country before you get there, and ask the hotel staff for more specific information once you arrive. Tourist offices and other areas promoting travel to a specific region may be inclined to play down any negative aspects of the area. Rely on newspapers, magazines, and official agencies to give you more unbiased information. Don't accept food or drinks from strangers. They may contain drugs that will knock you out, creating opportunity for a thorough robbery or worse. Marvin Badler is an executive level experienced security and investigative expert with proven diversified experiences in: managed operations, anti-terror, applied automation and technical information systems, administrative, staff development, and supervisory skills. Career spans more then thirty-five years in both the private and government sectors, with increasing levels of professional responsibility to the highest level. The first American to be commissioned by the Israel Government as Security Consultant/Security Chief for El Al Israel Airlines throughout the USA. mb@implexsecurityproducts.com
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Home Security After An Earthquake After an Earthquake you need to do an immediate damage assessment. First go turn off the gas if you smell anything, a leaky gas line could explode and take out your entire home and your cats nine lives. Look for cracks in the slab or any areas where the house carpet is lifted up. Then walk around the exterior of the house, what do you see? Do you see downed fences, retaining walls, support structures holding up the garage at weird angles or any areas where your house was knocked off its foundation? Look also for water pipes which have been broken, if so shut off the main water line coming into the house. If there is extensive damage then that means the other neighbors have also and the entire area. Home Security: Your Yard is the First Line of Defense You may not believe it but most burglars do not plan their break ins. They are crimes of opportunity. They pick what appears to be a simple target. If they see a greater risk than they anticipated, they move onto a safer target. Therefore the more effort you take to keep your home from seeming to be a simple target, the safer you will be. Is Big Brother Watching You? Or Are You Watching Big Brother? Isn't technology a wonderful thing? I thought this as I received the text to my mobile phone telling me that my home security camera had detected movement. Someone or something was where they shouldn't be at the rear of my house and I was 2000 miles away on vacation ? yet I still knew they were there. Fortunately the text wasn't followed up by another from one of the sensors on my windows telling me that someone was breaking in and it was urgent I did something about it. Handling a Hurricane; Part 2 - Preparing for and Surviving an Approaching Hurricane Part 1 of this article described some of the characteristics of hurricanes and the damage they can cause. In the days before high tech weather forecasting, well organized emergency services, and mandatory evacuation, major hurricanes resulted in hundreds, if not thousands of deaths. Alarm System: Smoke and Heat Detectors Smoke & Heat Detectors- Smoke detectors are available that will interface with your security system. The smoke detectors that are already in your home can't be tied into your security system. The device that the builder put in your home is either electrical, battery operated, or in some instances both, if you have the better quality detectors. Lifesaving smoke detectors should be in every home. If you elect to add some to your system, your existing detectors should be left in place, as they are still able to help give early warning in case of a fire. Organizing an Arson Watch Program A wide variety of participants are needed to launch a successful Neighborhood Arson Mobile Watch program. In this section, necessary participants are listed, along with a description of the kind of support needed from each. As many of you know, implementing a community-based project requires the interest, cooperation, and support from many people. But it all is definitely worthwhile! What is Your Security Awareness IQ? Are you aware of the need for security? Alarm System: Window Screens Alarm System Window Screens- Window screens are the ultimate perimeter device. The windows in your home look as if they have normal screens on them, however the actual screen mesh is an alarm circuit. The frame also has a contact point in it, so the screen can't be cut or removed without violating the system if it is armed. The window can be opened for ventilation and protected at the same time. Now that's a great perimeter device! Alarm Systems & Automobile Tires? What do alarm systems and automobile tires have in common? This may sound like a strange question to the untrained ear, but lend me yours and I will make sense of it. Alarm System Keypads The keypad is the device you and your loved ones will interface with daily. It is typically placed at one or more of the following locations: How to Use a Fire Extinguisher Millions of people everyday rely on fire extinguishers to put out minor fires which start in the home. Fire extinguishers contain a powder which is known to instantly put out a fire and prevent it from spreading any further. In 2004, fire extinguishers saved over 25 lives in the United States and prevented over 1,500 injuries. Fire departments all over the world encourage home owners to have at least one fire extinguisher in the home at all times. That said, studies show that approximately 80% of homeowners do have at least one in their home, but the question is do they know how to use it? Numbers That Can Save Your Life It's one of those things we don't give a second thought about. Many of us move into a house and never even change the number that's on the house. Why should you, it's the right number and that's all that matters. Well it may be the right number but can you see it at night or from the road? If there is an emergency and you have to call an ambulance, you certainly don't want them wasting valuable seconds looking for your home. Having a visible house number both day and night is critical. Protect Your Family From Solar Flares Protect your family from solar flares. Solar flares emit dangerous gamma radiation, which affects everything from gravity waves to the Earth's tectonic system. These solar flares are dangerous to human life. The Gamma Radiation is dangerous to the human bio system. Many severe solar flares can cause cancer and It heats up the atmosphere and can drastically change weather patterns too. We have had some serious solar flares in the last few years, which have affected our lives. Some say that Earthquakes are in part due to the disruption of the natural electromagnetic distribution of the Earth along with causing disruptions in gravity waves. Stand Alone Keyless Access - How Does It Work? Security and convenience are usually delicately balanced. If something is secure it isn't convenient and vice versa. It's convenient to leave your keys in the ignition, but it isn't secure. Keyless access products offer both aspects in an attractive package. Garage Door Openers--Buy the Best Gagage Door Opener only Buying the right garage door opener has not never been more simpler.Whether you want to buy one for residential use or the commercial use read the tips below and buy the garage door opener which ideally suits you . Six Common Criminal Types And How To Avoid Them "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" that saying is as true for crime, as it is for health. After taking literally thousands of reports over the years I spent as a police officer; I found that a lot of crimes that had happened could have been prevented. The easiest and most effective way of dealing with crime is not be a victim of it in the first place. This is easier said then done, and no matter how cautious you are you can still be a victim. Nothing will give you a 100% guarantee; however, there are things you can do to at least limit your odds of being a victim. But first; you have to know what you are preventing yourself from, in order to know how to prevent against it. This article will in general show you some of the common criminal types, and give some suggestions on how to avoid them. I have made up my own classifications for these people based upon my experience as a police officer. Turn Your Home Into A Fortress The best way to turn your home into a fortress is to carefully and strategically consider all your options. First you need to make a layout of your property and look at an aerial diagram of your home. Then you will need an aerial of the neighborhood, you can go to Google maps for this. Aerials pictures can provide you with possible escape routes of burglars. Drainage ditches, side roads, school playgrounds and wooded areas. You can also get an idea of every possible way the burglars might try to park a moving van without being seen or without being noticed. Often burglars look for areas where they can park a van or pick-up undetected for hours while they load up your prize possessions. Alarm Systems: Not Just For The Wealthy Anymore! Over the last 22 years that I have been involved in the security alarm industry, I have seen quite an evolution. Changes have not only taken place in what type of equipment is available, but also in how the consumer buys and use's the equipment. Fire Safety Tips Did you know that fire is the third leading cause of accidental deaths in the United States, yet most people ignore it. More than 150 workplace fires occur every day. So many of theses untimely deaths could have been prevented if they only had a plan. Handling Weather Emergencies: Part 1 - Forward Planning Makes The Difference Introduction ![]() |
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