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Your World Your Way - Trusting Yourself In Business
"It doesn't interest me who you are, or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the centre of the fire with me and not shrink back." Oriah Mountain Dreamer You cannot have peace of mind or have a healthy business if you don't trust yourself. Trusting yourself is having a true sense of who you are, clarity about what you want and the presence of mind to honour yourself. At times the pressure from being in business and just living itself, can cause you to make decisions you can't really stand over. Not trusting yourself enough can leave you out on a limb because you've compromised yourself. Say you're negotiating a big contract? Don't you need to be rock steady to make the best deal for you? Not trusting yourself is not unusual; self-trust is something we build up over our lifetime, through our experiences and by consciously working towards it. Why is self-trust so vital? When we don't trust ourselves enough, we lack a core reference point from which to operate. We may lose our sense of ourselves and ebb and flow according to other's agendas. A small example of this is, once I agreed to accept payment from a client by cheque versus by standing order. I got burned by not being paid on time, month after month. When all is said and done I exposed myself unnecessarily. Ultimately no one was served. We need self-trust most when we are in situations where we are unsure. We may be in the company of people who are more influential than we are, or we may be under pressure because we need something. For some reason or other, we're off-centre. If we only knew it, these are the times when it's really critical for our business and our peace of mind that we trust ourselves. In my opinion, if you're not aware of what you're doing, or not able to stop yourself even when you know you should, you cannot trust yourself. You are not in control. Whatever is on your mind is in control, not you. Trusting yourself gives you a rock-solid foundation, which guarantees that decisions you make are beneficial. How Do I Gain More Self Trust? In any situation or circumstance. For instance take the client who paid by cheque. On reflection, how could I have avoided putting myself in that situation? If I were trusting myself, I would have Five Ways To Keep Yourself In Check: These are five tactics you can use to make sure you can trust yourself, even when the tendency is not to. You need to build self-awareness, which is all about becoming an observer of yourself and watching how you respond in different situations and environments. Once you are conscious of your own danger zones, you can set up ways to change what you're doing, to get the result you want. How Do I Identify My Danger Zones? Take time to reflect on experiences you've had where you didn't trust yourself enough and ended up with problems. Check what was on your mind at the time. There are always warning signs, (gut responses) or intuitive messages you got. You probably ignored them at the time. Usually we only truly acknowledge them with hindsight. Another way is to observe yourself in current situations and see how you operate. You'll soon recognise your pitfalls. Then you can change your responses and build more self-trust. It looks like you need to have presence of mind to be able to trust yourself. Yes and this is where white space comes in. We need to stop and take time out just to be with ourselves. What is White Space? It's:
You need to commit to it and also to shift your perception. You are not being self-indulgent. You are being responsible and empowering yourself to have choice and freedom. How do I use White Space? The decision on how you use it should come in the first moment you are in it. If you are unsure, just sit and be present and see what comes up. You will learn to be more spontaneous. It's a bit like clearing clutter. Until you clear it, it's hard to see what you have currently and what you can eventually have. Remember: To trust yourself, you've got to know yourself well. Knowing yourself means you are aware, you understand, you are conscious of what's going on around you and how you are responding to it. It means you know what you want in any given situation. You learn to read signals and adjust your responses as necessary. When you slow down and take time and space to build awareness, you will notice that you are:
About The Author Ann Kelly is a Personal and Business coach, with an established global reach. Her speciality is helping those who've sold their souls to their business or organisation and want a refund. Ann's unique style has had a significant positive, impact upon many lives and businesses. Check out success stories and visit her website, at http://www.yourworldyourway.com. To arrange a complimentary 30 minute session please call Ann at +353-21-4354725 or email ann@yourworldyourway.com
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Life After Death: The Story of the Green Donkey This is the true story of what Deepak Chopra would call a "Whopper". It is a story so touched with the hand of God it seems almost impossible to believe, and yet, there can be NO doubt for those of us who are believers that this really happened! A New Strategy Direct Answers - Column for the week of November 3, 2003 Tim McGraw had it Right - Live Like You Are Dying! Chorus: An' he said: "I went ski diving, I went rocky mountain climbing, "I went two point seven seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu" "And I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter, "And I gave forgiveness I'd been denying." An he said: "Some day, I hope you get the chance, "To live like you were dyin'." Adversity, What Is It Good For? As I sat down to write this article, I was reflecting back over the last week ? a week filled with adversity. We all go through it and it is during those times that we may often wonder what is it all for anyway? What is the point? What is it good for? Giving Life Meaning Have you thought about what you want people to say about you after you're gone? Can you hear the voices saying, "He was a great man." Or "She really will be missed." What else do they say? Smile! Banish