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Launch Yourself Into Living
Memorial Day weekend, 2004, found my wife and I along with friends, relaxing in a nice camp setting in Hershey, Pennsylvania. We had a great time at the Hershey Factory Tour Experience, which included, among a dozen other attractions, an excellent 3D movie presentation which wasn't quite like a movie at all, but a true experience, complete with misters and blowers that would alternately sprinkle you with a fine spray of water or tickle your ankles with a subtle burst of air, in concert with events happening on screen. An exploding green blob or skittering spider-like creatures for example. There were occasions when a the sweet odor of chocolate would waft through the air as well. It was an enjoyable trip, and I certainly recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind waiting in line and being surrounded by not very subtle Hershey advertising on the way to see some great displays of combined art and technology in action. The cartoony, artsy look of the whole atmosphere is what I really enjoyed, it's a fun world of chocolate, that's for sure. Hershey Park, right next door to the Factory Experience, is not much different. You stand on line, surrounded by Hershey, Hershey, Hershey! And this time your waiting for the ride of your life. I got my butt kicked by a blazing, lightning bolt of a Stallion (or was it a Mustang?) on the newest roller coaster, Storm Runner. Talk about terror. Barely 25 seconds of pure adrenaline and practically involuntary bellowing. You have to get the excitement out somehow. While I was there at the park, enjoying the rides and the displays, I was thinking about my life back at home, and how much I would like it to be different, exciting and fun. It seems like I'm forever putting off living just to wait for the "big break". And lately I've begun to realize that in order to have a life, one must live. Seems like that would be an obvious thing for humans to comprehend, but I see it's not. Waiting equates to just existing, going through the motions. I want to live, without having to wait for a reason why, without someone telling me when. I want to dictate when and how I live. Now! In the song "Enemy Within" by Rush, Neil Peart writes: For you, is it movent or is it action Is it contact or just reaction and you, revolution, just resistance Is it living, or just existence Yeah you, it takes a little more persistence to get up and go the distance. I may have cited those words in another essay, but they speak volumes of truth and I can't help but include them here. You can never have too much of a good thing. Yeah, I want to live, not exist. I want to go the distance. Those words, like many others by Neil Peart, are inspiring to me and make me want to strive for a fuller, richer life, yet at times I still find myself wishing for a big break so I can live without having to worry about working all the time. Seems like we work more than we live nowadays, doesn't it? I want to conquer the enemy within who keeps telling me I'm not good enough. The enemy that steals my nerve and weakens my resolve. The trick is to recognize and acknowledge the existence of the enemy inside yourself, then you can begin to dismantle it, piece by piece, restrictive claw by restrictive claw. When I saw those big painted signs and creative displays, the colorful art and various smiling characters at Hershey, it gave me the urge to create things and bring more color into my life. Yes, they may be advertisements of a sort, but those smiling cartoons and chocolate faces made me happy and kept me entertained. We all need happiness and entertainment. Milton Hershey built quite an empire. Now I'd like to start building mine, however small it may end up to be. I will be happy, and live. I'm going to make my break, not wait. Like being launched to the top of an 18 story vertical climb on Storm Runner, I'm going to launch myself into a life of living! No more waiting. Care to join me? Drew Vics, an artist, writer & musician from New Jersey, writes for Myeyez.net, and for other websites online.
