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Attitude Adjustment
"If you are pained by external things, it is not they that disturb you, but your own judgment of them. And it is in your power to wipe out that judgment now." ~ Marcus Aurelius "The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind." ~ William James The attitude that you adopt is a major factor in determining both the success and happiness you are able to attain. Since both your whole overall attitude toward life and your particular attitude in any given moment or circumstance is within your power to choose, your success and your happiness are, for the most part, a matter of choice?your choice. Most people refuse to accept that responsibility. Instead, they allow their attitude to be determined by whatever passing circumstance they encounter. It rains. Their attitude is damp and dreary. Their boss reprimands them. Their attitude is resentment. Their lover leaves. Their attitude is misery. They are victims of circumstance and condition. Powerless creatures. Reactors. The few who walk the path of self-mastery own their attitude. They choose how to feel in any circumstance or condition. As a result, they are more self-reliant, more successful and happier people. Enactors. Victors. They are also the ones who end up being creators of circumstance, leaders and contributors. The single most important attitude that you can adopt is the attitude of gratitude. Once you have made the choice to simply be grateful for what your life has to offer, all other necessary winning attitudes become easy to adopt. It is not necessary to be grateful to anyone or anything. Gratitude can be felt without it being directed toward any giver or cause. Grateful appreciation is the key that unlocks the doorways that lead to happiness and personal fulfillment. Obstacles in your path become opportunities to hone your skills and strengthen your will. Setbacks become opportunities to reassess and improve your approach; roadblocks, a chance to take a new road. Endings become beginnings. It is all a matter of attitude. Yours. Each of us has the option at each and every moment to choose what attitude we shall adopt. If we allow conditions or circumstances to determine how and what we feel and think-what attitude we hold, we are making the choice to be mere creatures, more, to be victims. As soon as we decide to take control of the attitudes we hold, no matter what the circumstances, events or conditions we encounter, we have made the choice to become victors. Opt for victory. Choose your attitude. Do it carefully and purposefully. Do it now. "People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them." ~ George Bernard Shaw "We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way." ~ Victor Frankl © Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide. Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at http://www.ProsperityParadigm.com or http://www.LeslieFieger.com. Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.
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Life Lessons I Learned from My Cat Even if you are not a cat person, bear with me, as this story goes far beyond cat mania. Our little tabby cat was frightened and highly-sensitive from the day we rescued her from the SPCA, two and a half years ago. No doubt being jailed there for four months messed her mind. As we came to learn "Shylo's" nature we renamed her "Shybaby." Sharing Your Experiences and Your Potential! Who dares to teach must never cease to learn. - John Cotton Dana Wisdom of the Worlds Proverbs You don't have to excavate diamond mines or oil fields to find one of the world's greatest treasures. All you need to do is look at the world's proverbs--the "people's wisdom." Legendary Spanish writer Miguel De Cervantes described proverbs as "short sentences drawn from long experiences," and Scottish Historian Thomas Carlyle once wrote, "There is often more spiritual force in a proverb than in whole philosophical systems." Reality Check Direct Answers - Column for the week of September 16, 2002 Anything That?s Worth Doing, Is Worth Doing Poorly Yes you got it. You read it correctly. We're not out of our minds. We really are saying that "anything that's worth doing is worth doing poorly". When we found this quote by Joachim DePosada on the web site: The Gary Halbert Letter, it struck such a huge cord. It made such immediate sense to us. The more we looked the more we realised that our lives were built around this quote. What about yours? A Plan Of Attack Direct Answers - Column for the week of October 28, 2002 Its Not My Job to Free Tibet I hate saying that. It feels so very wrong. It's not that I wouldn't like to help them. It's not that I am not appalled at what is happening over there. I have been wrestling with my guilty feelings lately. What have I done to make the world a better place? I started by taking inventory of the areas that I'd love to 'fix'. My to-do list looks like this: The Power of Courtesy and Kindness I'm currently listening to The Secrets of the Power of Intention audio program by Dr. Wayne Dyer. I highly recommend the program. In the program, he speaks a lot about the importance of kindness. When you consistently have thoughts of kindness, you have a clear connection to the way things work well in the world. Good things start to happen to you automatically. Even the chemistry of your body changes to create emotions that make you feel good (endorphins). You begin to attract allies who will go out of their way to help you without being asked. Does Introspection Assist in Self Progression? Why would we need to examine our lives? What benefit does it yield? Isn't it just rehashing the past? Everybody is Somebody I wrote about my life and all that I have had to go through. I also ended that story with a little bit about how my life has since changed, but I want to take it further. I want you to see me how I was then and how I am now. Am I changed much? Yes, I am no longer the person who went through all those things. Go Between Direct Answers - Column for the week of June 16, 2003 Two Choices That can Make Next Year The Best Year of Your Life What if there were just two choices you could make to insure that next year would be wonderful? There actually are, and these choices are quite simple in concept, yet not easy to do. They are not things you do on the outside, such as exercising your body (which is always a good thing to do!) but ways of thinking and being on the inside. These have to do with your attitude and your intent. Vistas The other day I found myself frustrated with the slow progress on my new project. Other people involved, subcontractors, just 'weren't getting it'. Why couldn't they just see what needed to be done and do it? Why was everything taking so long? Life Is Worthwhile If You (Excerpted from the Jim Rohn Two Day Weekend event - June 22 and 23, 2001) A Bit Of Turbulence Direct Answers - Column for the week of July 1, 2002 A Word Fitly Spoken ~ Acceptance A WORD FITLY SPOKEN Super Powers It is fun to watch movies of those with super powers. It sparks the imagination to watch their feats of great strength, lightening speed and great leaping ability. We can escape for a while from our dull routines, perplexing problems, and humiliating weaknesses. It seems that they have every ability that we don't. Thoughts on Loving Loving. It seems like such a simple concept. But those who have mastered the act of loving are close to non existent. I'm not so much talking about the love between a husband and a wife, a father and a son, or the love between two friends?I'm talking about love in a more general sense. The love that isn't concerned with what it will get in return, for there can be no expectations with this type of love. I'm talking about the love of mankind, the love of people?merely because they are God's, and they deserve to be acknowledged in such a way. The love that I believe Jesus possessed as he walked from town to town, meeting strangers, touching lepers, noticing the unnoticed. Anam Cara - Finding a Song for the Heart All this week I have been singing. False Start Direct Answers - Column for the week of July 7, 2003. ![]() |
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