Your Fear Changing our physiology is one of the best ways to change the way we think and feel. Smiling (and I don't mean just a little smile - a big grin will do!) has the ability to change how we feel in an instant. Laughter too, is one of the best ways to heal our mind and body, hence the proliferation of laughter classes all around the world. Finding Hope In Trying Times Growing up, as a child of the 60's, peace, love and harmony were the words being chanted by the hippies, flower children and all who questioned authority and were against the Vietnam War. I remember thinking how I couldn't wait to grow up. I knew in my young mind it was only a matter of time before these youthful rebels would age and mature and eventually be able to take their place in the world of politics and public opinion. With it, they would be able to change all the things they saw wrong with the "establishment" from a place of power and influence and not from the streets. Faux Feelings Direct Answers - Column for the week of November 10, 2003 The Monkey With The Wooden Apples There once was a happy monkey wandering the jungle, eating delicious fruit when hungry, and resting when tired. One day he came upon a house, where he saw a bowl of the most beautiful apples. He took one in each hand and ran back into the forest. Flashh! I Thought I Saw A Puddy Cat! Have you ever had one of those flashes of inspiration? Have you ever just had one of those "knowings" down in the pit of your stomach? No, I don't mean after a big bowl of beans. That's not what I'm talking about. Ever had something flash across your mind and looked like a puddy cat? Read on and discover what it was. Listening to Your Inner Voice May Save Your Life "I was washing my breakfast dishes one morning when it occurred to me to go visit a friend who lived several miles away. I did my work and started to dress for my journey, when there came over me such a feeling of depression, or despondency, or gloom, that I could not understand. I kept on getting ready, all the time trying to reason away the feeling. But it would not go. Finally, I got my hat on and one glove and started for the door, when such a heaviness came over me that I turned back into my room and sat down saying, 'God, I want to know what the meaning is of all this?' The answer came loud, strong, and firm, 'Stay at home.' I stayed, and taking off my hat, gloves and cape I felt so light I seemed to walk on air. At the time I supposed the voice (I call it voice for want of a more definite term) had told me to stay at home because someone was coming to me for help. This was my first year as a teacher and healer. But not a soul came that day, nor that night, and the thought flitted through my mind that perhaps it was all nonsense after all and I might as well have gone. How To Deal With Shyness Although shyness can be overcome, there is a fair chance that certain aspects of your shyness will remain a part of you for life. This is not something to worry about for there are many ways to deal with shyness. Here are a few tips to keep in mind: Why Anyone Can Be Prosperous In nature, when the season is right, all things flourish and overflow with abundance. Self Acceptance ? Lessons From My Hair Affair For our diet and, indeed, in every aspect of our lives, we must remember to relax from the demands of the unrealistic ideal. For those trying to lose weight, you cannot be the Barbie. For those lifting weights, you cannot be the Governor of California. Accepting this principle first, can give you the peace of mind to love what you do have, lower frustration, and actually make weight loss easier in the long run! An Unquenched Thirst Direct Answers - Column for the week of September 9, 2002 5 Things That Americans Can Do To Remember Reviving, Surviving and Thriving in the Wake of Sept 11 For those people who lost friends and loved ones in the September 11th World Trade Center attacks, the anniversary will re-open the wounds and renew the pain of great loss. For the rest of us, it is a painful reminder of our vulnerability. The anniversary renews our grief for the loss of security and innocence we enjoyed in peaceful times. How do we experience the anniversary of our greatest national disaster in a positive way? Talk about it with others. How far have we come? What have we learned? How are we feeling? as a country, and as individuals? Honor those we knew and loved who lost their lives. Write about them, look at the pictures again, and talk about them. Keep their memories alive openly. Be with your supporters, at home and away. Reconnect with the positive people in your life. Sharing with others always makes the burden lighter. Take care of yourself, physically and emotionally. Do physical exercise? breath deeply and live fully. Do something you always wanted to do. Take a long walk. Turn your most negative experience to a positive, by giving to others. It is through giving that you will receive so much more in return. By helping others, anger and pain are transformed into power; the power to make our world better in the wake of crisis. Cheryl Perlitz ~ 2004 All Rights Reserved Live After 40 "For man, as a specie, and unlike other inhabitants of the globe, does not just ravage mindlessly the planet of its bounties in order to survive. He endeavours to leave behind legacies of the application of his mind." -Rasheed A. Gbadamosi ?Back to CYA on a Mission? Six former wards came back to the California Youth Authority (CYA) earlier this month. This time they volunteered to return. They were on a mission to deliver a message to the wards at N.A. Chaderjian Youth Correctional Facility, which houses California's most violent youth offenders ages 18-24. The diverse panel of ex-convicts purposefully stepped through the fences of Chaderjian as law-abiding citizens. They each wore visitor's passes clipped on their shirts and security alarms attached to their belts for their safety in the event that a riot "kicked off". No More Frustration: The Thorns of Opportunity - Part I The Thorns of Opportunity... Letting Go Of Perfection "The power of discovery enables us to achieve excellence without having to be "perfect.'" ![]() |
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