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Believe In Yourself And Become a Winner: Lessons from Hollywood
Copyright 2004 Priya Shah A while ago I made it a point to watch the movie "Legally Blonde." Not just for the bright, chirpy and eminently watchable Reese Witherspoon, but also because I loved the message it sent out. If you didn't see the movie, all you need to know is that it's about a smart, fashion-conscious blonde who's told time and again, by her family and friends, that it'simpossible for someone like her to go to Harvard law school. That she's just not smart enough and doesn't have what it takes. In the movie, the character played by Witherspoon not only goes to Harvard law, but also through sheer determination and intuition, graduates at the top of her class. Its just the sort of movie people love. Because it makes us believe that we too are capable of achieving anything we want to. It reminds us how we often let ourselves, and others, underestimate our own potential. And how we undermine our own sense of self, because of what we look like or where we came from. But why just let it remain a movie, when it can be the story of your life... Have you ever asked yourself what it is that keeps you from reaching your full potential? From doing what you are inherently capable of? For many of us, it's a lack of belief in ourselves. A lack of confidence in our own ability to succeed. And because we believe we will fail, we usually do. But there are people who have succeeded beyond all expectation - no matter what they look like, or where they come from. One of my favourite role models who comes to mind is another Hollywood celebrity, Barbra Streisand. Indeed, one of my favourite films of all time is her movie, "Yentl," about a courageous, intelligent woman trying to fulfill her capabilities, in the face of overwhelming odds. "Yentl" was also the movie in which Streisand became the first woman ever to produce, direct, write and star in a major motion picture. Streisand carved her own path, and broke the mould. She showed how a woman with unconventional looks can make it in a field where beauty is more important than brains. So, if you believe that you are less than someone, because of your lack of education, looks, talent, background or ability, take courage from her achievements. They are an inspiration not only for women, but for everyone. Because all it take is a belief. The belief that you can do what it takes. Don't wait for someone else to give you an opportunity to prove yourself. Stop depending on others for handouts. Don't wait for the right opportunity to fall in your lap. Because it never will. All you need to carve your own path, is the confidence and the belief that you can succeed at anything you set out to do, no matter what the odds. So start today. Choose a mentor. Learn from the masters. Re-invent yourself. Create your own opportunities and forge your own future. Your belief in yourself, coupled with the courage to see it through, is what will carry you from a life of mediocrity and under-achievement, into a world where you can be the winner you aspire to be.
Priya Shah is the editor of the newsletters Be a Whiz at eBiz! and The Glutathione Report She shows you how to truly build multiple sources of income online with the Brilliant Team Home Business Opportunity
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It Only Takes a Spark - Pass It On Great inspiring people have influenced people in every area of life throughout centuries. Henry David Thoreau, the great 19th century transcendentalist writer, was influenced by the great Ralph Waldo Emerson. Thoreau was the impetus for Ghandi's and Martin Luther King Jr's civil disobedience, which ultimately changed the shape of the world for a better humanity. Socrates taught Plato who taught Aristotle, who collectively remain the greatest philosophical trio in history. We often stand on the shoulders of giants. And we can notice connections such as these throughout history--a lineage--a passing down of wisdom. Such is the case in the drumming world as well. It only takes a spark. And that spark can potentially inspire many to enter a new encouraging world, accompanied by enthusiasm, new hope, and excitement. In Tall Grass My best friend, Ryan, told me last night he got his girlfriend, Rebecca, pregnant. He is 22 and she is 20. He told me he was probably going to marry her "because that is what I should do." Let me give you a little background. The One Thing You Really Want There is one thing you want... What Inspires You? Have you ever thought? What inspires YOU? What is it that drives you day in and day out? What is it that inspires you? Anam Chara - Wishing Versus Wanting There is an old saying, which warns, "be careful for what you wish because you may get what you want." Does Your Childhood Hold You Back? Have you come to a point in your life and got stuck and unable to move on? Keep on Keeping on! Whenever we are working on our dreams we are going to run into some road blocks or obstacles. The important thing for us to remember is that these are only temporary set backs. We should treat each obstacle as a learning experience and make a mental note not to take that road again. As long as we keep this in mind we won't give up on our dreams. Something About Nothing Buddhists study nothing because they have found that you must know nothing before you can know or create anything. 5 Simple Tips For A Better Life How can we enjoy a better lifestyle? The Pursuit of Greatness On June 3rd, 1948, a blast rocked the Black Hills of South Dakota. Ten tons of stone were dislodged from the mountainside and tumbled to the earth below. Earlier that day, a man named Korczak had ascended the mountain and single-jacked four holes at 6,740 feet above sea level. Patience - The Antidote for Stress Why is it so difficult to hold steadfast to a commitment to the very thing we desire? I'm sure you've had the experience of challenging your client with something to do, or to be, in service of moving them closer to their heart's desire. As you reconvene again and again, you note that the client can't seem to stay committed to the steps that will realize their dreams. Certainly the age-old response is fear--but perhaps there is more going on. Inspiration From Other People - Is It Worth Listening To A Film Star? Yesterday, I listened to an interview with Michael York, the film star. I listened half-heartedly at first and then with fascination. By the end of the conversation I had discovered at least one inspiring truth i.e. It is well worth listening to other people without prejudging what they can teach you. Showing Your Appreciation - How To Make Others Feel Special "There are fine things which you mean to do someday, under what you think will be more favorable circumstances. But the only time that is surely yours is the present, hence this is the time to speak the word of appreciation and sympathy, to do the generous deed - to sacrifice self a little more for others." Grenville Kleiser Rightful Owner Direct Answers - Column for the week of January 20, 2003 Comfort and Achievement I'll share with you one of my deepest insights about achievement comfort and the desire to control even the slightest bump in the great ride we have come to call Life. A New Strategy Direct Answers - Column for the week of November 3, 2003 Make A Difference - Just Go Make A Difference! Three Words That Can Help Us Live Exceptional Lives Financial Freedom Blues Steps to Financial Freedom, roadmap to financial freedom, achieve financial freedom? Energy Work Basics Part 1: So What is Energy? Everything is made of energy. Atoms, molecules, light, sound and color have energy. Our bodies are made of energy. Thoughts, emotions, actions and environments have energy. $12 And 90 Minutes To Change Your Life Have you ever listened to self hypnosis tapes? Or listened repeatedly to certain music that carried a specific message? Or what about, have you attended weekly services within a specific religious venue? ![]() |
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