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The Final Frontier
When all that you have done has not brought you what you truly desire, isn't it about time to move out of the box ask questions and make changes? What would you think if you went to your doctor and he hit you over the head with a rubber hammer to knock you out before some minor surgery? Does the horse and buggy now serve you to take you to work each day? Would you settle for going down town to the telegraph office, to have a message sent to your aunt across the country? Could you possibly get along without your cel phone, fax machine or microwave oven? The answer is "of course not." We have evolved and our world is moving much too quickly to rely on out dated technology to serve us. At some point in our lives we look at our situation and re-evaluate what works and does not work for us. Our old Commodore 286 computer could not handle today's demands for speed and reliability and we would consider it insanity for any company to rely on this technology. Our truth is as fluid as the water that covers the planet, and it changes everyday as we re-evaluate and recreate the circumstances of our lives. Mankind has learned to adapt to the changing circumstances and how react to them. Most of the time we can plainly see what works and does not work in our lives, and yet there is one area where we are plainly stuck in the box, where we consciously ignore the obvious and put blind faith into something that has never worked. We are so highly motivated by fear in this area of consciousness that we most often turn our thoughts away from it, and hope that it will all work itself out in the end. From the time we were born we assumed our parent's morality, ethics and believe systems. After years of trying to get our own way, we gave into what we thought our parents, our siblings, our community and religion wanted from us, or we were in conflict with them. Many of us who were brought up in the churches caved into their doctrine. We once again ignored the obvious, and the early training at home left us with little resistance for the religious leaders that would teach us to follow blindly, with little to show but promises of something greater to come in the future, and eternal damnation if we did not comply. We did not understand why the promise of peace on earth and abundance was not happening in our lives, why praying didn't get us what we wanted and were we wanted to go. Yet we could not reject or question the doctrine and even in as much as we intuitively knew that we were been giving a line of BS, we wouldn't dare call it that, just in case there might really be some truth to it, in case we would be punished. So great is the fear that we have blinded ourselves to the obvious fact that what they taught us did not bring what they promised. We have grown up, we have evolved and we have moved on. However we still carry the burden of outdated, archaic belief systems that are holding us back. Old values are just that, they are old and do not work in a modern society. God (creator) is life; life and God are two words that are interchangeable. Life moves on and is constantly changing. Now substitute the word life for God in the last sentence and see how that works. Everything in the system is moving except for our thoughts about what we were taught to believe. We know it doesn't work, still we push those thoughts away less we be damned for even thinking them. Blind faith has never worked; it just allows you to give into the status quo and move around the questions gracefully and remain relatively safe. In order for spirituality to work in this century and the next, we must change our thoughts about what we have been taught in the past. We must question what we observe that does not work and make modifications and changes that better reflect our new awareness and enlightenment. Life (God) changes and so must we. We must embrace a new concept of whom and what the creator is. We must give way to the fact that God is not a vengeful, warring, angry, vindictive God. We must give way to the fact that everything is God, life is God, we are God manifesting in physical form and we are all connected. We must know that God does not punish and hand out everlasting damnation; it is OK to question and change our belief systems. We will not go to hell or heaven; those are only manmade concepts of the afterlife. We do not have to be parented and we are absolutely free to explore our own individual spirituality without retribution from God. That which created us is that which we know as unconditional love, freedom and life, always changing always moving towards perfection. That which has served us before no longer does (if it ever did?), and by the very nature of what God is, we must change our image of him/her. God is not an anthropomorphic being with physical emotion, and as we are created in his/her image so God must change as we change our image because we are the same. Man has evolved, has changed but he has left his spiritual awareness at the back door. In order to move to the next step, humanity must once again know itself as spiritual. You can not find God because you already are God. God is the sum of all of its parts. It is life, freedom, choice and unconditional love, it is who we are, and it is our inheritance, God is all around you, everything is God including you. It is the life force that creates all that is. Life creates only life, it does not judge and it has no preferences or needs; its only will is to create more life. Mankind created itself in this form because this is how it saw itself in the physical world. There are no rules except for natural laws that govern physicality. All physical laws are man's laws. Man cannot project his laws onto God or into the afterlife; they are valid only in the physical world. God's laws or commandments are interpretations of what man thought God wanted and there is nothing that God wants as God is all that is and therefore has no wants. God's laws were a convenience for humanity because it took away the responsibility for man to govern himself, they do not exist. The real power and responsibility for these laws was always with man. The final frontier will be to explore that which is already known but has been forgotten, that which is in each and everyone of us individually and together, forever connected, separate but never apart. We cannot move forward until we leave the old image of God behind, we cannot evolve spiritually until we know that that the anthropomorphic God no longer exists. The next step is not into outer space but inner space. The final frontier does not take a space ship to get there, it is all about communication and making time to travel inward and it is also the recognition that we are all connected, there is only one God, one life force and we are that which we call God. Man is here to serve no God, but to service life itself. Roy E. Klienwachter is a resident of British Columbia, Canada. A student of NLP, ordained minister, New Age Light Worker and Teacher. Roy has written and published five books on New Age wisdom. Roy's books are thought provoking and designed to empower you to take responsibility for your life and what you create. His books and articles are written in the simplicity and eloquence of Zen wisdom. You may not always agree with what he has to say. You will always come away with a new perspective and your thinking will never be the same. Roy's style is honest and comes straight from the heart without all the metaphorical mumble jumble and BS. Visit Roy at: http://www.klienwachter.com