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You Reap What You Sow There is an old principle: You reap what you sow. In fact, it is about as natural of a principle as you can get. When you put an apple seed into the ground, you always get an apple tree. You reap what you sow. TIES that BIND I have no idea how it started or who launched it. Nevertheless years after all of the women in my family died (they were the initiators of all of our major family events and thingamajigs). After the demise of these women our family unit was left largely comprised of men). In recent years, I started paying attention to remarks that I'd heard growing up and today continually heard from other family members about how our family is considerably dissimilar or substantially distant from each other and how we were markedly contrasted from that of other families. As a young adult, I sold into that inconsistency and I eventually started to believe it. Now, from top to bottom I fervently want to know how this mis-perception spawned. I had to see for myself if this "assumption" holds water. How to Put the Sizzle Back in Your Relationship with These Seven Goal Setting Tools Goal Setting and Relationships? Spirits Language: How to Tell Whos Who in Your Inner Conversations Your Spirit is continuously beaming communications to you. As long as your mind is properly receptive to your Spirit, this vital communication is received. But if your mind is busy being distracted by its fascination with the world that serves the ego, or by the fear-based broadcasts of the lower self, the communications are not received-or the signals are fuzzy at best. Like a radio broadcast that takes place regardless of who is listening, your Spirit is constantly broadcasting to you, but you can only receive that broadcast if your radio is tuned to the right station and you are paying attention. Why Are We So Lost? The Journey Home Did you ever wonder how you ended up where you are in your life? Is life a culmination of a series of very carefully planned moves or a hodge podge of serendipitous events? Of course as we get to know ourselves better, our radar becomes more finely tuned. Our intuition develops and we become more secure with our inner knowing. We make better choices. Sometimes I think the journey would be easier if we had a map to guide us. Hope For Those Sexually Abused As Children PART 1: Warning - This article may be inappropriate for younger readers. Please seek the permission of a parent or guardian before reading further. A Pickup Line Direct Answers - Column for the week of November 11, 2002 More Than I Can Bare One of my long time best friends called me the other night with a horrible pain in her heart. She needed someone to talk to. Rumor had it her daughter might be suicidal and she was trapped on a business trip until the next evening. Her husband was home handling the situation, but she wasn't going to be okay until she could hold her daughter close. She needed to look deep into her daughter's eyes to get a 'read' on what was really going on inside her mind. Until she could really sit down and talk to her daughter, she could at least pick my brain as to what to do. We talked a bit about when we were seventeen, and I tried to commit suicide. Now, all these years later, what could I say to my friend or to her daughter to make it all better? An Unquenched Thirst Direct Answers - Column for the week of September 9, 2002 Improvisational Why are we trying so hard? It is like we are in a race to get somewhere and we don't even know where that is anymore. We have lost contact with spirit and the purpose we have given our lives and we are going around in circles chasing our tails. Energy Work Basics Part 3: The Power of High Intention At SPIRIT Connections, we believe that the most powerful tool we have when working with energy is our ability to set a high intention. We add the word "high" to intention since we are interested in intentions with a high vibration. Lewis And Clark Pay Attention As I write this Southern California has just ended its second week of triple digit temperatures. The intense heat changes the way we live and alters the rhythm of our days. We are up earlier to walk the dog while the park is still cool. We spend a lot of time indoors in the air conditioning. We've been eating better. We don't want to heat up the house with the stove ? so it's salads and chicken from the grill. And, as I don't want to head out in my black car two or three times a day, I find myself thinking more about what I need to do and combining trips and make lists. Problem Solving: The Easy Way To Solve Problems In Life Life is full of problems. Joy in Perseverance I will persist until I succeed. Always will I take another step. If that is of no avail I will take another, and yet another. In truth, one step at a time is not too difficult... I know that small attempts, repeated, will complete any undertaking. ~ Og Mandino Even the Smallest Sound You are probably in front of your computer screen at this very moment, reading every word I have written. Everyday is a Gift, Open and Enjoy It There is a bottle of perfume sitting on my dresser that I was given when I was ten years old! As you can tell I have pack rat tendencies! For me that pattern started as a young child. I could never bear to throw things away. There was more to it than not wanting to throw things away. I loved the feeling I had when I would receive something new, and would not want to spoil it by using it unless it was for something special. I would want to save it for a special occasion. A new dress would sit in the closet, until a special event to wear it. Perfume would sit on my dresser, not to be used for everyday, but for a special 'something'. This was a pattern in my life for many years. The Power of Gratitude When my older son was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, my first reaction was relief ? I finally knew the reason for his behavior. However, I was also overwhelmed with sadness, fear and anger. I felt sorry for my son and for myself. Like many others in similar circumstances, my question to God was "Why me?" Tim McGraw had it Right - Live Like You Are Dying! Chorus: An' he said: "I went ski diving, I went rocky mountain climbing, "I went two point seven seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu" "And I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter, "And I gave forgiveness I'd been denying." An he said: "Some day, I hope you get the chance, "To live like you were dyin'." Accept Every Invitation How often do you decline an invitation because you have something else you would rather do? Or you're not crazy about the person asking you to join? Or you're not interested in that type of event? Or you feel like doing nothing? ... Circles On The Water ? The Impact You Make On People?s Lives When you were a child, or maybe even when you were older, did you ever toss a pebble into the water and watch the ripples that emanated from the point where it broke the surface? Or watched the effect of raindrops falling on a body of water? I have done these things and have since found myself pondering on this process, and just how much it can be compared to our lives. ![]() |
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