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Leaving The Child Behind. Recovery From Child Abuse I looked at my father for the last time before he was finally laid to rest. And I said to myself, "I forgive you father". Change Those of you, who can fathom yourselves welcoming and enjoying a big, major change in your life right now, raise your hands! When I say, change, it might be a good change and it might be a bad change. Either way, we all don't know what that change is going to be like, what aspect of our lives is going to change and we might not even be happy with it. A Teller Of Tales Direct Answers - Column for the week of June 10, 2002 Motivational Posters - A Source Of Inspiration? What Inspires You? What motivates you to get up in the morning? Are you one of those people who have a burning desire to achieve something or are you drifting along doing your daily routine? This is something you may not have put much attention on or even any at all but, if you look closely, you may find that there may have been one or more people who have inspired you in your life. Never Jump to Conclusions Human mind which is well known as a fluctuating prodigy presumes itself to be a great judge. It is so natural for the mind to judge anything that appears to it especially so in the case of other human beings. It doesn't give little time to itself to start thinking about any person. It jumps to conclusions in no time. Is such thinking called proactive intelligence or lack of wisdom? Beyond the River: Kabbalahs Guidance for Our Times "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move ourselves in the opposite direction." Struggling With Addictions What kind of bad habits do you struggle with? Most people think that when they come to Christ that their bad habits will magically disappear. And some church people act like if you have any bad habits in your life that you must not truly be saved, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Christians or not, we are all people, and people make mistakes. People have bad habits. Time to Change the World! Here's something you can do each day that will REALLY make a difference to provide: The Power of Inner SELF I am sharing one of the great insights.The fear that we have about venturing into anything new is our past memories and darkness. There is a way out to walk in the darkness. It's to seek active guidance from within and trust deeply that we are guided from within. The intensity and accuracy of the guidance dependence on our contact with inner teacher/leader/light. In fact the fear is nothing but fear of being alone. Some day, we deeply and experientially understand that we are not alone but intimately and moment to moment guided by the inner teacher. Seek to be guided and your trust will never be faltered, you got to remove the thought that you are alone. Your True Talent Will Set You Free When you get home from work, do you feel enriched, fulfilled and empowered? Or does it seem like you just finished an uphill battle on a treadmill? Imagine being paid to do what you love. You could return home feeling as though time stood still. Being "in the zone" virtually all day. Coming home invigorated knowing you consistently live a natural high. Just One Person We All Need I understand that all the self made people of this world, be it: I Am? ?you are, he is, she is, they are? But you knew that already, didn't you? Or have you really stopped to think about it recently ? or ever for that matter? Change Your Landscape by Seeing with New Eyes A Story (Source Unknown) ? One day a very wealthy father took his son on a trip to the country for the sole purpose of showing his son how it was to be poor. They spent a few days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family. Upon return from their trip, the father asked his son how he liked the trip. "It was great, Dad," the son replied. "Did you see how poor people can be?" the father asked. "Oh, yeah," said the son. "So what did you learn from the trip?" continued the father. The son answered, "I saw that we have one dog and they had four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and they have a creek that has no end. We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars at night. Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon. We have a small piece of land to leave on and they have fields that go beyond our sight. We have servants who serve us, but they serve others. We buy our food, but they grow theirs. We have walls around our property to protect us, they have friends to protect them." The boy's father was speechless. Then the son added this last remark: "It showed me how poor we truly are." Arranging Stepping-Stones The greatest achievements were obtained by those who took one step after the next. They resolved to succeed, and moved little by little toward a worthwhile goal. How To Have An Effortless Life Isn't that an appealing title? How to Have an Effortless Life! Well guess what? The only time your life will be effortless is when you're buried six feet under. How I Get Joy as a Value *In the last couple of months, I have been fortunate to be able to share the troubles of others. Why fortunate? I believe that the ability to be very close to the pain and fears of others has allowed me to realize how utterly fantastic my life is. The Seasons Of Life, Part 5 of 5 This week is Part Five of our five part series on The Seasons of Life. A Plausible Defense Direct Answers - Column for the week of August 5, 2002 Nine Things More Important than Capital When starting any enterprise or business, whether it is full-time or part-time, we all know the value of having plenty of capital (money). But I bet we both know or at least have heard of people who started with no capital who went on to make fortunes. How? You may ask. The Art of Selfishness Mature selfishness is the cornerstone of effectively living with passion and purpose. A commitment to self- interest is practical and efficient since you are better able to meet your needs than hope that someone else does. It is the basis for the laws of natural selection and "survival of the fittest." Unfortunately, society has given mature selfishness a bad name. ![]() |
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